Thursday, July 17, 2014

Who owns America? Ask Congress

UKIP Nigel Farage - Treating democracy with deliberate contempt July 2014

the real problem of europe are poland hungary, ukraine, all those ancient soviet regions that hate europe but also hate russia and themselves this CIA nations hope to destroy europe with spies and destruction, so keep those leaders out of europe this is your chance to unmask this spies of washington as the aim is a war with russia to the benefit of washington, to oppress the europeans by buying not european arms but americans to depend on america petrol and gas in short to be an american slave this is what Poland leaders aim for as the ukrainian hungarian and other traitors. so you UKIP bring this looters and spies to the front page unmask them throw them to the bin.   this european NAZIS from poland and hungary, ukraine. etc. liberate europe and the UK from this nazis. 1945 paperclip servants.

EU 'youth guarantee' has become 'guaranteed failure' - @UKIP MEP Jonatha...

the real problem of europe are poland hungary, ukraine, all those ancient soviet regions that hate europe but also hate russia and themselves this CIA nations hope to destroy europe with spies and destruction, so keep those leaders out of europe this is your chance to unmask this spies of washington as the aim is a war with russia to the benefit of washington, to oppress the europeans by buying not european arms but americans to depend on america petrol and gas in short to be an american slave this is what Poland leaders aim for as the ukrainian hungarian and other traitors. so you UKIP bring this looters and spies to the front page unmask them throw them to the bin.   this european NAZIS from poland and hungary, ukraine. 

Marine Le Pen vote contre Juncker

les euro-idiots comme d'habitude avec les espions américains qui désire détruire l'europe, la Pologne, l’Ukraine, Hongrie, et ces autres nations frustre, nonobstant ce leur dirigeants corrompu et espion double de la CIA.  donc, des nations espions de Washington, bonne chance pour la destruction de l'Europe. et le plombier polonais.   tous ces  ancien idiots de la union soviétique que désire ces idiots. la destruction de l'europe réellement, la servitude total de la France et l'europe a washington, des conflit interne en Europe comme l’Ukraine; et la fin de l’identité européenne. plus dangereux que le communisme.. qui et en danger  certainement pas la russie. mais tous les citoyens européens alors FN, UKIP au poste. 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Who owns America? Ask Congress

Fox News Bias For Israel in Gaza Conflict?

Сухой Т-50 ПАК ФА МАКС 2013 солнечно Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA MAKS 2013 sunny

McLaughlin Group's Verdict on the 2006 Lebanon War

Lyndon LaRouche Webcast, July 11th, 2014

great however be careful as yellowstone is ready to sink the scum of the earth washington to its stone age period. so be aware of this coming danger near you. but this event is a blessing to the world the moment this scum and cancer of the planet call the USA of genocide sinks into oblivion.  however the moment washington disappears the world shall breed freedom at last. do realise that americans are the most hated people on this planet 8 billion folks hate americans and hope they have never being born..! all they dream is the disappearance of the usa of america the scum of the human race. and all this alex is your government and your slaves citizens that have create this hate and disgust to any american alive. so think clearly.

Monday, July 14, 2014

• Jon Voight's Message to America • 7/12/14 •

strange discourse however america? what is america ? who are the americans ? probably the founding fathers knew it.  well they did. reason why all things are turning back in time. there is not guilty men as Obama is as guilty as G W BUSH as vietnam. the problem is finding an honest person. like the founding fathers. rewrite the constitution, and honor justice! where justice is justice not a video show.

Foucault II. Donde hay poder hay resistencia al poder.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

2014 July 10 Breaking News Labs Mixing Human DNA Animal DNA Trans-humani...

"Obama Murdered My Son" - Father Of Slain SEAL Team 6 Sailor Speaks Out,...

how to destroy america ask OBAMA, how to create an ethnic cleansing war in europe ask OBAMA, how to destroy israel, ask OBAMA, how to destroy african ask obama, how to implement slavery in america and destroy african americans morale ask OBAMA, how to create a nazi state in ukraine ask OBAMA, how to destroy families and nations ask OBAMA.. how to kill  americans ask OBAMA and G W BUSH and JOHN MC CAIN..hillary clinton !