Thursday, March 27, 2014

Support The Arts… Our Arts… Traditional Indian Arts - Save Indian Arts - Stop Watching TV and Films - Moral Volcano

Support The Arts… Our Arts… Traditional Indian Arts - Save Indian Arts - Stop Watching TV and Films - Moral Volcano

Goldman Sachs has agreed to advise the Ukraine government for free, according to Bloomberg. place MAIDEN,BHL,GOLDMAN SACHS, FMI, FIN de ukraine, voila la tactique goldman et des employeur,s de la democratie inexistant..."Mario DRAGUI" = Goldman sachs...

The bank, "which hasn’t arranged a debt or equity sale in Ukraine since at least 1999... will advise the administration of Prime Minister Mykola Azarov on managing its investments, state debt and 'other issues of financial-policy implementation.'"

American Foreign Policy For Dummies - Freedom™ kills more people than cancer. - Moral Volcano

American Foreign Policy For Dummies - Freedom™ kills more people than cancer. - Moral Volcano

Goldman Sachs has agreed to advise the Ukraine government for free, according to Bloomberg. place MAIDEN,BHL,GOLDMAN SACHS, FMI, FIN de ukraine, voila la tactique goldman et des employeur,s de la democratie inexistant..."Mario DRAGUI" = Goldman sachs...

The bank, "which hasn’t arranged a debt or equity sale in Ukraine since at least 1999... will advise the administration of Prime Minister Mykola Azarov on managing its investments, state debt and 'other issues of financial-policy implementation.'"

American Foreign Policy For Dummies - Freedom™ kills more people than cancer. - Moral Volcano

American Foreign Policy For Dummies - Freedom™ kills more people than cancer. - Moral Volcano

Goldman Sachs has agreed to advise the Ukraine government for free, according to Bloomberg. place MAIDEN,BHL,GOLDMAN SACHS, FMI, FIN de ukraine, voila la tactique goldman et des employeur,s de la democratie inexistant..."Mario DRAGUI" = Goldman sachs...

The bank, "which hasn’t arranged a debt or equity sale in Ukraine since at least 1999... will advise the administration of Prime Minister Mykola Azarov on managing its investments, state debt and 'other issues of financial-policy implementation.'"

» BHL se fait l’avocat de Goldman Sachs au Danemark

» BHL se fait l’avocat de Goldman Sachs au Danemark

Goldman Sachs has agreed to advise the Ukraine government for free, according to Bloomberg. place MAIDEN,BHL,GOLDMAN SACHS, FMI, FIN de ukraine, voila la tactique goldman et des employeur,s de la democratie inexistant..."Mario DRAGUI" = Goldman sachs...

The bank, "which hasn’t arranged a debt or equity sale in Ukraine since at least 1999... will advise the administration of Prime Minister Mykola Azarov on managing its investments, state debt and 'other issues of financial-policy implementation.'"

March 26 2014 Breaking News Russia Putin backs Sisi to be president of E...

this was done when SISI visited PUTIN; so it does not means he backs him Mccain style it means he is on his side when he wins the elections if he does! remember Putin is not Obama or McCain, so his moves are often calculated! however Al Jazeera has a note!
check the dates of the interview not because of your info but because what is fact. the reason is facts go hand in hand with reality to avoid another IRAQ, blunder of weapons of mass deception; call CNN brainwashington news.....

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Anti-Semitism: Why Does It Exist? And Why Does it Persist? « artslogic

Anti-Semitism: Why Does It Exist? And Why Does it Persist? « artslogic

 To me is more a frustration of  the jews in general, reason why zionism actually became to that conclusion, in the 18 century;   jews in fact did not had this royalties and nobles that europe did create, from Brennus to william the conqueror, they do not have this sense of nobility taste class and refinement. historically is the middle ages they despise, as well european kings accepted them (jews) and the money-lenders and the church somehow created inner conflicts, we must understand that jews and christian are in fact religions coming from israel and the middle east, not northern europe.  reason why they were expelled from most europeans cities, was because of this mixture christian jews relationship, a bond that keep them in constant disagreement between the christian church and their own jewish church. The middle east is mostly dry land sand is everywhere and it does not have the beauty of the european landscape, as well, racially they were different, more middle eastern ethnicity. the french revolution gave them this chance to overcome this hindrance, they were the ones that benefited most from the french revolution as from napoleon's conquest and defeat. this behaviour by jews and their elites accentuated this division christians and non christians which became their tool of divide to conquer methods of conquering. and here we got many jews, as rothschilds, and others that became barons and somehow thought of themselves as "we are now part of the nobility" unfortunately that nobility of the ancient europe, does not come with a giving title, neither the ancient wisdom. Israel became the land of this liberated jews, and their rank can only be economical, reason why the method they had was economics, as science and nobility, and ethics  was not their natural trade. becoming skillful on this matters after the 18 century, american and french revolution, they gradually replaced nobility of spirit by a pseudo ranking of purchasing power, it is call capitalism, the difference between rich and poor. using the tools of wealth to distinguish one and the other so today you got banks, banksters; busyness, hollywood, arms dealers and capitalism as well you got communism, both born of the same lineage of discontent. So jews in fact envy what you can call the green pastures of europe its, ancient  royalty its myths and its ancient religions its gods and its spiritual beauty. sense for them to obtain such a gift is unattainable, they have replaced by $,£, gold and silver, however they remain what they are regardless of their wealth, and the nobility that they hope to obtain in fact becomes unobtainable, as the understanding of what that nobility is has never being grasp by jews., because of the logic, the reasoning and the geometry of their reasoning, not because they are inferior or different.
alfredo bremont..

