Sunday, April 22, 2018

Un militaire français avertit les français du danger du sionisme en France.

De Nicolas Sarkozy à Renaud, plus de 250 signataires manifestent «contre le nouvel antisémitisme»

- Avec AFP

Judaism in the Era of Zionism

De Nicolas Sarkozy à Renaud, plus de 250 signataires manifestent «contre le nouvel antisémitisme»

- Avec AFP

Rabbi Weiss Rips the Ideology of Zionism

De Nicolas Sarkozy à Renaud, plus de 250 signataires manifestent «contre le nouvel antisémitisme»

- Avec AFP

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Jews are linked with Israel, and we shouldn't need to apologise for it

Jews are linked with Israel, and we shouldn't need to apologise for it

The real problem with Israel & Jews is/
that it is incoherent/ do not really understand the Zionist zill, but religions
and a modern nation does not make sense. we are in 2018 not Abraham day's/ this
Jewish Israeli chaos cannot be fix. and it will never be fix because is
illogical, does not make sense/ even fake news on fake news is having problems
justifying the strange religious nation that is in fact putting all Jews in
danger worldwide/ how ISRAEL became more dangerous to Jews, than in the past,
disasters is a? to ask/  since you lot
love history is a mystery why you have become self-destructive/ / / if Jews are
supposed to be an elite and intelligent; facts show quite the opposite/ more a
plot to destroy themselves if you like. 

Monday, April 16, 2018

"Syria's war will lead to the collapse of US global dominance" - Euronew...

ENABLE TO BE A PRESIDENT, POWERLESS, IMPOTENT/ to be a president in America you
must be impotent, reason KENNEDY GOT KILLED/ HE WAS A MAN A PRESIDENT/ Neither Bush
or OBAMA/ they are all hired actors. so is nothing new when America elects a
president he is chosen precisely because he cannot do anything but obey.

International Journalist Tells The Truth About Syria

will trump fire nikki and replaced with stormy daniels "you are fired" reflect.*** who knows :) "the president's state of mind :==

40 Year-Old Soviet Missile Defense Destroys 70% of Trump’s ‘Nice, New, S...

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Paris False Flag 2.0 - FULL DOCUMENTARY -(must watch)

Uranium appauvri en Irak: des générations détruites pour des millions d'...

RAPHAEL ¨PETTI EXPLIQUE A MACRON LES ARMES DE DESTRUCTION MASSIVE : des images pour rafraîchir la mémoire/ avent de punir la syrie il faut punir les crimes de iraq. monsieur petti pour etre juste autrement c'est que de la hypocrisie médiatique./ la quelle ne marche pas.../