Saturday, March 17, 2018

Anonymous - Something Thought to be Impossible is Happening... (2018-2019)

Better live
happy now, having fun on the new technological realm, eternal life is
"time" calendars. seasons and photons. a good dialogue with your
cells can bring better understanding. Psychology and biology meet on the same
point. I think therefore I am. We could ask the genes to stablish chat. To Be
or not to Be. Ask the photon look at the machine. And they both warm up the
fire. Of the eternal song.

Anonymous - Something Thought to be Impossible is Happening... (2018-2019)

Vladimir Poutine explique ce qui s’est réellement passé entre la France ...

La France serait prête à participer à une intervention en Syrie en cas d’utilisation avérée par Damas d’armes chimiques, mais conjointement avec son allié américain, selon le chef d’État-major des armées.
La France pourrait, de concert avec les États-Unis, intervenir en Syries'il est prouvé que Damas utilise des armes chimiques, a déclaré le général François Lecointre, chef d'État-major des armées, dans une interview à la radio Europe 1.

Simon de Montfort and the emergence of Parliament

A pound of flesh - Shakespeare Speaks

Bush: missile defense system not aimed at Russia

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Joyce Jonathan - Un Peu D'espoir

EXCLUSIVE FULL UNEDITED Interview of Putin with NBC's Megan Kelly

Science vs Art

Edward Longshanks: Crusader Hero and Braveheart Villain

The gathering
of inventors, discovering themselves, found on the text book a poem of limited
words.  is the computer or the photon ask
the men in blue. that times us all. Social media has a tendency to create
behind the security excuse a ranking society were some are more equal than
others.  Which is in fact do some know a
lot more than we do?  Some do, some think
they know more, others follow what another reason. they do not really know, who
understands. a poem of limited words

"The Zoo Story" by Edward Albee – Part I

president Putin all that the EURO-IDIOTS do and will do, same as washington will be turn around and fail. inverted. so have no fears from washington neither Zionist israel. there is nothing they can do and that reality is still ON. so relax ignore the idiots is not their fault they are idiots. and idiots are idiots indeed. take some photos of king george the VI and inverted, turn it upside-down you will understand.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Clayton Swisher - Undercover Investigation of the Israel Lobby

Clayton Swisher - Undercover Investigation of the Israel Lobby

Newly Tapped Sec of State Mike Pompeo Comes with Deep Ties to the Koch B...

Le plus gros avion du monde lancera des fusées - DNDE #47

Le plus gros avion du monde lancera des fusées - DNDE #47

I was banned from Facebook for writing about Facebook censorship!

from Facebook could be computer error, or human error. However, there could be
other reasons.: Facebook does not change the future neither the present. If
your activity is dependent on Facebook follow their rules. But reality is not
dependent on Facebook.
the Facebook
laws could also mean a change, on the low level is networks war, google vs
Facebook, twitter, etc. on the other hand is a way to understand a mental
placebo, the banning pill. The pill could reveal some things such as reality is
unrelated to technology for instance.  And
how and what is the capacity of human energy among themselves, what is the
reality of the users, as how that reality comes into conclusion. Reality is
what happens, not what the press say’s or any network or commentaries, understanding
the complex of a global reality, is probably the best way to exist.  However, on the scientific side metaphysical
events often exist for a purpose, a hint.
back at the pebbles when you entered the forest and return home. On the quantic
level, computers could communicate amongst themselves, however only when the
computer is turn on. As it is the electrical energy and temperature that awakes
them.  Having a Facebook, Google, etc.;
community is no different than a quantum photons computer society understanding
themselves, and us. Perhaps quantum physics is no different than a modern
telephone on a different dimension.