Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Hassan Nasrallah : en Corée du Nord, Trump va vers une guerre nucléaire mondiale - Agoravox TV

Hassan Nasrallah : en Corée du Nord, Trump va vers une guerre nucléaire mondiale - Agoravox TV

Aujourd'hui, l'administration Trump a amené les relations avec la Russie au pire niveau, et les relations avec la Chine au pire niveau, au bord de la guerre avec la Chine, en conséquence des tensions en mer de Chine méridionale. Les menaces de guerre continues contre le Venezuela, le renouveau de la guerre en Afghanistan

Tuesday, September 05, 2017

Actual Footage of Desert Storm's First Apache Strikes

Hurricane Irma is a 'potentially catastrophic' Category 5 storm

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Michael Douglas addresses United Nations Poster for Peace Contest Award ...

Antarctica and Climate Change at Curtis Library

BRUNSWICK — On Wednesday, Sept. 13 from 1-3 p.m. in the Morrell Meeting Room, Curtis Memorial Library, 23 Pleasant St, Brunswick, Geologists Nelia Dunbar and Bill McIntosh will give a presentation on carrying out scientific research on volcanoes in Antarctica and insights provided into past and future climate change. Dunbar and McIntosh are geologists associated with the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, where Dunbar recently became the New Mexico State Geologist. They have devoted a good part of their professional lives to studying the continent, including a combined total of over 50 austral summer visits there. Understanding the history of the West Antarctic ice sheet, which is much in the news these days, has been a principal focus of Dunbar and McIntosh’s work.

Wednesday, August 09, 2017

A VOIR ABSLOLUMENT Les espions francais qui travailent pour Israel

Zionist Conspiracy on Libya (Sarkozy, Bernard Henri

De Gaulle sa
vision du sionisme et du conflit Israel Palestine - 1967