Saturday, May 10, 2014

Le progrès ?

Le progrès ?

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Qatar : du rêve au cauchemar

ici attali et reconverti a la raison.., la solution pour l'europe sortir de la OTAN-NATO, créer l'historie, comme Clovis et Charlemagne. intégration a avec la russie, fin du dollar comme monnais unique de reserve, puis le cercle du progresse et de l'emplois paris, Berlin, kief, Moscou, pékin, Delhi, tehran, Rome  paris. Moscou aide l'europe de l'este, paris l'europe du sud, et Merkel l'europe du nord, Londres et Dublin, comme l’écosse et tout ira bien. 

Thursday, May 08, 2014

Ukraine's Anti Russian Stance Is a Zionist Masterplan - Sheikh Imran Hosein

sortir de L'OTAN -NATO, ce rentrer dans l'histoire....................créer l'histoire: le remède de l'emplois.. sortir de la OTAN ce créer des emplois. la russie et en Europe pas en Amérique, ni le océan Pacific. puis harmoniser l'europe de l'este convenablement avec la russie, le pétrole la Arabie saoudite de l'europe...

Ukraine's Anti Russian Stance Is a Zionist Masterplan - Sheikh Imran Hosein

sortir de L'OTAN -NATO, ce rentrer dans l'histoire....................créer l'histoire: le remède de l'emplois.. sortir de la OTAN ce créer des emplois. la russie et en Europe pas en Amérique, ni le océan Pacific. puis harmoniser l'europe de l'este convenablement avec la russie, le pétrole la Arabie saoudite de l'europe...

Одесса Куликово поле, горит Дом профсоюзов, пожар и эвакуация людей из з...

Одесса Куликово поле, горит Дом профсоюзов, пожар и эвакуация людей из з...

sortir de L'OTAN -NATO, ce rentrer dans l'histoire....................créer l'histoire: le remède de l'emplois.. sortir de la OTAN ce créer des emplois. la russie et en Europe pas en Amérique, ni le océan Pacific. puis harmoniser l'europe de l'este convenablement avec la russie, le pétrole la Arabie saoudite de l'europe...

How The U.S. Government Really Works - Jordan Maxwell

america's TOP GUN mentality: engineered by NAZI paperclip techniques.. NAZIS working for washington 1945.. has created the same NAZI mentality on the american nation, you call it brainwashing but is just updated NAZI propaganda imposed on the american public, same as HITLERS films, hollywood does the same, reasoning why most americans are on NAZI-BRAINWASH mode, TOP GUN a clear example of this NAZI armed forces believe. "we are exceptional arians" comments rhetorics and reasoning originates from this paperclip methods of brainwash and make believe, that propaganda and hollywood has impose  "main media"  somewhat NAZI reasoning that even often activist practiced it themselves without even knowing it. this paperclip brainwash by the media & hollywood exist from 1945. somehow americans might be waking up.. remains to be experience.  folks from this collective hypnosis, even alex jones often Jordan Maxwell.. taxe marss, etc, might realise how this methods work. the internet looks is controlled surveyed; because it might wake up americans and the NAZI paperclip methods them will no longer work as expected. 

Jordan Maxwell - Raw & Uncut [2014 Intellihub News Exclusive]

america's TOP GUN mentality: engineered by NAZI paperclip techniques.. NAZIS working for washington 1945.. has created the same NAZI mentality on the american nation, you call it brainwashing but is just updated NAZI propaganda imposed on the american public, same as HITLERS films, hollywood does the same, reasoning why most americans are on NAZI-BRAINWASH mode, TOP GUN a clear example of this NAZI armed forces believe. "we are exceptional arians" comments rhetorics and reasoning originates from this paperclip methods of brainwash and make believe, that propaganda and hollywood has impose  "main media"  somewhat NAZI reasoning that even often activist practiced it themselves without even knowing it. this paperclip brainwash by the media & hollywood exist from 1945. somehow americans might be waking up.. remains to be experience.  folks from this collective hypnosis, even alex jones often Jordan Maxwell.. taxe marss, etc, might realise how this methods work. the internet looks is controlled surveyed; because it might wake up americans and the NAZI paperclip methods them will no longer work as expected. 

