Monday, February 15, 2016

End NATO Now. “An Insanity that’s Driving the World Inexorably Toward World War III” | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

End NATO Now. “An Insanity that’s Driving the World Inexorably Toward World War III” | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

front de gauche la republique est trés proche de sa destructions le gouvernement BHL, aveugle a ruine la republique avec ces guerres humanitaires et sa politique terroriste, cet a vous politiciens de eviter le pire car le pire approche rapidement et 2017 peut devenir un cementerio radioactive pour le gouvernement BHL. le sionisme et autres. donc Front de gauche la fin de la republique sera rapide subtile et efficace. pour eviter le pire il faut agir maintenon, pas de temps a perdre. agir maintenon ce indispensable, sortir de NATO OTAN avant que la republique devienne coince abruti et detruite completement. 

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Israeli Spies Caught Celebrating 9-11

it is possible, perhaps certainly that this american animals deserve a nuclear 9/11 and here is where israelis are right:  keep this american animals away from civilization starting with John kerry.  no wonder they celebrated 9/11 this animals deserve a lot worse

Saturday, February 13, 2016


or hot war france main target for topol missiles when france goes up in smoke electricity in europe goes up in smoke reason why france is the key to the destruction of europe or its salvation.  nuclear domestic reactors in france are a military target same as ISIS, so wake up folks, before europe becomes a radioactive park, russia will have no other choice but nukes.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

‘We proved Einstein right!’ 100 years on, gravitational waves confirmed in breakthrough research — RT News

‘We proved Einstein right!’ 100 years on, gravitational waves confirmed in breakthrough research — RT News

Mind & machines.
The future of technology is probably the same of the printing press, at one point was a discovery and centuries later it became obsolete. However, we must question ourselves what do we mean by imports and concepts. Technology we can say is a concept however it is as well a form, a language a name, which can become obsolete. 
The way the mind works eventually will create analogies between numbers and events, we consider time as an addition, as we consider evolution as a calculation, on the other hand we can say evolution is a discovery, something that is already here but we failed to perceive, because our vision fails to do so. If we say that dark matter is not something that is part of our space but rather that is a fabric that envelops all existence, at such a point that is a form of energy that is currently unperceivable to us and our current technological devices, therefore we cant perceive it trace it even if it is invisible to our experiments but we know is there, as the dark matter displayed on us we can say it does exist outside our solar system. As such it can also exist between us among us and it can be a part of us. Gravity is the same we can trace it however man made tools described however under the restrain spectrum of the tools used to perceived. Reason why the mind is the limitless tool that we fail to fully understand.

Jeff Rense & Tim Rifat - The Destruction of Europe

Le mariage de Miss Europe et de Monsieur Dupe

NATO OTAN regime NAZI: le propos de  est de detruire l'europe il à commence avec bush 1990;  le kosovo, puis afghanistan, affaire richard pearl:  objective  l'europe des immigres pour décourager confondre l'europe, puis ce le moyen orient dans son plan, de grand israel,  guerre civile en europe entre juif et musulman, apres ce melange pervers le chretiens ce mele a le suicide collectif, et contribue a la guerre iraq, libye syrie turkey, l'objectif cet la naissance de israel la grande israel conquérand du chaos dans le monde chaotique cree par israel puis sauve par washington AIPAC. la realite ce l'inverse israel et au point de disparaitre et l'europe chaotique réturne a son etat ancestrale polytheiste autrement agnostique.

Saturday, February 06, 2016

De Gaulle sa vision du sionisme et du conflit Israel Palestine - 1967

the problem with you lot TALMUD followers: is Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein he said that to you TALMUD realm believers:  because, you lot go over and over the same realm and continue to make the same mistakes from JESUS to Hitler and now israel  . and we all know how it will end unless you gain some modesty.