Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Why a Dollar & Euro Collapse Is Guaranteed

GREECE is the Lehman brothers on this game washington is AIG: so get ready:  and get out of ISRAEL now to survive::: you, them or anyone cannot save the $ as reserve currency is over it has being declining since 1989, 2001 WTC collapse as the accelerating spark: as it is washington that collapsed in 1989 not moscou, as the CIA says never trust the appearances, the $ is gone, it lasted for a century now is over the crash will accelerate quite soon and the AIPAC nation will find itself on the same level as 1800.  with a new dollar and a balanced world, transfer wall street to beaumont texas, and investors will go through a moral conceptual rewind.

The Crash of 1929 & The Great Depression (PBS) 1of6

1)      The new AIPAC English Channel: Greece
is on the same continent therefore it cannot leave Europe, unfortunately,
however they are able to have a different currency, and Europe is force to accepted
it, because they are on the same continent unless they erect a wall on Greek
borders.  Now you got this virtual economical
wall circling Greece, however since Greece cannot separate itself from Europe,
unless there is a biblical flood, Greece will in fact be on equal terms as the
past-present reality materializes. The BRICS banks are an alternative on this
virtual economic warfare, because of Greece location history and logistics of
the European culture. Europe’s cultural reality cannot be a European body
without Greece. Europe neither cannot be Europe without the norther nations; alternatively,
simply said without Greece Europe does not exist as a whole continent. Neither without
Russia and the northern regions. Therefore, this division created by Washington
and the IMF, world bank dollar control; is the same economical division that
the sanctions methods that the troika applies to Greece, Russia and china, Iran
and many other nations with this dollar as reserve currency of chaos. In short,
divide Europe to save the dollar 19-14-17-27-39 style.

Tuesday, July 07, 2015

ASMR - History of Alexander The Great (featuring PARIS ASMR)

Alexandre le grand à Kiev :
Clovis à new York.
L’union de la Grèce avec la Russie crée une Europe réel,
palpable tangible car la Russie est en Europe, ethniquement comme culturellement
géographiquement comme historiquement, énergétiquement comme mystiquement.  Également la réalité perceptive est dans un état
de dissonance cognitive, en conséquence une logique illogique ce le fonctionnement
de l’individu atteint d’une dissonance cognitive. Cella développe a ainsi le résultat
d’un monde à l’envers.  Cette monde à l’envers
ce le moyen orient l’économie le terrorisme, les guerres des religions, le
climat, etc., présenté comme des victoires est le geste habitent tout à fait l’opposé.
Dans cette réalité inverse c’est la logique-illogique qui
une fois applique à l’intervertisse de son discours amène le résultat acharné
de une réalité antinomique. À cause de cette probabilité palpable dans ce monde
antithétique la Russie est la illogique réplique à des individus atteint d’une
dissonance cognitive. La Grèce la quelle est le début du passé-présent de l’Europe
amène une sonnante cognitive en Europe est Alexander le grand arrive a Kiev.    
Agir contrairement à la logique-illogique impose du monde
inverse ce le raisonnement de la majorité, le quelle est illogique au monde
inverse, nonobstant dans le monde antithétique dans l’quelle ont habité cette réalité
est Rê-représente à la majorité inverse en conséquence elle devient logique. Cet
obstacle illogique créé par le monde antinomique est aussi le moteur du
changement de guérison du comportement de la dissonance cognitive. L’action est
la perception du moment est agir en convenance est recréer l’histoire inverse.

