Monday, April 28, 2014

Ukraine : BHL contre Vladimir Poutine !


la France en occupation par le axe Washington londrès. fin de une France libre elle est servant du Washington OTAN le confirme! régime GE version 2014, régime vichy mais économique..


la France en occupation par le axe Washington londrès. fin de une France libre elle est servant du Washington OTAN le confirme! régime GE version 2014, régime vichy mais économique..

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Moving Closer To War. Washington’s Arrogance is Capable of Driving the World to Destruction | Global Research

Moving Closer To War. Washington’s Arrogance is Capable of Driving the World to Destruction | Global Research

L’Occident principalement la France cherche toujours à avoir une mainmise sur les anciennes colonies africaines notamment celles riches en ressources minières telle l’Algérie qui contrairement à certains pays arabes, elle n’a pas été traversée par le blizzard printanier.
Est- la bonne gouvernance depuis 1999 ou tout simplement la maturité du peuple Algérien de ne plus revenir aux années de braises ? Le 4e mandat de Bouteflika serait-il une source de divergence pour faire glisser le pays vers une instabilité que certaines forces occultes préparent les ingrédients nécessaires. ?

Gog & Magog, Russia & The Zionist West- Sheikh Imran Hosein 26.04.2014

Gog & Magog, Russia & The Zionist West- Sheikh Imran Hosein 26.04.2014

Gog & Magog, Russia & The Zionist West- Sheikh Imran Hosein 26.04.2014

Gog & Magog, Russia & The Zionist West- Sheikh Imran Hosein 26.04.2014

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Une employée de la Bred se défenestre sur son lieu de travail

Une employée de la Bred se défenestre sur son lieu de travail

la fin de la société generale et la BNP, crédit agricole : car ce en masse les prochains suicides de banquier..!!! attention assurance vie..!!!!


rights of self determination:  however being aware of it the first step, once that achieve, the communication body and mind can bugun; brainwashing reverse itself, and reality is perceive as such. this hindrance for a purpose has liberated the lock that meep minds going in circles. as the world goes from amnesia to awakening.

Russian Roulette: The Invasion of Ukraine (Dispatch Twenty Eight)

Scottish referendum: why Chomsky's yes is more interesting than Bowie's no | Fraser MacDonald | Comment is free |

Scottish referendum: why Chomsky's yes is more interesting than Bowie's no | Fraser MacDonald | Comment is free |

rights of self determination:  however being aware of it the first step, once that achieve, the communication body and mind can bugun; brainwashing reverse itself, and reality is perceive as such. this hindrance for a purpose has liberated the lock that meep minds going in circles. as the world goes from amnesia to awakening.

World War 3 Russia vs Ukraine and Europe Simulation

Quelle est la marge de manœuvre des citoyens dans le conflit qui oppose l’«Occident» à la Russie? | Mondialisation

Quelle est la marge de manœuvre des citoyens dans le conflit qui oppose l’«Occident» à la Russie? | Mondialisation

Quelle est la marge de manœuvre des citoyens dans le conflit qui oppose l’«Occident» à la Russie?

Friday, April 25, 2014

La position de la France vis-à-vis de l'OTAN en 1966 - .mov - YouTube

La position de la France vis-à-vis de l'OTAN en 1966 - .mov - YouTube

US, NATO team up to wage war over Ukraine: Analyst

Interview de Pascal Marchand, spécialiste de la géopolitique de l'Europe...

basica america does not exist you got a Ceasar, however i'll advice, you folks are slaves, and forget the constitution, human rights bill of rights, today you are on the mayflower days, the king ceasar rules all over you slaves, and there is nothing you folks can do, just obey and die like in 9/11, vietnam, iraq, afghanistan, and the rest of the american invasions, for no reason and no benefit to the 99% of american slaves. they are done for banks and americans are slaves to banks, so who cares how many americans die, as long they have top gun believe on sitcoms, and work and obey the moment they have being chosen for slaughter, sad as america no longer exist as well surprisingly Ceasar has another problem the us is actually splitting internally, from zionism, to christian zionism, to jews to mormon and muslim, the end of america is coming so you slave folks do have a chance when the nation disintegrates; internally.

Ukraine : éviter la Guerre mondiale

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Syrie/Ukraine/OTAN : analyse géopolitique -- Entretien avec Robert Steuc...

Europe’s Next Moral Hazard by Hans-Werner Sinn via @ProSyn #oped

Europe’s Next Moral Hazard by Hans-Werner Sinn via @ProSyn #oped

ethnic cleansing, does not work, roaches folks, you folks are roaches as well, you kill one six are instantly out, reason why ethnic cleansing does not work, is the roaches gene. However so far no problem in the usa only police state and eventually other things but no slaughter. Europe however the (1914-2014) conspiracy theory; that describes how history repeats itself, however worse than the last time. what will be the result! in 1918, or now in 2014! "yellowstone" recent earthquake in canada? is connected earthquakes and wars; no wars no earthquakes..!  

Scientists Speechless At What They Find Beneath Egypt! One of the Most Controversial Mysteries Ever--Solved! (On-Site Video Footage and Photos) | Prophecy

Scientists Speechless At What They Find Beneath Egypt! One of the Most Controversial Mysteries Ever--Solved! (On-Site Video Footage and Photos) | Prophecy

BLACK Egypt's Silver Pharoah Documentary

BLACK Egypt's Silver Pharoah Documentary

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Senator Rand Paul HUMILIATES and EXPOSES John Kerry!!

le Front national remercie BHL pour le avoir aide a gagner les élections européennes en France, et éventuellement détruit le PS le UDI, puis la UMP, et Israël....: (Je vous souhaite la bienvenue en Europe).

Bernard-Henri Lévy (écrivain, philosophe, membre du Conseil de surveillance du "Monde")