Sunday, December 28, 2014

Sheikh Imran Hosein :Destruction of American Empire, Russia and UK,Israe...

Sheikh Imran Hosein :Destruction of American Empire, Russia and UK,Israe...

Gerald Celente - This Week In Money - December 27, 2014

move wall street to beaumont texas, it creates a balance with real money, as well 20th century was the east coast, 21 century is the west coast. the pacific: china and russia, the BRICS, forget new york, now is beaumont texas. it also changes peoples minds, and the $ certainly as global currency is gone, however the domestic $-, he can do wonders. as the rubble and the euro. all under the BREN 25% silver. and the balance is keep. for progress and les wars.

Mear One - Humanity vs The Machine HD (Offical Video)

Amazing Street Art Painting 3d pictures

Ex CIA Chief Michael Scheuer Israel is Worth Nothing to United States.

 The Chicago Tribube.

Un tel comportement de la Chine signifie la perte par l'Amérique du rôle du lien p
Lire la suite:

China is making U.S. stealth technology obsolete

Alan Watts - Teaches the Art of Meditation [FULL]

Meditation - How to Meditate in a Moment - Omharmonics Meditation Traini...

Friday, December 26, 2014


Game Over‬‬! - Economic Collapse - Global Meltdown Has Begun!

as long as europe south america and Asia keep  trading with wall street, psychopaths the world will move towards its end, so to keep yourself alive exit wall street distant yourself from the dollar and forget the american junk market, this human machines are the worst nightmare for the humankind, today they have become just machines, from fame to rags just machine and cancer patients by the millions all kinds of diseases and viruses.  is a proof of this new human machines, no longer sensible human but just mechanical objects dispensable, and they are  wall street creations  running all over the planet with useless I-pods and idiotic smiles .

Thursday, December 25, 2014

PressTV - ‘UK needs to overcome pro-Israel lobby’

PressTV - ‘UK needs to overcome pro-Israel lobby’:

finally america does have a real men as president and congress as well know is just a lobby for disaster, hope americans begun to understand that to end wars congress and AIPAC has to be put aside and the democratic president OBAMA can do what he must do freely from the minions of washington. they are the danger to democracy freedom and liberty, in our world...

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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

» Russia Says It Has Evidence From Ukraine Military Defector Kiev Was Responsible For MH-17 Crash Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Russia Says It Has Evidence From Ukraine Military Defector Kiev Was Responsible For MH-17 Crash Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!:

if you engage in war and you loose that war is very bad busyness, therefore does the usa of america has any chances of wining?  that is what matters, as loosing a war can create havoc @ home and them we shall find ourselves on a aldous huxley realm of "brave new world" where america is just a second rate nation, and will eventually confirm Huxley as predicting the future. just like George's orwell s. I feel america has already lost the war, what the future will bring is for us to see. it is clear that congress believes american soldiers the meat grinders that die for wall street and AIPAC are ready to die for AIPAC once again, however, on what intelligence and reality is concern they have lost the plot so confusion is what reigns not only the fools of wall street but the military, quite a dangerous moment for those that are considered inferior the 99% of American citizens and the rest of the world. the american military is in fact idiots. stupid if you like; so probably they deserve to get what is coming to them.

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Jim Rickards on Europe and the US economy

good hopes however it looks it wont be like richards hopes it to be, beware things are quite confuse, and in this context there is no guru just common sense and intelligence perception.

Conversation: Analyzing Russia's Economic Crisis

« Face à l’Etat islamique, ne cédons pas à la confusion des esprits », par Gilles van Kote

« Face à l’Etat islamique, ne cédons pas à la confusion des esprits », par Gilles van Kote:

malheureusement la confusion et économique,philosophique,idéologique, identitaire, globale, monétaire,énergétique écologique, artistique, donc: l'avenir est la nouvelle aventure du 21 siècle et la fin du 20em

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« 2014 : Notre monde est-il au bord du gouffre ? » (1/4) - Agoravox TV

« 2014 : Notre monde est-il au bord du gouffre ? » (1/4) - Agoravox TV:

'via Blog thisforget wall street 100 000 millions living in food stamps 50 millions in poverty and a toilet paper currency dow of idiots at 20 000  and hollywood enjoys how americans get fat, this is what america is a dump for the americans and a heaven for the 1%, drop the junk dollar and forget wall street for ever is just a casino for the 1% and slavery for the 99%

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Ce que Poutine ne nous dit pas | Mondialisation

Ce que Poutine ne nous dit pas | Mondialisation

la croissance en France : possible mais dans la réalité, concrète: uniquement une volte face sur L’OTAN, (fin) le dollar comme monnai de réserve,  " comme de Gaulle" nation autonome et la Russie, rapprochement avec la Russie sans interventions mensongères de la presse. autrement impossible même "le pire c'est a venir"     "regarde bien Saturne son hexagone et le Vatican"