Saturday, March 31, 2018

How To Preach Jesus To Jews

is Israel Russia they do not like you, so beware Washington is Israel.  is not Trumps fault he is just an actor, a Dog with a rope around his neck.  not a president, America does not have a president since the death of Kennedy . so now you understand who the enemy of Russia is. and don't let these antisemitism media propaganda to coerce you. "you have been warn" is called main media democracy no different than your poison fake news war.

Bolton Acted Against US Interests to Push Israel's Agenda in Lebanon

Bolton Acted Against US Interests to Push Israel's Agenda in Lebanon: Bolton Acted Against US Interests to Push Israel's Agenda in Lebanon -

is Israel Russia they do not like you, so beware Washington is Israel.  is not Trumps fault he is just an actor, a Dog with a rope around his neck.  not a president, America does not have a president since the death of Kennedy . so now you understand who the enemy of Russia is. and don't let these antisemitism media propaganda to coerce you. "you have been warn" is called main media democracy no different than your poison fake news war.

CrossTalk on Anti-Russia Hysteria: Crisis Point?

is Israel Russia they do not like you, so beware Washington is Israel.  is not Trumps fault he is just an actor, a Dog with a rope around his neck.  not a president, America does not have a president since the death of Kennedy . so now you understand who the enemy of Russia is. and don't let these antisemitism media propaganda to coerce you. "you have been warn"


la democratie des medias en action  resultat "fin de la démocratie" maintenon c'est QUE LA DÉMOCRATIE MÉDIATIQUE//   HITLER A GAGNE  . «Journée de la terre» à Gaza : Israël ouvre le feu, au moins 16 morts.!!!!!!!!

John Pilger: Blocking internet access for Julian Assange is a war on fre...

“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.”
― Sun TzuThe Art of War

Friday, March 30, 2018

2009 : israel ne veut pas la paix

APARTHEID 2018. To understand terrorism, look at the Shia
Sunni rift on the middle east. The diplomacy of divide to conquer benefits from
this rift. In Europe you got the same event, the divide to conquer benefits
from the same fissure/ on one side the Shia “antisemitism” and on the other the
masked Sunni that can be called terrorist. No different than the middle east. Reason
1967 borders is the only solution as you will neutralize the apartheid nation
ISRAEL, in consequence you neutralize the rift in Europe simultaneously.

De Gaulle sa vision du sionisme et du conflit Israel Palestine - 1967

APARTHEID 2018. To understand terrorism, look at the Shia
Sunni rift on the middle east. The diplomacy of divide to conquer benefits from
this rift. In Europe you got the same event, the divide to conquer benefits
from the same fissure/ on one side the Shia “antisemitism” and on the other the
masked Sunni that can be called terrorist. No different than the middle east. Reason
1967 borders is the only solution as you will neutralize the apartheid nation
ISRAEL, in consequence you neutralize the rift in Europe simultaneously.

Jimmy Carter Exposes Israeli Apartheid

APARTHEID 2018.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Новый самолет России 2015 СТРАШНЫЙ СОН НАТО! Оружие России

Fact Checking Newsbud's "Syria Under Siege" Video

9/11 Suspects: The Dancing Israelis

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Coalition of the Willing (uncut)


Jefferson Airplane - Plastic Fantastic Lover

Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall (HQ)

JULIAN ASSANGE// get the no more or we vote you out  "anti gun rally" and assange gets his internet back simple. you can add a lot more instantly.   WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Chanting “never again,” hundreds of thousands of young Americans and their supporters answered a call to action from survivors of last month’s Florida high school massacre and rallied across the United States on Saturday to demand tighter gun laws.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

George Orwell and 1984: How Freedom Dies

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. George Orwell
Read more at:


1984 Hate Week

1984 Hate Week

1984 Hate Week

1984 Hate Week

Hot Take: Top Russian/Israeli Experts Worried That Putin Might be Too SO...

AIPAC/  Hollywood roman empire they pay to extortionate both:....TO  trump is to make him a clown. Putin accused of being the villain, this makes trump the clown credible and Putin the villain.  And since trump is a clown is a lot easier to manipulate than Putin the real fact.  AIPAC loves to become something like the roman empire, they will never achieve that. is just the deep state AIPAC.