Saturday, January 06, 2018

Late-Night Hosts Respond to Trump Tell-All Book ‘Fire and Fury’ | THR News

a day like a week a week like a month a month like a year!!!! / however forget the Balfour declaration it already has being arranged done with. way before  1913. relax . 1066. E-vanka:) new technological fashion tower, just press the E, and you are there. for culture and fun. on the holographic world and the real world.  press that E.

Beth Ditto - Fire (Official Video)

a day like a week a week like a month a month like a year!!!! / however forget the Balfour declaration it already has being arranged done with. way before  1913. relax . 1066. E-vanka:) new technological fashion tower, just press the E, and you are there. for culture and fun. on the holographic world and the real world.

The 10 Laws of William the Conqueror

a day like a week a week like a month a month like a year!!!! / however forget the Balfour declaration it already has being arranged done with. way before  1913. relax . 1066.

Talk about French foreign secretary to the UNO

forget Washington cut ties dump the dollar in fact make it illegal to used junk currency toilet paper as the us $ dollar. exit all deal with the junk nation and hope for a real 1776. so Americans can be free again.!! so make America free again president Mauro :=) end Washington the FED and AIPAC.

PINK FLOYD: "Brain Damage" (As in Donald Lunatic Trump)

The psychiatrist who briefed Congress on Trump’s mental state: this is “an emergency”

The case for evaluating the president’s mental capacity — by force if necessary.

PINK FLOYD: "Brain Damage" (As in Donald Lunatic Trump)

The psychiatrist who briefed Congress on Trump’s mental state: this is “an emergency”

The case for evaluating the president’s mental capacity — by force if necessary.

Friday, January 05, 2018

Bertrand Russell on Israel

US freezes payment to UN agency for Palestinian refugees: report

BY MAX GREENWOOD - 01/05/18 04:23 PM EST // The UN-GATE, no longer Russian Gate, but the UN-GATE. coming on  T 24 News.

De Gaulle sa vision du sionisme et du conflit Israel Palestine - 1967

US freezes payment to UN agency for Palestinian refugees: report

BY MAX GREENWOOD - 01/05/18 04:23 PM EST // The UN-GATE, no longer Russian Gate, but the UN-GATE. coming on  T 24 News.

Roger Waters UN Address - Nov 29, 2012

US freezes payment to UN agency for Palestinian refugees: report

BY MAX GREENWOOD - 01/05/18 04:23 PM EST // The UN-GATE, no longer Russian Gate, but the UN-GATE. coming on  T 24 News.

America : Freedom to Fascism

(121) Late-night reactions: The epic Trump-Bannon feud – YouTube – ARTSLOGIC

(121) Late-night reactions: The epic Trump-Bannon feud – YouTube – ARTSLOGIC

Qui sont Spectre et Meltdown, les failles de sécurité qui font trembler le monde de l'informatique la maison blanche  ? et la diplomatie SPECTER played by trump meltdown played by Bannon on your screen this spring only on TRUMP 24 private media channels.!!!

Feminine Power: Increase Your Personal Presence

Feminine Power: Increase Your Personal Presence

Feminine Power: Increase Your Personal Presence

Divine Feminine Energies Coming in, to Balance Masculine Activations

Lifting the Veil of the Sacred Feminine with Helen Demetriou

Lifting the Veil of the Sacred Feminine with Helen Demetriou