Tuesday, April 01, 2014

» What does Crimea mean to Russia? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» What does Crimea mean to Russia? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!:

le continent latin...! le bouclier de Brens et la fin du dollar $......!  l'europe diverse, l'europe géographique, nonobstant, le nucléaire et plus efficace que le mistral. Et justement la une guerre nucléaire peut effectivement sépare la Russie de l'europe grammaticalement et concrètement. chez les anciens , le siècle froid.......! comme designer la carte du voyage, et ce ou la destination? you-tube...Dailymotion.! une blague...! Et louis xvi et la statue de la liberte...!!!

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Propaganda Psy-Op? “Worldwide Wave of Action”. The “Global Spring” Begins | Global Research

Propaganda Psy-Op? “Worldwide Wave of Action”. The “Global Spring” Begins | Global Research

le continent latin...! le bouclier de Brens et la fin du dollar $......!  l'europe diverse, l'europe géographique, nonobstant, le nucléaire et plus efficace que le mistral. Et justement la une guerre nucléaire peut effectivement sépare la Russie de l'europe grammaticalement et concrètement. chez les anciens , le siècle froid.......!

Propaganda Psy-Op? “Worldwide Wave of Action”. The “Global Spring” Begins | Global Research

Propaganda Psy-Op? “Worldwide Wave of Action”. The “Global Spring” Begins | Global Research: "The Worldwide #WaveOfAction begins April 4th and runs through July 4th…”

Washington’s Blog has brought to our attention a series of videos produced by “ Wave of Action ” and “Anonymous” concerning the launching of a “Worldwide Global Awakening”, a so-called “Global Spr"

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» Ukraine Descending into ‘Gestapo Times,’ Russian Politician Says Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ukraine Descending into ‘Gestapo Times,’ Russian Politician Says Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!:

is NATO OBAMA does not get the message! so unfortunately this earthquakes will pin down NATO, but they could indeed put half of the west coast underwater, as the whammy is not just the volcano it goes synchronize with the polar shift, in other words the polar shift and the yellowstone eruption are part of a tilting of the planet towards the east so part of the west coast will be underwater as some of this ash from the volcano will eventually minimize, it just a great flood that coincides with yellowstone. looks Obama wants to watch the show, so why not given it to him, and CNN; you know they call it collateral damage so be it. enjoy the videos of destruction.

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Monday, March 31, 2014

» Aid to Ukraine Is a Bad Deal For All Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Aid to Ukraine Is a Bad Deal For All Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

why can america get a decent and intelligent president, what is wrong, is it the citizens or is it that there is no one with any decency, brains, intelligence available, america is a cesspool full of toxic waste, mental retarded rules  and politicians.... Why how come this came about; there should be some intelligent folks in america, where are they??? what is going on in america i shall ask again?? why Obama acts so reckless an irrational, the economy a mess; what is going on in america are they blind hypnotize, crazy insane, or a foolish elite is driving the nation to hell??

» Aid to Ukraine Is a Bad Deal For All Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Aid to Ukraine Is a Bad Deal For All Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

why can america get a decent and intelligent president, what is wrong, is it the citizens or is it that there is no one with any decency, brains, intelligence available, america is a cesspool full of toxic waste, mental retarded rules  and politicians.... Why how come this came about; there should be some intelligent folks in america, where are they??? what is going on in america i shall ask again?? why Obama acts so reckless an irrational, the economy a mess; what is going on in america are they blind hypnotize, crazy insane, or a foolish elite is driving the nation to hell??

» House Intel Boss: Putin Looking to Invade Eastern Europe Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» House Intel Boss: Putin Looking to Invade Eastern Europe Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

russia is not the soviet union, as  , and the best friend that europe has is russia, because russia is an european domain, russia is not located next to canada is closer to london, paris, and berlin. so is clear russia can protect europe from its divided internal divisions Raymond poincare style, that let to the destruction of europe and many many french citizens for nothing. learn your history so it serves you .rather than enslave you. Obama canada is next door to chicago not moscow moscow is closer to paris than to washington. is a fact reality, even its population, europeans are caucasians not mexicans or afrikaners. because russia is in europe is call white russia for your info.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

La Transnistrie demande d'adhérer à la Fédération de Russie

La Transnistrie demande d'adhérer à la Fédération de Russie

Philip Breedlove: old boy you a are a joke a nuisance and forget the evil empire made in the usa by washington, cal the us army of innocent soldiers and dubious banking. you lot of corrupt innocent but guilty of ignorance folks will have no choice or you bend to reality or you will perish not by russian missiles but by earthquakes tsunamis and the lot, fukushima is your first warning "" do you want more just ask it shall be delivered... with destruction and radiation for your health..........

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Patrick Devedjian face à We Are Change Paris - Egalite et Réconciliation

Patrick Devedjian face à We Are Change Paris - Egalite et Réconciliation

le club du siècle les dictateurs Arabie sauri et le le territoire sioniste apartheid criminel israel. ensemble pour détruire le droit de l'homme de la vie, de la culture et du planète. donc: pire que dajjal..........!

Entretien croisé avec Alain Soral et Gilad Atzmon - Egalite et Réconciliation

Entretien croisé avec Alain Soral et Gilad Atzmon - Egalite et Réconciliation

Les milieux culturels s'inquiètent vivement de l'arrivée du Front national

Par , publié le 

Une dizaine de villes (Avignon, Perpignan, Béziers, Fréjus, Saint-Gilles...) pourraient basculer dimanche prochain vers le Front national. De quoi susciter l'inquiétude des princiapux milieux culturels concernés. 

¿Qué esta ocurriendo realmente en el conflicto de Ucrania?

​Obama ignores Saudi human rights record in meeting with King Abdullah — RT News

​Obama ignores Saudi human rights record in meeting with King Abdullah — RT News

green-peace the CIA ngo corrupt minions where are you folks, nowhere as expected this green-peace of crap..   It shows how hypocrites you folks are of green-peace working for the CIA, Mossad, shame on you green-peace.......!

Como opera el Sionismo en Argentina - Salbuchi

Como opera el Sionismo en Argentina - Salbuchi

Afin de procéder à cette fusion du pénal et du militaire, la loi de programmation évince le pouvoir judiciaire et concentre les pouvoirs aux mains de l’exécutif. Non seulement le troisième pouvoir est totalement contourné, mais le seul dispositif de contrôle a posteriori(Commission de contrôle des écoutes et interceptions) relevant de l’exécutif ne pourra émettre qu’une « recommandation » au premier ministre .

Coup de froid entre l’Egypte et la France | Mondialisation

Coup de froid entre l’Egypte et la France | Mondialisation

L’origine de la crise diplomatique qui menace les relations entre la France et l’Egypte n’est pas la condamnation à mort de 529 frères, c’est une histoire de cornecul authentiquement abracadabrantesque qui fait diversio

Lyndon Larouche - America At The Edge | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

Lyndon Larouche - America At The Edge | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

Fraud and lies brought America to its knees, head down in shame, in a clearing, amongst the trees, Bankrupt where the money grows, the printing presses stutter, firmly held constitution gone in a flutter. The vultures hop in, they have been waiting here a while, promised a corpse to devour & defile. The executioner stalls, reading out a written decree "if you want to keep your head then your pledge will be to me". Signed "the international monetary fund & global royalty

Cry me a river — RT CrossTalk

Cry me a river — RT CrossTalk

fact: Russia is the only nation that can protect europe; anyhow russia is a european nation....! the soviet empire has gone, now is russia, the post cold war is the soviet past, the now is RUSSIA. reason why Russia is not the soviet union...