Sunday, May 21, 2017

Santana : Every Step of the Way

Trump Brexit fantasies / ignorance meets
insanity, the Saudi realm // Washington will you ever become a civilize nation/
Stephen hawking claim earth only years 100 years; to evolve, get the hint
President trump is directed to Washington morons and the outdated CIA. congress
republic. //

this is like left hand echoes like the right
hand no difference than 1963 & the Vietnam war, in fact nothing has taken
place just anew face which is the same as the old face, meaning lost a as blind
man on a foggy night.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Jacques Vergès sur la Libye, Sarko et BHL (1)

don't go crazy president macron otherwise you wont last long //  israel is very close to the red line "think before you speak and think twice before you act. remember you are a locateur same as the has been  HOLLANDE AND SARKOZY.

Donald Trump is Deep into Watergate Territory Now: Former Congresswoman ...

don't go crazy president macron otherwise you wont last long //  israel is very close to the red line "think before you speak and think twice before you act. remember you are a locateur same as the has been  HOLLANDE AND SARKOZY.

Jefferson Airplane - Comin' Back To Me

Monday, May 08, 2017

Who owns America? Ask Congress

Macron the french dream / there is an american dream/ now you got the french DREAM : soon the dream team.::: De Gaulle sa vision du sionisme et du conflit Israel Palestine - 1967


Sunday, May 07, 2017

Aldous Huxley - Knowledge and Understanding

A cancer patient is somewhat similar to a
troll on the web system, the web system creates the trolls to reorganize the
system. For instance, worry, insecurity, rather than assurance, in other words
fear dominates its antonym. On a cancer patients fear multiply the cancerous
cells, this cell perhaps exists or they do not exist, but out of fear they wake
up. And fear being the antonym of security it means to the mind cells or atoms
or even photons, that something is wrong and they spark a signal. On the web
system world interconnected globe, the same event takes place and you go from
web blogs to alternative media.   Which are the same cancer cells on the system,
that is somehow healing itself.
However, the body & mind is a lot more
complicated than the worlds internet. On the cancer realm is quite possible that
small elements such as cells, have some kind of consciousness, and they react
to the mind in order to correct the fear and revolt, then adopt security. Anxiety,
uncertainty, reveals, that the human cells for some reason reject tension and
prefer, relaxation, pleasure rather than pain.  

Technology functions as a self-healing
system, it’s evolving process is always neutral, it does not have any side or
preferences is how it is used. It does not have a parent being a creative
process; is a sort of common parent, globalization is technology if you like. However,
it has his rules in relation to the beneficiaries, as technology exist as it is
used, the usage is where the rules are, however written by technology itself regrettably?
Technology is a common process its rules are from the common process, its
balance rule is on its gratifying evolution.
From the smallest to the larges inside the
globe, we can say that cells might communicate amongst themselves by magnetic
waves and they are together the fathers of technology. In reality the
technological advances belong to the many, there is no one mind that can possesses
and later create the whole of technology.  however, some have contributed more than
others. But all are together, as fact.
A global interconnected realm as all minds
are somewhat telekinetic, as cell themselves might.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

L'allégorie de la caverne de Platon (sous-titres français)

Étrange mais imaginez-vous élections 2017 sans macron, sa sera UM+PS+FN, Macron c'est le changement malheureusement vous ne le discernais pas, donc l’envie la jalousie la mesquinerie apparaît. Et si c'est le Rothschild qui ont aidé macron vous devez de les remercie car sans le Rothschild le changement ne sera pas possible, donc les médias et la vérité c'est que de la jalousie q Macron a arrivé à devenir présidentiable enrage ceux comme Marine et autres, que après 11 ans des efforts se retrouve à la même place que son père en 2002. Voilà la réalité concrété justes. Le changement réel grâce a MACRON car c'est l’inédit en France macron a aidé les petits grand partis à devenir plus important comme à ouvrir l’esprit. Comprendre comme fonctionne la démocratie c'est impératif si vous voulez vous libérer des médias acrobates et des politiciens démagogues ! la démocratie c'est un outil, le comprendre pour bien l'utiliser.