Referendum Grec : Jacques Cheminade sur Tropiques FM

Alexandre le grand à Kiev :
Clovis à new York.
L’union de la Grèce avec la Russie crée une Europe réel,
palpable tangible car la Russie est en Europe, ethniquement comme culturellement
géographiquement comme historiquement, énergétiquement comme mystiquement.  Également la réalité perceptive est dans un état
de dissonance cognitive, en conséquence une logique illogique ce le fonctionnement
de l’individu atteint d’une dissonance cognitive. Cella développe a ainsi le résultat
d’un monde à l’envers.  Cette monde à l’envers
ce le moyen orient l’économie le terrorisme, les guerres des religions, le
climat, etc., présenté comme des victoires est le geste habitent tout à fait l’opposé.
Dans cette réalité inverse c’est la logique-illogique qui
une fois applique à l’intervertisse de son discours amène le résultat acharné
de une réalité antinomique. À cause de cette probabilité palpable dans ce monde
antithétique la Russie est la illogique réplique à des individus atteint d’une
dissonance cognitive. La Grèce la quelle est le début du passé-présent de l’Europe
amène une sonnante cognitive en Europe est Alexander le grand arrive a Kiev.    
Agir contrairement à la logique-illogique impose du monde
inverse ce le raisonnement de la majorité, le quelle est illogique au monde
inverse, nonobstant dans le monde antithétique dans l’quelle ont habité cette réalité
est Rê-représente à la majorité inverse en conséquence elle devient logique. Cet
obstacle illogique créé par le monde antinomique est aussi le moteur du
changement de guérison du comportement de la dissonance cognitive. L’action est
la perception du moment est agir en convenance est recréer l’histoire inverse.

Alain, la guerre et la paix - Mars ou la guerre jugée

end of judeo christian realm , separation of both sides and collapse of AIPAC:
The scorpion sting.
The Greek situation is quite simple a five steeps facts.
1) AIPAC: Rothschild’s theory! wall street, IMF, HOLLYWOOD, NATO-OTAN, main media, main media universities! World Bank, FED; and the lot, blackmail European governments, to acquire what they do not own. In short corruption.
2) This facts has created a worlds civilize discussions, ideologies and intelligent referendum and different opinions questions in short. A benefit to the mind, and a way to let the new system reveal itself while “the lot try’s to save the old system”
3) The current state of affairs is war that Washington “AIPAC” created and are unable to solve; on their attempt to divert the problem they cannot solve; “wars emerge” wars consequently related to economic disparities, colonialism, exploitation, corruption, and greed insanity. Very rarely need and intelligence. Antiquity has examples of intelligent last resort wars; this quality ended around the 1300 on the European continent.
4) The euro is just a brand name for a design currency for a particular purpose; brand names of currencies are just identifiable, as well on modern times marketing. You can have a Janus euro, one side the nation in value, the other side the euro in value. Have it 25% silver, that you exchange for gold from your gold mines. You can as well have a new currency a new brand name. Not the old Drachma but something else for instance the drahgmax, the ORBIS, the BREN, or any other currency brand.
5) Investors, which is 1) : Rothschild’s theory : “Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.” Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), founder of the House of Rothschild. Is as well a Brand, and Brands have a logic behind them, the current logic of the current world's investors no longer fits the current realm of their Brand; and here is why you are now on a situation who’s investors logic is domination and now they find themselves dominated. where Greece is today as an economical confusion embellished by war’s. The investor’s logic no longer works; unfortunately, the result is total global economic confusion.
6) To fix the economical swing that the investors do not understand, the fact of “euro exit” is the path towards a solution, as dialogues and civilize exchanges of ideas, intellectual and philosophical argumentations, from a platonic view, will achieve the appreciative of the ill advised investors to understand that 2015, is not, 1744, however it is. On an upside-down world. Soon you shall find the proper path towards a different system of functioning, reasoning allowing you to evolve from the IMF, Wall Street, World Bank, industry of wars, destruction divisions and counterproductive results for the human civilization. The investors logic based on austerity to oust a government that does not approve to their Brand by force, gives as a result a consequence chaos.
7) The Greek hindrance is the stimulus to the mind to understand rather than ignore. To properly discern, and explain the reality of the public vs the reality of the rare.
8) )


