Friday, June 03, 2016

Homosexuality in Ancient Greece : The Truth

THE SLOGAN: Make love not war. : Confusing situation and very clear end result. illusions of ideological wars, and everything is working for the new world, however not the one expected one but rather the opposite, a total change and there you are on the garden of EDEN. Back to the starting point, ready to begin rewriting history, this means a mental change exclusively, not corporeal, no harm is done to physique, just like a chess game where dishonesty is impossible. The inverted realm of the armed forces: LGTB war plans: "make love not war". THE SLOGAN: Make love not war.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Vandals Deface War Memorial Tributes Across America! 5/29/16 Full Show

as trump said l'ets make america gay again . gay NAVY seal's at work.. and gay LGTB armed forces in the usa of gay america, well thats life folks let's make america gay again and long live trump and his boyfriend.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Le saviez-vous ? Le Menu du CRIF

le diner du CRIF: LA GUERRE C'EST LA PAIX LA LIBERTE C'EST L'ESCLAVAGE L'IGNORANCE C'EST LA FORCE : voila la realite de la presse en france realite george orwell's dans votre cerveau. france 2, i-tele, liberation, le monde,le point, BHL, etc presse orwellian cree par le CRIF.

La délégation ukrainienne à la rencontre des Ukrainiens de France / Pari...

le diner du CRIF: LA GUERRE C'EST LA PAIX LA LIBERTE C'EST L'ESCLAVAGE L'IGNORANCE C'EST LA FORCE : voila la realite de la presse en france realite george orwell's dans votre cerveau. france 2, i-tele, liberation, le monde,le point, BHL, etc presse orwellian cree par le CRIF.

Tariq Ramadan dévoile Bernard Henri Levy et le gouvernement Français

L'IGNORANCE C'EST LA FORCE : voila la realite de la presse en france realite george orwell's dans votre cerveau. france 2, i-tele, liberation, le monde,le point, BHL, etc presse orwellian cree par le CRIF.

Caravan To Midnight - Episode 535 Dr. Paul Craig Roberts & Joel Richardson

Badiou & Mélenchon :
REPLAY : pour mieux comprendre, + "ce soir ou jamais" « Des paroles
et des actes » : le show Mélenchon :

Dr Paul Craig Roberts: BREXIT, EU, CIA, WASHINGTON

Badiou & Mélenchon :
REPLAY : pour mieux comprendre, + "ce soir ou jamais" « Des paroles
et des actes » : le show Mélenchon

Monday, May 23, 2016

The Zionist Subversion of Western Civilization [Part 1] | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

The Zionist Subversion of Western Civilization [Part 1] | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

nature does a better job than nuclear bombs: since israel does not understand reason it will be wipe out from history you got very little time many will die but this time you will disappear for ever same as dinosaurs never to be heard again from the human history: only way to save humanity as the AIPAC nation Washington dc murder nation has brainwashed the lot of you, what we hope is just a controlled demolition of the west coast and not a string of event as from the California event we can go to Yellowstone to Madrid fall to St Helens and from there to Madrid fault. from there to last Viejas and them to the underwater volcanoes on the Mediterranean “Italy” at last Israel will finally disappear for ever after and never to heard of them again. everything is connected same as the internet above and below the planet. So better ask Israel to return to its 1967 borders end of NATO and return to gold standard. And hope it will work.

