Monday, December 28, 2015

Site of Deadliest Native American Massacre Identified in Idaho | Western Digs

Site of Deadliest Native American Massacre Identified in Idaho | Western Digs

the barbarians from the middle east : ISRAEL! facts: israel the 1492 replica of the usa of america: colonization and destruction of everything in sight, now americans do understand israel special relationship with washington: "brutal colonialism"  as it; is no different than 1492 and the continental massacres of american natives by pilgrims and other barbarians. same today in palestine middle east. same plot same deception same result.

Friday, December 25, 2015

PressTV-Debate: Hate-filled Israeli extremism

PressTV-Debate: Hate-filled Israeli extremism:

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(us "washington"  chaos contaminating america.) coming now.. south america, central america, alaska north pole; canada and mexico included only way to save america IS to isolate the us of america washington dc: to save the world isolate wahsington dc...!!!!!!!!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

De Gaulle sa vision du sionisme et du conflit Israel Palestine - 1967

l'hexagone c'est déssigne  l'abstention arrive a ça maturite et la suite evidente 'la presidentielle"  la reforme cognitive, politique cognize la realite, la reforme économique se questionne est les medias reflechis la suite dans cette aventure numerique. la solution est dans le numerique: 1967. la clef de la paix dans le numerique comme dans le technologique-ment scientifiquement human.

Les Inrocks - Au siège du Parti de gauche, Jean-Luc Mélenchon tire les leçons des régionales

Les Inrocks - Au siège du Parti de gauche, Jean-Luc Mélenchon tire les leçons des régionales:

Jean Luc Melenchon la desintegration de la republique se accelere une action juste est imperative. 

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Obama Disqualifies Trump from White House » Infowars Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Obama Disqualifies Trump from White House » Infowars Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!:

'via Blog this' DDT: KERRY is nowhere the coming very soon, technological democracy level's all CEO on the planet to the same level as managers Bill gates included, you can call it modern royal age: . forget kerry just ban all arab diplomats, businessmen and political, royals everyone from the global financial system opec cut the petrodollars in half, russia will cooperate and with the petrol glut who needs the saudi kingdom. indeed americans will look at you different as soon you keep all kerry's friends which are royals and arab terrorist at bay. yes you CAN.

Wednesday, December 09, 2015

LPAC Policy Committee - November 30, 2015

Russia has no choice but go nuclear,  land war's don't work, like
Afghanistan or Syria,  in fact is a padlock situation NATO has to end,
back off because both sides are bolt into the same spiral, Europe & Asia as
well, Washington’s spiral.  IMF The monetary body snatchers the $: Reason
why the key is De Gaulle, the new world order is De Gaulle’s speech:  inverted big brother “1967” if you like. France
out of NATO, end of dollar toilet paper and 1967 borders for Israel only way to
bring order out of chaos.  There is no other solution; more interestingly
is the reality of the time and now 2015. Same as 1967. Syria 1967 Israeli
war. Vietnam, today China “Obama’s pacific war’s” “simultaneously” General De Gaulles
speech can
be done by the current leaders, applied the UN text; follow with France exit of
NATO-OTAN. France becomes the diplomatic pivot “Versailles” end the $ nightmare,
gold returns and end of Bretton woods. Dollar is no longer reserve currency domestic
dollar revives. The domestic dollar is the green back if you want to related to
an event, that is related to the now. Peace is achievable and evolution,
education. You can even use the video as an inverted big brother in time &
space, conveys order out of chaos. By using a YouTube video: it represents the
big brother of 1984, is image related to Georges Orwell’s Nobel, simple to describe
the fact in time and space them and now is very simple.(1967 Vietnam war Israeli
war, 2015 China pacific Ukraine, Syria, Iran, ISIS, Libya, Israel in the center,
Palestine, out of the news. 

Monday, December 07, 2015

George Orwell's Animal Farm

Les multinationales qui ont financé Hitler ! S/T HD

le triangle 1939 - 2015 : L’abstention c’est le triangle qui désigne l’hexagone.

Élections instructive suivi par une présidentielle, une chose c’est une élection démocratique et autre ce l’élu démocratiquement, en suite l’élu propose la solution du problème.  Une fait ce le problème un distinct sa solution. La solution du problème c'est le $ - le pétrodollar. Pour sortir du pétrodollar, l’or comme équilibre. Une monnaies unique en Europe est impérative, indépendant du dollar, une monnaie nationale ce la faiblesse de l’Europe, un monnaies unique est l’incarnent surtout. Sortir du NATO-OTAN vit révolu une monnaie unique européenne ; puis Israël frontières 1967. Ces trois éléments, triangle "AIPAC" sont tous lie est C’est modifié conjointement. La solution n’est que triangulaire est simultané.   Le cheval de Troie fabrique en ISRAEL :version 2015 =1939: arrive en Europe, donc le pire est à venir : nonobstant tout cheval de Troie est INNOCENT de ces actions car c’est une manipulation triangulaire, $, AIPAC, publicité journaux AIPAC : identique a 1939 HITLER:  ces triangle décide qui gagne est qui perd tout élections présidentielle dans le monde esclavagé de AIPAC : Europe Washington et Amérique latine : Asie mineur. Seule nations libre d’AIPAC dans le 21 siècle : Chine, Russie inde, Iran Syrie k du nord.