François Asselineau sur l'Ukraine : "C'est bien le moment pour parler de...

la fin de l’indépendance de france est proche a ce réaliser, washington acheté la france et Goldman sachs devient le ministère de l'économie, (Mario dragi et a Bruxelles)  plus besoin des élections ni municipales,ni presidentielles, rien washington et Tel-Aviv ce occupe de tout, comme chez les grecs Italie, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran,libya, puis BHL devient le président représentative de la république......! Mario Draghi est aussi régulièrement critiqué pour ne pas avoir suffisamment pris ses distances avec Goldman Sachs, banque dans laquelle il a travaillé de 2002 à 2005.

Crimea: Putin’s Triumph. Now the Confrontation Moves East to “New Russia” | Global Research

Crimea: Putin’s Triumph. Now the Confrontation Moves East to “New Russia” | Global Research

Israeli President Peres asks the Russian President:
-          Vladimir, are you of Jewish ancestry?
-          Putin: What makes you think so, Shimon?
-          Peres: You made the US pay five billion dollars to deliver Crimea to Russia. Even for a Jew, that is audacious!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

THE HISTORY OF MONEY Abraham Lincoln's Greenback Dollar

THE HISTORY OF MONEY Abraham Lincoln's Greenback Dollar

The main problem here is Washington, nobody expects a 200 years nation
to be wise, however the real problem is the $, (as a reserve currency) not the
domestic dollar..Americans in fact are quite uneducated and unsophisticated, so
it is easy for the media to brainwash them, Americans exist to die for wars
that are useless pay taxes to Israel, eat hot dogs, and die, like a hot dog..
they are just dogs if you like, dogs because of themselves, not because of
nature, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, this are wars made for the $
(the currency use as reserve currency) investors use the $ as a reserve
currency to get rich, banks do the same, financiers do the same; the American
dogs use the domestic $, which is not the same, so the Americans dogs die for
the $ reserve currency, not the us $, the green bag, if you like. reason why to
save America liberate the American dogs " "you folks" and
liberate the rest of the planet from this plague call wall street, main media
brainwash the $ as a reserve currency must die, ended as the petrodollars must
die end kaput!!!, this will collapse investors,
olygargs, looters, aristocratic
education, in short is the only way out from the American spiritual
intellectual iron curtain which imprison them. the same fact exist in Europe
only they are lambs, rather than dogs like you Americans. "Hope you
understand reality for once, remember LINCOLN and the green bag, well you are
there now.

À Hénin-Beaumont, Steeve Briois, symbole de la poussée du FN « artslogic

À Hénin-Beaumont, Steeve Briois, symbole de la poussée du FN « artslogic

La démocratie c'est un Homme/Femme  honnête et un peuple entiers qui le suit, l'homme/femme honnête exécute, mais ce le peuple qui le soutien, et celui la force. Pour que la France devient une nation indépendant il est impérative deux choses, A) sortir de l'OTAN, comme l'indique (Charles de gaulle); b) sortir du $ comme monnaie de réserve mondial. B) sortir du pétrodollar et payer l'énergie en  "EUROS-internationale" C) pour payer l'énergie en euros et sortir du $ comme monnaie de réserve l'Europe a besoin de un euro globalement représentative, donc une union économique plus forte, comme une indépendance nationale plus forte,  donc une sorte de monnaie de réserve européen, qui et compatible avec la monnaie individuelle de chaque nation. Par exemple l’euro franc, le euro-peseta, le euro-mark, le euro-lira. Ces des monnaie nationale qui sont attaché a la monnaie clef le EURO européen qui est la monnaie de réserve du continent. D) en fait le $ comme monnaie de reserve ce le mécanisme parfait pour les investisseurs les banquier, la mafia, les financiers pour exister dans une économie virtuelle ou l’économie réelle devient son esclave son subjective, car ce avec les transactions, les industrie, que cet monnaie virtuelle fonctionne comme la bourse, les investisseurs, les oligarques, la éducation aristocratique ; c'est aussi un moyen de corruption, raison pour laquelle des président sont infect comme la presse et altère comme des journaliste et des banquier. En fin LINCOLN et le « GREEN BAG » ce ça la réalité actuelle.

