Tuesday, August 05, 2014

René Guénon - La Crise du monde moderne - 3/10 - YouTube

René Guénon - La Crise du monde moderne - 3/10 - YouTube:

gaza 2014..!

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PressTV - Kiev government serves US, EU, IMF but not Ukrainians: Analyst

PressTV - Kiev government serves US, EU, IMF but not Ukrainians: Analyst:

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Israel continues to destroy Palestine

the murder nation and illegal domain from 1917 balfour reality up to today. to bad the united nations is not a real estate agent neither god . otherwise israel would have being a legal nation. TODAY..
it will alwas will be illegal, no way to reason this scheme out CNN and propaganda cannot change the reality. the facts. and that is why peace will never exist for israel, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE. until it mends itself accepts reality. ...§ and day by day it gets worse not better. and shall get worse as time evolves..! until reality takes its place and CNN main media, accepts that propaganda does not change reality it just get news sold more efficiently.

Putin's plane could be original target? - English pravda.ru

Putin's plane could be original target? - English pravda.ru:

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"We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children." Former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir. (emphasis added).

we have a palestinian ramadam to accomplish and we need blood childrens blood, fresh blood,  young childrens innocents children's blood for our israeli blood rituals is part of our culture.

Sunday, August 03, 2014

Ukraine.Mais où est passé la diplomatie française se demande F.Asselinea...

Ukraine.Mais où est passé la diplomatie française se demande F.Asselinea...

Ukraine.Mais où est passé la diplomatie française se demande F.Asselinea...

Ukraine.Mais où est passé la diplomatie française se demande F.Asselinea...

Ukraine.Mais où est passé la diplomatie française se demande F.Asselinea...

Ukraine.Mais où est passé la diplomatie française se demande F.Asselinea...

Tariq Ramadan dévoile Bernard Henri Levy et le gouvernement Français

En Libye, le naufrage de la révolution et la Ukraine, la syrie, Iraq, donc: ce ça l’intelligence de la république ce compréhensible et normal le chaos Economique et spirituel de la république, le chemin de la destruction de la république devient inévitable avec des intellectuelles admires par la république.

Queen Elizabeth II - NOT the rightful heir to the Throne of England

UN systeme naziste et sont propos ce de tuer des enfants et ce propres employés attention pour ceux qui travaille pour cette organisation naziste. 
israel ne existe pas israel cet une création de l’Angleterre les professionnel de la colonisation, BALFOUR 1917 puis faire confiance a l’Angleterre dans cet domaine cet un folie, regarde la 1 et la 2 guerre mondial bien regarde et vous allez comprendre comme londrès manipule avec une finesse esquisse . israel sera tout jour en guerre jusque au moment il retourne au frontière 1967, et la vrais justice équilibré cet un israel Palestine 1947 frontières. israel cet une poste de guerre créé par la grand Bretagne pour le pétrole et pour grandir leur influence globalement. impossible de changer cette réalité cet à cause de la réalité que vous avez gaza ce soir et ça ne terminera jamais car la réalité cet frontières de 1947 la vrais justice ou 1967. consensus.!

Saturday, August 02, 2014

Nazis (& alike) did not lose WW2 according to Charlotte Iserbyt - 'Skull...

si la France desire sa liberte si l'europe desire être une vrais Europe la solution au problème ce sortir de la OTAN, avoir une indépendance absolut de washington, le problème de la planète ce washington, washington ce le vrais oppresseur, israel ne existe pas israel ce washington, washington ce HITLER si non pire, depuis 2001 a 2014 washington a détruit le moyen orient l’Afghanistan l’Irak, la libye fait tout pour détruire l'europe et la russie, la chine et même israel et dans la cible meurtrier de washington, car ce washington qui alimente la guerre en Ukraine, comme en Palestine. la unique solution pour le monde civilise de survivre ce de isoler washington, globalement un boycott global des produits américains à sa monnaie destructrice, par cet wall Street des gangstérisme, libérés la France et l'europe sortir de l'OTAN, et la paix et la justice sera fait aussie bien en Europe comme en israel et la Palestine a la place de avoir cette dispute israel Palestine en France le monde doit de unir israel et le pro palestinians contre le vrais danger le vrai ennemi du monde civilise. WASHINGTON. et tout ces politicians confondu.   washington divise pour mieux régner..(Ukraine Europe Palestine israel)

La position de la France vis-à-vis de l'OTAN en 1966 - .mov

Thursday, July 31, 2014


UN 'Completely Overwhelmed' By Gaza Refugees

UN 'Completely Overwhelmed' By Gaza Refugees:

israeli nazi regime demands weapons the ww2 repeat where is BUSh we need weapons and we need crematoriums the ethnic cleansing is going as good as 1945 heil BIBI kill childrens is israel destiny long live the palestinian holocaust made in the USA. we did in hiroshima, atomic bomb made in america tested on japonese children's, today is american bombs made in america test on palestinians childrens. hitler is back to kill all palestinians. obama the murder nation at work. the democracy of crimes is here to stay all on fox news this fall "the palestinian holocaust on your TV screen "

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US Supplies Arms, Munitions To Israel

US Supplies Arms, Munitions To Israel

after the palestinian holocaust committed by israel nuremberg will have lots of work to do soldiers BIBI jews that committed crimes against humanity, soldiers that slaughtered childrens and inoffensive people.  the palestinian holocaust coming soon to your screen all on CNN. israel the murder nation the proud israelis that love to kill childrens..!