Monday, April 17, 2017

The State of Trump Address - True News: Week In Review - April 16th, 2017

Mélenchon au pouvoir: la presse panique!

David Bohm on perception

Good & evil

Good and evil does not exist, what does
exist is a point once that particular point is put in motion, a question
arises. Time becomes part of this motion, however time is impartial neither
good or bad. Is how you estimate time that will give you a good result or a bad
result. Saros is both a anti globalist and a globalist in time and space.
However, his timing has lead him to assimilate the globalist, rather than the
humanist. He assimilates the humanism as a globalist. However, both exist on
one state of motion. As the motion reaches his previous point an instantaneous new
point emerges and we return to the question of good and evil. Is just a
question of time. For instance, Syria bombing and Syrian chemical toxic realm.
Two ways appear action or no action, which is the same good & evil.  timing and the result of the particular reason
for acting at that timing determines the outcome, which is forward or a return
to the motion point. 
In other words, what you call a return of motion to a fix
point; can be translated to a static wheel, the wheel turns but remains static,
as it returns to his point of motion. things repeat themselves, evolution,
occurs only technologically however the return to the starting point keeps one
side slowly evolving, while technology advances, the humanist side remaining

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Alain Badiou analyse la désorientation de la jeunesse d'aujourd'hui

Jordan Maxwell | Donald Trump, Symbols, Secret Powers

David Icke 'Prophecy' - What He Said The Day Trump Was Elected, Tuesday,...

CSOJ: Débat sur l antisémitisme avec Finkielkraut, Badiou, Haza 1 sur 2

Control sur les faux vrais
news, c'est une action répressive, comme un acte patriotique 2001 de la communication :
libérés tout communication sur des plateformes libres complètement, fin de Hadopi
etc. NSA, surveiller les banques pas le people. Avantage de YouTube c'est les
images. Donc guerre de propagande sur YouTube, entres tous les candidats.

Plus clairement l’utilisation des mensonges et manipulation des opinions. Et raison
a les faux vrais news.  C’est une bonne
chose car chaque individu doit d’être un libre penseur avoir son critère. Donc éveiller
les citoyens à discerner proprement.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Into the Idiot Box (Ep. 17): Max Headroom

Good & evil
Good and evil does not exist, what does
exist is a point once that particular point is put in motion, a question arises.
Time becomes part of this motion, however time is impartial neither good or bad.
Is how you estimate time that will give you a good result or a bad result. Soros
is both a anti globalist and a globalist in time and space. However, his timing
has lead him to assimilate the globalist, rather than the humanist. He assimilates
the humanism as a globalist. However, both exist on one state of motion. As the
motion reaches his previous point an instantaneous new point emerges and we
return to the question of good and evil. Is just a question of time. For instance,
Syria bombing and Syrian chemical toxic realm. Two ways appear action or no
action, which is the same good & evil.  timing and the result of the particular reason
for acting at that timing determines the outcome, which is forward or a return
to the motion point.  

in other words, what you call a return of
motion to a fix point; can be translated to a static wheel, the wheel turns but
remains static, as it returns to his point of motion. things repeat themselves,
evolution, occurs only technologically however the return to the starting point
keeps one side slowly evolving while the other side remaining static.  

le prisonnier épisode 1 - l ' arrivée

Control sur les faux vrais
news, c'est une action répressive, comme un acte patriotique 2001 de la communication :
libérés tout communication sur des plateformes libres complètement, fin de Hadopi
etc. NSA, surveiller les banques pas le people. Avantage de YouTube c'est les
images. Donc guerre de propagande sur YouTube, entres tous les candidats.

Plus clairement l’utilisation des mensonges et manipulation des opinions. Et raison
a les faux vrais news.  C’est une bonne
chose car chaque individu doit d’être un libre penseur avoir son critère. Donc éveiller
les citoyens à discerner proprement.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

US and Uk Forces Crossing Into Syria from Jordan

Mélenchon voila , c'est a vous et les
autres , seule solution pour libérer la république c'est avec le continent
European, la nation europe? Car la evolution du temps une fois Washington
écarté, Merkel sera libre. De L'OTAN. De Gaulle appliqué en 2017, voila/ l’hexagone
a 6/ . 2017 _ 1967.