Russian standoff in ‘11th hour,’ says first post-Soviet Russian foreign minister – Amanpour - Blogs

Russian standoff in ‘11th hour,’ says first post-Soviet Russian foreign minister – Amanpour - Blogs

the main problem here is washington, nobody expects a 200 years nation to be wise, however the real problem is the $, (as a reserve currency) not the domestic dollar..americans in fact are quite uneducated and unsophisticated, so it is easy for the media to brainwash them, americans exist to die for wars that are useless pay taxes to israel, eat hot dogs, and die, like a hot dog.. they are just dogs if you like, dogs because of themselves, not because of nature, vietnam, iraq, afghanistan, syria,libya, this are wars made for the $ (the currency use as reserve currency) investors use the $ as a reserve currency to get rich, banks do the same, financiers do the same; the american dogs use the domestic $, which is not the same, so the americans dogs die for the $ reserve currency, not the us $, the green bag, if you like.reason why to save america liberate the american dogs " "you folks" and liberate the rest of the planet from this plague call wall street , main media brainwash the $ as a reserve currency must die, ended as the petrodollars must die end kaput!!!  ,this will collapse investors , olygargs, looters, aristocratic education, in short is the only way out from the american spiritual intellectual iron curtain which imprison them. the same fact exist in europe only they are lambs, rather than dogs like you americans. "hope you understand reality for once, remember LINCOLN and the green bag, well you are there now.

Islam, Russia and Crimea -- Sheikh Imran Hosein - 23/03/2014 | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

Islam, Russia and Crimea -- Sheikh Imran Hosein - 23/03/2014 | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

attention obama au comportement......( reverse reality has you on the line):....... Les pays du G7 ont décidé aujourd'hui de se réunir pour un sommet en juin à Bruxelles afin de remplacer celui du       G8..   à Sotchi, qu'ils ont annulé après le rattachement de la Crimée à la Russie, a annoncé le président du Conseil européen Herman Van Rompuy....................... indeed  yellowstone is on the list be careful.. 8 death....washington........ 108 is = to 7...g for gravity... be careful...think before you act consider the whole..

Monday, March 24, 2014

James Rickards -- Dollar Going to Collapse 80% or 90% or More | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

James Rickards -- Dollar Going to Collapse 80% or 90% or More | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

to much words about nothing, we are not in 1925,1927,1971, nether breton woods, this economist have a problem, the new 21 century, has nothing to do with the 20th, so all this ado for nothing is useless, the problem is the logic the reasoning of the aristocratic elite which is what universities do, create aristocrats for the media, banking sector,  politicians, the elite of the elite 'you call them skulls and bones" so the economy of the modern aristocracy of money, is no longer working is kaput. unrecoupable, so humans as economist must evolve, the $ as a reserve currency will end, a new global reserve currency is a must in fact only option, (i propose the BREN 25% silver) so the domestic dollar "national" will be free from the $ as global reserve currency which is what allows bankers  looters and others to have a permanent state of wars, create an indispensable recurrence of wars, they put "darwining ideologies survival of the fittest, which translated to reality is creative destruction by bankers FMI,IMF. the IMF is more dangerous to human development than radiation. so evolve folks forget this economic blah blah  from 19 century minds, formated from the aristocratic economical elite, to function on a straight line. today the shortest way from point a to point b is no longer a straight line.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Les multinationales censurent internet. Sectes et mondialisation.

Les multinationales censurent internet. Sectes et mondialisation.

et le monde manipulateur continue sa cavale ORWELLIENNE,  l'opposition la quelle en réalité ce président MADURO, se renforce contre la répression laquelle et washington. Le monde inverse la réalité et vous la présenté comme si ce Maduro le dictateur et l'opposition les opprimes. ( La guerre ce la paix la paix ce la guerre; l'ignorance ce la force; voila comme la conscience en france et dresse et manipule  leur mercenaires comme le journal le monde! ici vous avez un langage Orwellien édité et écrit par le monde pour inverser la réalité au Venezuela. donc: imagines vous l'idiotie de l’Ukraine qui parle de la démocratie. l’Europe ce le premier expriment orwellien en action, car en Europe personne a élu BARROSO, ni Mario DRAGHI, lui a été élu par BIG BROTHER, donc impose au peuple european, donc: UKRAINE cesse de rêver.

La guerre, c’est la paix. La liberté, c’est l’esclavage. L’ignorance, c’est la force.