Fallujah The Hidden Massacre 1

now we know why americans killed kennedy, the murder nation loved to kill its own people they killed childrens in vietnam, jews in germany and helped the holocaust as they do now in palestine and they did it in germany hitler's americans the murder nation today kill ukranians, palestinians, and have killed  childrens in vietnam , the murder nation and its murder presidents "iraq,afghanistan 911 vietnam ukraine""  hopes as well murder others and  the murder nation to slaughter  presidents and diplomats as they did to kennedy a president of peace. as they did to kennedy. a president of peace. killed by its own people americans..!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Art Meets Science & Spirituality in a Changing Economy (Dalai Lama, Davi...


NATO CRIMES to hide GAZA wars, timing, war against Russia instigated by Washington. Instability. In coherence dark matter. EUROPE on the middle of the action. Identical ww 2 scenario. ancient soviet union nations,ukraine,poland,rumania,hungary,latvia,moldavia,yugoslavia. Europe is still on the center of this imaginary iron curtain, more a NSA-CIA, hypnotic realm. However is not working, and regardless of not giving the desire result, the NATO-UN-WASHINGTON realm persist and continues on the wrong path knowingly it will fail. Scientifically is incoherence.   However the possibility of a dark matter on our realm psychological configuration and our historical methodology of concept imprint on our memory banks. Scientifically is admitted that there is a dark matter on our universe which we happens to understand very little. This dark matter could also be inside as humans, as we somehow are porous, and 80% of our body is contained by water. The dark matter that our instruments fail to perceive is as well in us, between us and is part of ourselves human’s beings. . The archetype could eventually be what the Homo sapiens were able to perceive 500.000, years ago. He did not understand the wheel or the computer but was able to see the dark matter that we now are unable to perceive. In some respect we evolve forward on one direction and backwards on another direction, going forward the process separates itself even further from the god particle the Holy Grail. Science spends endless time to find the god particle and in reality the 500.000 thousand years ago Homo sapiens did understood the god particle, the Holy Grail. This ancient mind had the capability to perceive this essence, on the other hand by science he was unable to read, we examines his bones however we do not understand his mind. And very little we understand now of the homo sapient but also of the dark matter the god particle up on the universe. The human is working on finding what he once knew, 500.000 thousands years ago, however by a method that is incoherent to what he did hoped to find, and what the homo sapient actually saw 500.000 thousands years ago. He is rediscovering himself by methods that will never achieve what he aims, heaven is transform into hell and the desire is heaven and not hell, the inverted result if you like. in this context the god particle the archetype are the same thing, today 2014 is science logic and reasoning that leads the charge the holy grail is in fact what he knew 500.000 years ago. Science has become incoherent in 2014, as is other affairs of the world, politics and governments, economies and finances. Reality is upside-down, is incoherent.
He knew 500.000 years ago. Science has become incoherent in 2014, as is other affairs of the world, politics and governments, economies and finances. Reality is upside-down, is incoherent.

Order out of chaos

The archetype is in fact an image, an implicate order, and the image is where the possibility of perceiving the god particle is.  Simply a painting an art work. The images is what the 500.000 years ago men had to transmit its vision, as are movement’s dance, and imagination, as he progress on its technique of representing the god particle his vision somehow became dimmer, and as his technology evolve his perception declined. However the search begun to the past, to what once was, death and age are as well related to what once was. The research into eternal life is a search for the Holy Grail the god particle.  The past, the desire of power is as well related to time the past time, the ancient time; power is an expected eternal life. The past becomes as important as the future, and control is somehow the desire of the control of time.

Orwell’s  “the one that controls the past controls the future and the one that controls the future controls the past”. 

Archetypes, and images, painting imaginary gods and forms, this forms can only be direct matter is indispensable as the first paintings of humanity are on caves. Photographs and reproductions will not do, neither imaginary images on computers arts, films being successive images of a predestined technique become as well invalid. As the ancients did not have computers neither very good technique to represent the god particle, the technique becomes irrelevant is the context that matters what is inside that painting that work of art. What that painting concretely says. As the archetype is now in the past and to understand the future the past must be acknowledge.


Orwell’s “the one that controls the past controls the future and the one that controls the future controls the past”.