Sunday, August 31, 2014

Vladimir Putin Reminds The World That Russia Is A Nuclear Power

infowars continue informing on the news about AIPAC war's and its minions, no wonder there is an earthquake coming to California, since OBAMA and AIPAC declared war to the human race mother earth the Muslim faith, and hope to win, by sending weapons to ISIS and israel. Obama care the legality and end of wall street centre of deception and destruction. at least Americans are waking up to Hollywood brainwashing forced techniques.

Discourse The End Times Sheikh Imran Hosein with Piero San Giorgio

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Rencontre entre le Président Vladimir Poutine et Philippe de Villiers

très bonne chose même jumelle une ville avec st petersbourg, car le gouvernement américain de la France ne fait que du dégâts et leur propos ce de détruire l'histoire de la France et sa noblesse, son passe sa culture et la remplace par Hollywood I-PODS et Macdonald

Saturday, August 16, 2014

israel killed kennedy for trying to stop the Israel Lobby in America

Clinton OBAMA racial wars against African Americans, and whites in Texas, benghazi, main target of washington kill all African Americans in america and Africans in Africa EBOLA "made in the USA like HIV another virus to kill African Americans. washington the racist Nazi regime, freedom to america end OBAMA'S dictatorship.. killing Muslims,palestinians,Egyptians,europeans,Iraqis,Iranians, Ukrainians, Chinese, Iranians,Africans,Latin Americans,Australians,Canadians,  Obama murder campaign to destroy the human race must be stop..! Obama main target African children and Muslims worldwide end of Obama Nazi regime..! and experiment with children in Gaza.. by Israeli. holocaust campaign..!

UK Jewish MP: Israel acting like Nazis in Gaza

Clinton OBAMA racial wars against African Americans, and whites in Texas, benghazi, main target of washington kill all African Americans in america and Africans in Africa EBOLA "made in the USA like HIV another virus to kill African Americans. washington the racist Nazi regime, freedom to america end OBAMA'S dictatorship.. killing Muslims,palestinians,Egyptians,europeans,Iraqis,Iranians, Ukrainians, Chinese, Iranians,Africans,Latin Americans,Australians,Canadians,  Obama murder campaign to destroy the human race must be stop..! Obama main target African children and Muslims worldwide end of Obama Nazi regime..! and experiment with children in Gaza.. by Israeli. holocaust campaign..!

US Soliders Speak Truth and Exposed War Crimes In Iraq !!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in the Media-Michael Tsarion

Mossad Truck Bombs on Sept 11

Is Ron Paul Really An Anti-Semite or the only one with the balls to tell us the truth!? - YouTube

Is Ron Paul Really An Anti-Semite or the only one with the balls to tell us the truth!? - YouTube:

Les discours de BHL se résument à ça :
La guerre, c’est la paix. La liberté, c’est l’esclavage.
L’ignorance, c’est la force.
 Ou comment faire
appliquer Le Fait du bouffon  L’avantage de l’idiotie ce que ce
les idiots les victimes donc encourager BHL est une devoir humanitaire. les
idiots ce tue entre eux-mêmes confirme.. Par BHL, et son parcours primaire. Gaza,
Israël, Syrie, Iraq, Palestine, Lybie, Algérie, Sarkozy, UMP, le parti
socialiste, la république, Yougoslavie, Kosovo, Obama, la constitution
américaine. l’Ukraine, la nation grecque, Allemagne, l’Espagne, Portugal,
Donc : pour détruire votre intelligence suivre BHL ce la
bonne méthode.

La guerre, c’est la paix. La liberté, c’est l’esclavage.
L’ignorance, c’est la force.

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