Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Mind Control Theories and Techniques used by Mass Media

forget the euroidiots, as you can witness today they are on the brink of a marshall plan version 2016, this mental retarded fellows can do nothing moreover they will sink the continent into oblivion sooner than you can wink. today is a bit late, and it is not certain that you russia shall be able to save europe from its suicidal path. but there is still hope very little very little. 

Sunday, March 06, 2016

2016 Crash Will be Worse than 2008, History Will Remember This - Gerald ...

The fourth party: and the independent media « Bill Gates » the merlin of
the battle of the trees. Placing the B 52 bombing planes on a good path for a
good cause. To end wars falling cellphones, Microsoft office mobile, video
games, palms, smart phones, PlayStation etc.! Can do a lot of good to over
aggressive and violent fourth Reich minds. Silver: On Election Day, Bren 25%
silver: on the battle of the trees (New Global Reserve Currency°)

Nouvel ordre mondial , Attentat Complot Manipulation du 11 septembre 2001

Why Can't Anyone Stop Israel ?