Monday, August 06, 2018

Régis Debray : nous sommes tous devenus Américains !

la FRANCE 1940, version 2018 par TRUMP//  soumise,  occupé par le groupe judéo américain, la fin de total est l'esclavage pour le people français,   fin de la liberte . Renault  BNP société générale fin de l'industrie française indépendant.. TRUMP PREND CONTROL DE LA FRANCE ......... 

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

De Gaulle sa vision du sionisme et du conflit Israel Palestine - 1967

How the right is wrong as the left is right, and the right is left, when the correct is wrong/ Trump just renounces to the american embassy in jerusalem and returns to the JCPO complies with IRAN/ and adopts Obama's deal. lift sanctions against russia and dance.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

US use of depleted uranium = war crimes?

what washington has promised for europe and the middle east japan & russia & china south america antarctica and in the israel// Unstable Iran good for peace': Former Bush press secretary backs 'regime change' and destroy humanity..

Published time: 24 Jul, 2018 14:48

Monday, July 23, 2018

Atomic bombing of Nagasaki - BBC