Paul Craig Roberts On Russia, Turkey, NATO & Where It's All Heading!

Sunday, December 06, 2015

Political author Gearoid O Colmain discusses the Paris attacks with RT I...

there is not necessarily a concrete reason, is more a kind of gangsters obligation, this war's all relate to israel, and israel we can say is the FED, PETRODOLLARS IMF AIPAC system, Jews are just the poster that the media displays to Europeans and Americans to remind them of the holocaust which is used as a moral "human rights" leverage to europeans by the Americans reason why the UN is powerless in front of ISRAEL. to understand america you must understand first the Israeli game, why AIPAC owns most  of global media and Hollywood banks and finances, all this is related to israel the holocaust and wars. however detail discernment is required to fully understand the plot as all is link. Russia china are just victims the same way Syria and palestina of this gangster obligation.

Wednesday, December 02, 2015


what are you
going to do about ISRAEL, Queen Elizabeth, this mess is in your hands, and is
getting worse: Belfour DECLARATION "consider it invalid, and is over"
peace once again in Europe and the middle east. 1967 borders for Israel, as De
Gaulle suggested is the clever way. Since he is no longer with us but he
remains. It will please everyone and curb the Israeli beast, level the American
congress and save many Americans "your responsibility" from
brainwashing crazy Zionist wars. Save the world before you go.

Johnathan Schneer: "The Balfour Declaration: The Origins of the Arab-Isr...

Johnathan Schneer: "The Balfour Declaration: The Origins of the Arab-Isr...

Queen Elizabeth II - Queen -

Queen Elizabeth II - Queen -

what are you going to do about ISRAEL, this mess is in your hands, and is getting worse: BAlFOUR DECLARATION "consider it invalid, and is over" peace once again in Europe and the middle east. 1967 borders like De Gaulle suggested is the clever way. since he is no longer with us but he remains. it will please everyone and curb the Israeli beast, level the american congress and save many Americans "also your responsibility" from brainwashing crazy Zionist wars. save the world before you go.

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Aldous Huxley - The Ultimate Revolution (1962)

Britain should send English teachers to washington and the IMF, to civilize the lot.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Un député britannique donne un cours d’histoire à un auditeur juif

Balfour gave Israël to the Rothschild to ensure the power of the English language on the middle East, Israël Is as fact a british colony same as Washington :  and always will be, america the other colony has  english as language : Shakespeare language not hébreu, the american colony is just the police the army, of the grand british empire something that israel cannot be, and  never will achieve as america today is a colony the real global exchange currency is call the english language. not rothschild money empire $:  give me control of the money is a joke:  better say give me control of the language and i will show you who is KING. 


le problème ce ne pas BHL ce son discours
sa philosophie le résultat des ce conseille au président hollande, sa position
médiatique aidé en complicité avec  le
POINT Libération le monde l'express tous les journaux sioniste en France et
Amérique: crée du chaos par la voix de BHL et la diffusion des medias « donc
complices du crime »  la mort dans
la France et le reste du monde:  sponsorise par BFM, times of ISRAEL
 et I télé, le monde CNN, ce ça le problème Réel.  BHL est une hautparleur du chaos mondial
sioniste créé en 1947.  fait réel concret,
tout ces conseilles sioniste israéliens amène a la haine et la guerre pire que
soral et Dieudonne ensemble ce simple et claire.  ECOUTES FABIOUS ET sa
confusion actuelle "une république en chaos" voila un fait Réel de
BHL et ces discours de guerre de double langage pour détruire l’Europe la France
et la civilisation occidentale, et vous les victimes depuis 2001. Tout personé
qui conteste cette réalité palpable ces fait réel est qualifie de antisémite, l’arme
de guerre des gouvernement sioniste dans le monde. ce ça le mécanisme du holocauste

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Noam Chomsky - Un penseur très célèbre face à l'actualité

BRITAIN: SEND TEACHERS TO AMERICA so they civilize, the animals:  this global mess is your fault, reason the animal farm in washington practiced a confuse english, also badly trained pig's that run the nation, because of lack of education culture refinement.  the animal farm created in 1492, demands more education knowledge that is what the barbarians in america lack SEND TEACHERS TO AMERICA SO THEY EVOLVE and become hopefully real humans: THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE is your responsibility Globally.