how we can evolve into a fourth dimensional realm. history plasticity realism, as a memory fact.
a realm that continues to be hiding to most folks, will open the door to a unified mind, body and self of the individual entities of our world..
The real problem with Israel & Jews is/
that it is incoherent/ do not really understand the Zionist zill, but religions
and a modern nation does not make sense. we are in 2018 not Abraham day's/ this
Jewish Israeli chaos cannot be fix. and it will never be fix because is
illogical, does not make sense/ even fake news on fake news is having problems
justifying the strange religious nation that is in fact putting all Jews in
danger worldwide/ how ISRAEL became more dangerous to Jews, than in the past,
disasters is a? to ask/ since you lot
love history is a mystery why you have become self-destructive/ / / if Jews are
supposed to be an elite and intelligent; facts show quite the opposite/ more a
plot to destroy themselves if you like.
Depleted Uranium (D.U.) used by US forces blamed for birth defects and cancer in Iraq/ arabs paid for otherwise is more plutonium for the muslims courtesy of trump
ENABLE TO BE A PRESIDENT, POWERLESS, IMPOTENT/ to be a president in America you
must be impotent, reason KENNEDY GOT KILLED/ HE WAS A MAN A PRESIDENT/ Neither Bush
or OBAMA/ they are all hired actors. so is nothing new when America elects a
president he is chosen precisely because he cannot do anything but obey.
RAPHAEL ¨PETTI EXPLIQUE A MACRON LES ARMES DE DESTRUCTION MASSIVE : des images pour rafraîchir la mémoire/ avent de punir la syrie il faut punir les crimes de iraq. monsieur petti pour etre juste autrement c'est que de la hypocrisie médiatique./ la quelle ne marche pas.../
Damascus must thank trump as hopefully all Muslims will now unite NOW Muslims and Shiites together. face your real ENEMY ISRAEL. MACRON & TRUMP ARE helping Muslims to unite, hope your Muslims get the message and target your real enemy "ISRAEL» Trump is doing a good job he is telling Americans that Washington is not a democracy, democracy demands a change of government after a ballot/ however in America AIPAC is the government. citizens do not understand that since AIPAC owns their minds, and have created a upside down world by main media cnn hollywood, internet/ america is hostages TRUMP hopes Muslims will ACT together against Israel at last/ he is a sort of SALADIN of the 21 centuries. and when the Muslims get together Americans will perceive their mortal enemy ISRAEL AIPAC.