The scorpion sting.
The Greek situation
is quite simple a five steeps facts.
1)      AIPAC: Rothschild’s theory! wall
street, IMF, HOLLYWOOD, NATO-OTAN, main media, main media universities! World
Bank, FED; and the lot, blackmail European governments, to acquire what they do
not own. In short corruption.
2)       This facts has created a worlds civilize discussions,
ideologies and intelligent referendum’s and different opinions questions in
short. A benefit to the mind, and a way to let the new system reveal itself
while “the lot try’s to save the old system”
3)      The current state of affairs is war
that Washington “AIPAC” created and are unable to solve; on their attempt to
divert the problem they cannot solve; “wars emerge” wars consequently related
to economic disparities, colonialism, exploitation, corruption, and greed
insanity. Very rarely need and intelligence. Antiquity has examples of
intelligent last resort wars; this quality ended around the 1300 on the
European continent.
4)      The euro is just a brand name for a
design currency for a particular purpose; brand names of currencies are just
identifiable, as well on modern times marketing. You can have a Janus euro, one
side the nation in value, the other side the euro in value. Have it 25% silver,
that you exchange for gold from your gold mines. You can as well have a new
currency a new brand name. Not the old Drachma but something else for instance
the drahgmax, the ORBIS, the BREN, or any other currency brand.
5)      Investors, which is 1)
: Rothschild’s theory : “Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care
not who writes the laws.” Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), founder of the
House of Rothschild. Is as well a Brand, and Brands have a logic behind them,
the current logic of the current worlds investors no longer fits the current
realm of their Brand; and here is why you are now on a situation who’s
investors logic is domination and now they find themselves dominated.  where Greece is today as an economical
confusion embellished by war’s. The investor’s logic no longer works;
unfortunately, the result is total global economic confusion.
6)      To fix the economical swing that the
investors do not understand, the fact of “euro exit” is the path towards a
solution, as dialogues and civilize exchanges of ideas, intellectual and
philosophical argumentations, from a platonic view, will achieve the appreciative
of the ill advised investors to understand that 2015, is not, 1744, however it
is. On an upside-down world. Soon you shall find the proper path towards a
different system of functioning, reasoning allowing you to evolve from the IMF,
Wall Street, World Bank, industry of wars, destruction divisions and
counterproductive results for the human civilization. The investors logic based
on austerity to oust a government that does not approve to their Brand by
force, gives as a result a consequence chaos.
7)      The Greek hindrance is the stimulus
to the mind to understand rather than ignore. To properly discern, and explain
the reality of the public vs the reality of the rare.

8)      )

Thursday, July 02, 2015

Craig Isherwood - L'Australie doit rejoindre les BRICS pour éviter la gu...

the system is broken what ever you call it capitalism, liberalism you can chose any name, however looks the think thanks don't know any other system but the one that is rapidly collapsing, so they have war's to destroy and create. unfortunately the war's in the 21 century will not fix the system, better adapt to the transition and evolve until things will simmer down. them new ideas will flourish gradually. wall street, FED, BCE, $ as reserve currency. IMF, NATO, AIPAC, holocaust industry all this things are gone for ever.

Tatiana Seliverstova - Créons un mouvement de jeune en soutien des BRICS !

the system is broken what ever you call it capitalism, liberalism you can chose any name, however looks the think thanks don't know any other system but the one that is rapidly collapsing, so they have war's to destroy and create. unfortunately the war's in the 21 century will not fix the system, better adapt to the transition and evolve until things will simmer down. them new ideas will flourish gradually. wall street, FED, BCE, $ as reserve currency. IMF, NATO, AIPAC, holocaust industry all this things are gone for ever.

Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Damh The Bard - The Green Fields of France

le clash de civilisations AIPAC vs la civilisation occidentale: le monde selon AIPAC le commun de mortelles l'appelle le rêve américain mais ce la civilisation AIPAC que BHL représente la civilisation occidentale cet tout une autre chose. le clash de civilisations ce ne pas avec islam ou IRAN mais AIPAC et le valeurs occidentale, nonobstant ce la civilisation AIPAC qui confond tout avec Hollywood, le congres américain et la NSA CIA, raison pour la quelle l'Europe a reçue des guerres depuis 1913, car 1913 ce la naissance de la FED américaine  le début officielle de AIPAC qui vos a donne deux guerres mondiale est en en train de préparer la 3: AIPAC ce simple ont divise l'occident pour mieux le conquérir est imposer le méthode AIPAC globalement. l'occident résiste est la Russie comme TZIPRAS ont compris cette manipulation  de AIPAC. AIPAC ce Goldman sachs comme la BCE. wall streett le système éducative américain  OTAN NATO CE AIPAC. LE CONGRES américain ce AIPAC  HOLLYWOOD EST LES MEDIAS GLOBAL COMME LA PRESSE CE AIPAC. votre pense ce AIPAC

Cauldron born - Damh the Bard

le clash de civilisations AIPAC vs la civilisation occidentale: le monde selon AIPAC le commun de mortelles l'appelle le rêve américain mais ce la civilisation AIPAC que BHL représente la civilisation occidentale cet tout une autre chose. le clash de civilisations ce ne pas avec islam ou IRAN mais AIPAC et le valeurs occidentale, nonobstant ce la civilisation AIPAC qui confond tout avec Hollywood, le congres américain et la NSA CIA, raison pour la quelle l'Europe a reçue des guerres depuis 1913, car 1913 ce la naissance de la FED américaine  le début officielle de AIPAC qui vos a donne deux guerres mondiale est en en train de préparer la 3: AIPAC ce simple ont divise l'occident pour mieux le conquérir est imposer le méthode AIPAC globalement. l'occident résiste est la Russie comme TZIPRAS ont compris cette manipulation  de AIPAC. AIPAC ce Goldman sachs comme la BCE. wall streett le système éducative américain  OTAN NATO CE AIPAC. LE CONGRES américain ce AIPAC  HOLLYWOOD EST LES MEDIAS GLOBAL COMME LA PRESSE CE AIPAC. votre pense ce AIPAC

Monday, June 29, 2015

AIPAC 101 - March 1, 2015

civilisation AIPAC vs civilisation occidentale: la réalité que les nations unie refuse de reconnaître et washington, car ce washington le centre du terrorisme dans le monde occidentale. Al Queda creasion de Washington come DAESH

AIPAC 101 - March 1, 2015

civilisation AIPAC vs civilisation occidentale: la réalité que les nations unie refuse de reconnaître et washington, car ce washington le centre du terrorisme dans le monde occidentale. Al Queda creasion de Washington come DAESH

Deformed babies in Fallujah Iraq

Tunisie : la Grande-Bretagne estime avoir été prise pour cible

Saturday, June 27, 2015


an example of AIPAC education in america reason why education in america is similar to brave new world DELTAS, are mindless workers, hollywood is AIPAC so is 99% of what you see on the box, however western civilization archetypes are waking up and on this issue AIPAC or cnn are impotent: president Obama the process of the collapse of AIPAC your master has begun, how you will handle the issue is up to you, but the israeli jewish holocaust sitcom is increasing it's incompatibility with western civilization, which has nothing to do with this AIPAC greater israel ideology, neither the church, and islam, so AIPAC will be facing not bankers or russia tanks but 8 billion folks not very happy about AIPAC behavior. and that could become quite complicated to fence off.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Le documentaire qui n'a pas plu à Israël, France2 AIPAC Un oeil sur la p...

▶ Le Marchand de Venise - vidéo dailymotion

▶ Le Marchand de Venise - vidéo dailymotion

GREECE/     MIF: le danger de notre civilization actuelle::: Pour rendre service à son protégé Bassanio, il emprunte de l'argent à l'usurier Shylock. Certain de pouvoir le rembourser, il signe un contrat où il autorise son créancier à lui prélever une livre de chair en cas de défaut de paiement

Oil & Economic Wars with Russia, China & Iran - William Engdahl

the collapse of the dollar