Monday, October 08, 2018

Obama Calls for 1967 Borders for Israeli-Palestinian States

 ( this MBS will achieve nothing) MOREOVER **  PRESIDENT TRUMP // Nothing will change in US if it doesn’t address the issue of Israel: Analyst  ......... well the ball is on your hands . CAN YOU ??

Famous Men of the Middle Ages - Chapter Sixteen: Henry the Fowler

Texler explained that Russia is currently implementing a program in support of renewable energy planned until 2024. The extension of the program will help power engineering companies, particularly to launch equipment exports to international markets.

Friday, October 05, 2018

BBC Fake News operation exposed!

get some FAKE NEWS FROM THE BBC what matters is hiding from the public these BBC brainwashing is worse than alex jones // Human body parts among tonnes of waste piled up in NHS hospitals - criminal investigation launched, more from BBC FAKE NEWS WORLD .......!!!!! will FACEBOOK BAN THE BBC the FAKE NEWS NETWORK !

Thursday, October 04, 2018

Monday, October 01, 2018

La fabrication de l'ennemi dans les démocraties, Pierre Conesa

The end of
all wars is approaching.
Well is it
the ME 2 generation., time to join forces. “ART BANK” simple as the swift Bank.
Best and only Bank that protects you from wars. “no money-no wars policy” for
love and pleasure of enjoy.
possible the climate, upheavals and wars are related, those on the battlefield
and their victims play the role of wars. The climate receives the resonance
from both, and reacts.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Survival of the Firmest: Erectile Dysfunction and Death

PressTV-US invasion on Iran will ignite WWIII: Scholar

PressTV-US invasion on Iran will ignite WWIII: Scholar

more a civil war in the USA , americans refuse to die for israel, send alex jones and the trump trolls//  and who knows YELLOWSTONE might have his SAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hope he does not get involved !!