The Alex Jones Show(OVERDRIVE-VIDEO Commercial Free) Wednesday May 7 201...

Wednesday, May 07, 2014

The Alex Jones Show(3rd HOUR-VIDEO Commercial Free) Wednesday May 7 2014...

Breaking News Iran plans to target USA Aircraft Carriers in Persian Gulf - May 7 2014 | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

Breaking News Iran plans to target USA Aircraft Carriers in Persian Gulf - May 7 2014 | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG:

FACT: is not in america it is on the Persian gulf.. "remember" on the persian gulf inside of it he is right. the iranian general, what are those huge ships doing there? the persian gulf, is not the atlantic ocean, why don't they go home the american ships what are they doing there creating pollution.  FACT, naval forces as aircraft carriers are obsolete, useless, they can only use their planes from a distance, missiles are better faster and smaller. the emperor's army strategy reagan's huge navy of defence is not very good. reason size of the vessels. only destroyers are somewhat useful, the rest is junk. the weapons are not adapted to any war, the only weapon are missiles. faster accurate, thats all. perhaps hypersonic drones, you call them UFO.

'via Blog this'

Iran Navy Chief "We Aim To Destroy USA Navy"

FACT: is not in america it is on the Persian gulf.. "remember" on the persian gulf inside of it he is right. the gener, what are those huge ships doing there? the persian gulf, is not the atlantic ocean, why don't they go home.  FACT, naval forces as aircraft carriers are obsolete, useless, they can only use their planes from a distance, missiles are better faster and smaller. the emperor's army strategy of defence is not very good. reason size of the vessels. only destroyers are somewhat useful, the rest is junk. the weapons are not adapted to any war, the only weapon are missiles. faster accurate, thats all. perhaps hypersonic drones, you call them UFO. 

World War 3 Russia vs Ukraine and Europe Simulation

The clash of

the ones that believe they are part of western civilization, they are NOT
"Samuel Huntington included" they have being around from 1776, a
somewhat short period of time so they Obama and the rest of the American
government, do not really understand the western mind that created them, this
is one of the reason why Washington behaves the way it does, kind of
incivilities are common; and it is normal, western civilization has being
around for more than 2000 years. In Europe Not America or New York!!  1776, is just a wink away. And 1840, is also
not far away from today. Education in fact is lacking most Americans do not
even know where they came from and how they got there. the planet only hopes is
the education and manners, civility and class 
of the American minds; it is indeed a clash of civilizations and is
between the newly American 1766, civilization and western European culture that
is generating this clash's, something that Samuel Huntington quietly did not
mention. Most of his media manipulations have no foundation of actual knowledge
of the truth. The lack of capacity to fully understand the civilization that
engenders him, Mr: Samuel Huntington's is the logic of his writing's, nothing
more than media manipulation.

David Icke Interview Outside The Box Part 1

The clash of

the ones that believe they are part of western civilization, they are NOT
"Samuel Huntington included" they have being around from 1776, a
somewhat short period of time so they Obama and the rest of the American
government, do not really understand the western mind that created them, this
is one of the reason why Washington behaves the way it does, kind of
incivilities are common; and it is normal, western civilization has being
around for more than 2000 years. In Europe Not America or New York!!  1776, is just a wink away. And 1840, is also
not far away from today. Education in fact is lacking most Americans do not
even know where they came from and how they got there. the planet only hopes is
the education and manners, civility and class 
of the American minds; it is indeed a clash of civilizations and is
between the newly American 1766, civilization and western European culture that
is generating this clash's, something that Samuel Huntington quietly did not
mention. Most of his media manipulations have no foundation of actual knowledge
of the truth. The lack of capacity to fully understand the civilization that
engenders him, Mr: Samuel Huntington's is the logic of his writing's, nothing
more than media manipulation.