La guerre, c’est la paix. La liberté, c’est l’esclavage. L’ignorance, c’est la force.

et le monde manipulateur continue sa cavale ORWELLIENNE,  l'opposition la quelle en réalité ce président MADURO, se renforce contre la répression laquelle et washington. Le monde inverse la réalité et vous la présenté comme si ce Maduro le dictateur et l'opposition les opprimes. ( La guerre ce la paix la paix ce la guerre; l'ignorance ce la force; voila comme la conscience en france et dresse et manipule  leur mercenaires comme le journal le monde! ici vous avez un langage Orwellien édité et écrit par le monde pour inverser la réalité au Venezuela. donc: imagines vous l'idiotie de l’Ukraine qui parle de la démocratie. l’Europe ce le premier expriment orwellien en action, car en Europe personne a élu BARROSO, ni Mario DRAGHI, lui a été élu par BIG BROTHER, donc impose au peuple european, donc: UKRAINE cesse de rêver.

European Communist Union History pt 2 4 - YouTube

European Communist Union History pt 2 4 - YouTube

tres bien ont espere que l'europe la quelle est dans l'empire soviet, malheureusement les europeen sont persuade que l'empire soviet ce PUTIN, donc: NATALIA ça vous donne un apercu de l'intelligence et la mentalite du peuple european, certainement il existe des exceptions. l'empire soviet ce l'europe et il a fait son debut officiel avec le traite de lisboa. actuellement l'europe et une conglomerations des humains parfaitement manipule par un systeme pavlovian, londra la ou esclavitud est a la mode. donc bonne continuation dans l'a crimea libre,saine, et belle.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

L’hypocrisie impérialiste concernant la Crimée | Mondialisation

L’hypocrisie impérialiste concernant la Crimée | Mondialisation

la FRANCE devenue "caniche" de washington par nicolas Sarkozy: donc ce cette rapprochement qui ruine la france, et qui a mis La france en danger. SARKOZY a contribue a la destruction de La France et a le danger de une guerre nucleaire avec la russie, puis des problemes economiques gigantesque, psa, renault, et autres desastres. donc: Le moment de quitter l'OTAN ce maintenon. pour le bien de français et de la france comme de la Republique. the moment for FRANCE to exit NATO. Because of FRANCE "OTAN-NATO" involvement, washington permits itself to become aggressive towards russia, however, for the french citizens for the "MADE IN FRANCE" and for Europe as a whole this responsibility "OTAN-NATO" creates a reality by which washington uses FRANCE as its defence and offence "caniche" for washington is pure benefit for FRANCE and EUROPE is a total lost, a disaster, so hope PRESIDENT HOLLANDE will understand that by being inside "OTAN" FRANCE and its citizens do not benefit from anything at all rather the opposite, they are now targets of russian nuclear missiles; this fact is only because of the french enslavement to "NATO-OTAN"...!

Jalons Pour l'histoire du temps présent - Fiche Média

Jalons Pour l'histoire du temps présent - Fiche Média

la FRANCE devenue "caniche" de washington par nicolas Sarkozy: donc ce cette rapprochement qui ruine la france, et qui a mis La france en danger. SARKOZY a contribue a la destruction de La France et a le danger de une guerre nucleaire avec la russie, puis des problemes economiques gigantesque, psa, renault, et autres desastres. donc: Le moment de quitter l'OTAN ce maintenon. pour le bien de français et de la france comme de la Republique. the moment for FRANCE to exit NATO. Because of FRANCE "OTAN-NATO" involvement, washington permits itself to become aggressive towards russia, however, for the french citizens for the "MADE IN FRANCE" and for Europe as a whole this responsibility "OTAN-NATO" creates a reality by which washington uses FRANCE as its defence and offence "caniche" for washington is pure benefit for FRANCE and EUROPE is a total lost, a disaster, so hope PRESIDENT HOLLANDE will understand that by being inside "OTAN" FRANCE and its citizens do not benefit from anything at all rather the opposite, they are now targets of russian nuclear missiles; this fact is only because of the french enslavement to "NATO-OTAN"...!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Obama’s Dumbest Plan Yet » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Obama’s Dumbest Plan Yet » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

The United States helped defeat Nazism in World War 2. Obama helped bring it back.

Gadhafi’s Gold-money Plan Would Have Devastated Dollar

Gadhafi’s Gold-money Plan Would Have Devastated Dollar

It remains unclear exactly why or how the Gadhafi regime went from “a model” and an “important ally” to the next target for regime change in a period of just a few years. But after claims of “genocide” as the justification for NATO intervention were disputed by experts, several other theories have been floated.
Oil, of course, has been mentioned frequently — Libya is Africa‘s largest oil producer. But one possible reason in particular for Gadhafi’s fall from grace has gained significant traction among analysts and segments of the non-Western media: central banking and the global monetary system.