Angry Mob - The Day of the Locust (8/9) Movie CLIP (1975) HD

Shakespeare: the world is a stage: Mr. Dolan after watching a brief Cannes preview ONPC* of your film I noticed something interesting and peculiar which is an emotional transfer, a emulation of emotional self on one of the actors: text and dialogue look quite poor, manipulative: however, on the other hand you could be just acting on the ONCP* interview. Hollywood is own by Jewish elite which dominate what you do think act and will be, therefore 99.9% of Hollywood films are AIPAC manipulation. You could be just a carcass with Lyons syrup on your brains controlled at will, or you might not be? When a film is done with nobility taste and honesty it remains forever, when is manipulation is inverted automatically, one example is Rosemarie’s baby’s, Ira Levin, as tangible fact:  to understand reality take woody Allen, roman Polanski and Mia farrow bring the Israeli ambassador watch the film, the baby engender by Britain Balfour declaration “1917” and born by Britain in 1947, the plotters Hollywood Jewish elites and the actors that play on Shakespeare worlds stage.  avoid louis vuitton "and remember KAREN BLACK,

Friday, May 20, 2016

The Occupation of the American Mind - RAI with Pink Floyd's Roger Waters (1/3)

The Occupation of the American Mind - RAI with Pink Floyd's Roger Waters (1/3)

to be honest I think is a loose battle war is coming you lot love hitler trump and no way you will see reality. same as gullible germans before world war 2 communist mexicans and muslims the enemies die for israel as that is who you love to fight for. israel AIPAC the owners of banks hollywood and main media that has brainwash you for decades and now you love it. trumps tells you what you want to heard is happening now what is really happening is not quite the same. trump's hair replaces hitler moustache now you understand why trump hates muslims loves fake jews and prepares ww3 and you lot of americans applaud same as germany 1933. only way out is get the world against america so we can survive this fascist AIPAC realm. also remember NATO-OTAN now has israel as partner. liverman new defence minister confirms the new israeli hitler american axe of evil so russia prepare yourself for war against fascist nazi CRIF aipac america.

DIASPORAMA: "Un enfant palestinien est tué tous les 3 jours par l'armée ...

le bébé pour rosmarie: Si vous regarde le film Rosemary baby ça vous montre la naissance de l’état de Israël par Hollywood, dans une réalité macabre mais concrété dans notre monde réel palpable. Les partenaires réel Woody Allen Mia farrow et la fille adoptive viole par Woody Allen son père le film réalisé par Polanski juifs comme Woody Allen est le contexte du film. Un bonheur insoutenable (titre original This Perfect Day) est un roman d'anticipation contre-utopique américain d'Ira Levin, publié en 1970. Il est considéré comme un des grands romans dystopique de la science-fiction du XXe siècle, avec 1984 et Le Meilleur des mondes 1. En 1880 l’empire anglais a cède, ce déclin a donné l’ouverture à la FED 1913 banque fédéral américaine sioniste. En 1917 Balfour declaration la genèse de Israël laquelle après deux guerres mondiale la même Angleterre a donné naissance en 1947. George Orwell et Aldous Huxley on comprit le déclin de l’empire anglais comme la naissance de Israël état terroriste. Les trois slogans du parti « La guerre c’est la paix. La liberté c’est l’esclavage. L’ignorance c’est la force. » Room 101, c’est un emplacement ou Orwell a rencontré le général De gaulle. Est comme lui l’a dit lui-même : Celui qui contrôle le présent contrôle le passé. Celui qui contrôle le passé, contrôle le futur. » donc c’est un mécanisme automatique par laquelle Israël ou il retourne à ces frontières 1967 ou il disparait automatiquement.

Ukraine : le président Ianoukovitch va-t-il céder à la pression de la ru...

BHL, LICRA, FINKI,CRIF, La Place de la République à Paris, « Quartier-Général » du mouvement « Nuit Debout », un soir d’avril 2016 Le mouvement « Nuit Debout » empêche la création d’un nouveau monde

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Why The Jews Killed John F. Kennedy

balfour declaration 1917 israel NATO HITLER: one of the main problems in america's is jewish billionaires, they started ww1 ww2 and the 1913 holocaust called the FED. your idol TRUMP is now in jewish billionaires hands same as HITLER. you know the rest it even matches WW2 as trump is ok for putin as hitler was OK for stalin before the war, same plot same actors and same victims. so get those billionaires out of any influence how:::: a law that restricts the amount of wealth any of this vermins can have as personal property. restrained capitalism if you like. for jewish insane billionaires. and should be global. NATO IS HITLER'S ARMY hillary confirms the strategy russia hitler is american version 2016 and israel is a partner of the new hitler that attacks innocent people . same as 1933 no difference just modern version 2016 that's all but same plot same people same jewish billionaires involved.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Alan Watts Discusses Aldous Huxley's island PART 1 of 3

