Thursday, April 26, 2018

Russian Delegation to OPCW Holds Press Briefing (VIDEO) - Sputnik International

Russian Delegation to OPCW Holds Press Briefing (VIDEO) - Sputnik International: Russian Delegation to OPCW Holds Press Briefing (VIDEO) - Sputnik International -

The World Now Knows, 'It's the British Empire, Stupid!'

Ce soir ou jamais : Assaut Israélien contre la flottille de la liberté

300 personnalités signent un virulent manifeste "contre le nouvel antisémitisme" en France

Nicolas Sarkozy, Laurent Wauquiez, Manuel Valls, Charles Aznavour et Gérard Depardieu font partie des signataires.

Ce soir ou jamais : Assaut Israélien contre la flottille de la liberté

300 personnalités signent un virulent manifeste "contre le nouvel antisémitisme" en France

Nicolas Sarkozy, Laurent Wauquiez, Manuel Valls, Charles Aznavour et Gérard Depardieu font partie des signataires.

Who owns America? Ask Congress

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

In Gaza, Hamas is the oppressor -- not Israel | Fox News

In Gaza, Hamas is the oppressor -- not Israel | Fox News

DOUBLE SPEECH// is the complete opposite of plain and simple truth. It distorts words and phrases in order to bury a truth. For example, if a pharmaceutical company said something like, "There are some minor side effects," when they should clearly be stating, "This drug may cause a heart attack," they're using doublespeak and acting in a deceptive manner. fox news and GAZA SAME 1984 orwellian double talk/ with the  thought minister called "new antisemitism" fox news 1967 borders for ISRAEL are unavoidable forget TRUMP/PUTIN anyone on this planet/ there is nothing anyone can do to change that / so don't waste your time / o the impossible.