Rene Guénon
comes to the rescue  "la crise du monde moderne" :  SADIQ KHAN, time to visit the pope Francis
and bring him a copy of Pierre Teilhard de chardin. :)

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Omega Point Theory Of Time

Rene Guénon
comes to the rescue  "la crise du monde moderne" :  SADIQ KHAN, time to visit the pope Francis
and bring him a copy of Pierre Teilhard de chardin. :)

Sunday, May 08, 2016

Débat entre Myret Zaki et François Asselineau sur les Etats-Unis d'Améri...

, here is an example of what a real president candidate would have said. My fellow Americans we have a problem in Our nation and is called corporate multinationals, and a $ global reserve currency that is controlled by our FED, the FED is on the hands of AIPAC, not at the service of the nation but private banks and corporations. which is a conglomerate of Jewish bankers and financiers, these bankers and financiers are as well a multinational with all other Jewish bankers worldwide.  They control all the media globally, Hollywood the congress senate and the military complex as well wall street Europe Australia south America japan, and all third world nations. In fact, the global Anglo-Saxon financial system, with the exception of Iran, Russia and china. All the difficulties we have is because of these multinational and the control they have over all of us. The white house, the government, congress and the senate are as well impotent in face of this power. However, democracy offer us an opportunity and that is the people behind one man. For this to take place and become a reality it is you the people that can make it happen as our late president said it is not what America can do for you but what you can do for America. The Israeli lobby and the existence of Israel must be curb Israel must return to its 1967 borders which will give us a breathing space against the psychological propaganda that the media multinationals forces upon us. Democracy is a contract between one man and its citizens as without you, the me “president” cannot do anything, the entirety of the nation must follow in order to achieve our total liberty from these organizations that took existence in 1913 on what the 20th century is concern. Hope this is clear and it is us together that can mend this problem as divided we will remain under the hands of these multinationals.

Débat entre Myret Zaki et François Asselineau sur les Etats-Unis d'Améri...

, here is an example of what a real president candidate would have said. My fellow Americans we have a problem in Our nation and is called corporate multinationals, and a $ global reserve currency that is controlled by our FED, the FED is on the hands of AIPAC, not at the service of the nation but private banks and corporations. which is a conglomerate of Jewish bankers and financiers, these bankers and financiers are as well a multinational with all other Jewish bankers worldwide.  They control all the media globally, Hollywood the congress senate and the military complex as well wall street Europe Australia south America japan, and all third world nations. In fact, the global Anglo-Saxon financial system, with the exception of Iran, Russia and china. All the difficulties we have is because of these multinational and the control they have over all of us. The white house, the government, congress and the senate are as well impotent in face of this power. However, democracy offer us an opportunity and that is the people behind one man. For this to take place and become a reality it is you the people that can make it happen as our late president said it is not what America can do for you but what you can do for America. The Israeli lobby and the existence of Israel must be curb Israel must return to its 1967 borders which will give us a breathing space against the psychological propaganda that the media multinationals forces upon us. Democracy is a contract between one man and its citizens as without you, the me “president” cannot do anything, the entirety of the nation must follow in order to achieve our total liberty from these organizations that took existence in 1913 on what the 20th century is concern. Hope this is clear and it is us together that can mend this problem as divided we will remain under the hands of these multinationals.

The REAL Truth about Hitler, The Jews and Zionism (Ken Livingstone situa...

zionism ready to put a jewish king in britain. sorry queen extraterrestrial help will not take place. muslims will help you save you..!!!!