Friday, February 01, 2019

An Economic Hit Man Confesses and Calls to Action | John Perkins | TEDxT...

AFTER FIRING TRUMP FROM OFFICE,  BOLTON HAS TAKEN OVER VENEZUELAN OIL, the new BOLTON OIL COMPANY ..! poor GUAIDO saddam hussein should be a remainder!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 31, 2019

L' atlas du mondialisme (Pierre Hillard) et l'opposition entre le cathol...

Israel was created in 1947 now it no longer makes sense because is no longer needed. as a petrol guard, source of holocaust industry, becomes useless in the 21 century...related to the industrial revolution, now we are in the technological revolution the $ dogma is no longer needed neither the 1900 mentality, the zionism of 1913, is no longer valid and that is the real problem of washington, they refuse to enter the 21 century, and israel neither zionism AIPAC and the $ are not useful now, they have accomplish their task. as we all know once you rule you resist to give up power. but you do in the end.!!

L' atlas du mondialisme (Pierre Hillard) et l'opposition entre le cathol...

Wednesday, January 30, 2019


S'ils n'ont pas de pain, qu'ils mangent de la brioche...

Guy Debord (1/4) : L’art de déplaire

The time has come for
magna carta for the web, the media and the citizens, no one knows where truth
is or what to trust, a global fear of an unknown enemy, global fake news, and
the inability to discerned. The global medium is the web as that is how most communicate,
from fear to joy. To avoid media manipulation.
To avoid media manipulation. however,
you are on a globalized network. for what globalism goes, from Alex jones to Donald
trump. therefore, magna carta for the web becomes a must.

Max Headroom

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Histoire secrète de l'oligarchie AngloAméricaine "Juifs Anglais" 15.05.15

le non à oui ingérence face à oui liberte, un example de laneige orellian. le oui à l'ingérence face au non de la liberte.!!

Monday, January 28, 2019


pour comprendre la manipulation sioniste regarde abraham**  le problème de l’Europe c'est l’Europe sioniste dirigée par BHL et George SOROS, alors réveillez-vous. est changé l'europe sioniste pour une europe pour l'europe ...!!!!!!!!!! BHL c'est un danger pour l'europe libre indépendant 

C Politique, la suite - Ingrid Levavasseur, Théo Poulard, Fanny Agostini...

Normal gilet jeunes
conscient gilet jeunes inconscient. Il existe de difference entre tous les citoyens.
Donc Ingrid Levavasseur a raison les européennes c'est une chance pour les
idées nouvelles de changer la manière comme l'union européenne fonctionne, est
le climat car la terre sera toujours là par contre le gilet jeunes les retraite
les hommes les femmes c'est eux qui risquent de disparaître en concret vous,
les humains. La terre elle survivra tout sort des problèmes. Les femmes au
pouvoir. Plus elle peut dialoguer avec Jill Stein est le parti écolo anglais. +++
pour comprendre le gilet jeunes qui sont pour ZARCO version 2019

L'énergie du thorium, l'avenir vert du nucléaire? Jean-Christophe de Mes...

Fanny est née en Auvergne, à la Bourboule. Depuis septembre 2011, elle présente les bulletins météo sur BFMTV. Très engagée sur les questions environnementales et très attachée à la région, elle co-organise à la Bourboule en septembre 2015 le Climate Bootcamp avec Cédric Ringenbach et Nicolas Hulot, une session d’entrainement à destination des journalistes pour les sensibiliser et leur faire gagner en hauteur de vue sur les enjeux climatiques.


Symphonie « Du Nouveau Monde » (Orchestre philharmonique gilets jaunes )...

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Attempted Coup in Venezuela with Abby Martin, Greg Wilpert, Paul Jay

Democracy has never existed in america votes are just junk ideas for the american dreamer, TRUMP is just a hollywood tv actor same as OBAMA BUSH CLINTON LYNDON JOHNSON, therefore keep voting for your dreams that will never come true. america is animal farm since 1776, and under new management since 1913//  and it is a fact. how and when the citizens will reach democracy is where the question is. EURO IDIOTS and 1789 no diference since, these illusions of democracy created by the same people give the same result or total lobotomy or wars and destruction** . however the good the bad and the eagle is where fiction meets reality.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

How Dangerous is the US Recognition of the Opposition in Venezuela? (w/R...

Un homme qui philosophait de la bonne manière, c'est-à-dire pour son propre salut, me vint conter un jour une vision qu'il avait eue, et qui, disait-il, lui expliquait une longue suite d'erreurs énormes, et qui sont peut-être toutes vraies. Il se trouvait donc en wagon, laissant errer ses yeux sur un paysage de collines, lorsqu'il vit sur une des pentes, et grimpant vers un village, un monstre à grosse tête, muni de puissantes ailes et qui se portait rapidement sur plusieurs paires de longues pattes ; enfin de quoi effrayer. 

De Gaulle et les dangers du sionisme.

well UN venezuela trump MADURO and ISRAEL, 1967 borders israel, and the UN thanks trump for putting the 242 resolution on the world's eyes and the yellow vest if they want justice get it it from the UN, so ISRAEL

 BORDERS SO DEMOCRACY WILL EXIST UNTIL THEM that precise moment is just AIPAC brainwashing globally and a big brother rule.// . lies deceit and death. from BOLSONARO TO MADURO FROM MACRON TO TRUMP. facts.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Jeff And Jordan Maxwell - Civilization At The Brink...All You’re Told Ar...

special gilet jeunes & the surprising ORWELLIAN Big Brother who is now controlling you  !!!

Peter Joseph Talks Capitalism, Sustainable Alternatives, RBE & Ephemeral...

Peter Joseph Talks Capitalism, Sustainable Alternatives, RBE & Ephemeral...

Solaris by Andrej Tarkovskij - Levitation (full scene)

It also means he does
not have flesh.
It is quite possible that
the coming messiah is actually someone from the past a Celtic lord. And he just
returned from the past to conquer Rome. On one hand the church indeed has
problems as the middle east shows, the holly land is a battlefield, the father
that Jesus said will return, is this Celtic Lord. The one he learned his wisdom
from; his father. The men from the north. It could be quite a question for both
cities the Vatican & Jerusalem. However, if that takes place Paris becomes
the new holy land, and the incredible experiment of the existence of a soul as
energy form begins. If the body dies the essence of the dead person becomes energy,
it could be what the ancient Egyptians were looking at to be on the ancient pyramids.
 However, that also poses a question, is
the energy soul ourselves on another dimension, or is it someone else on a different
form. The animal mechanism and his self can be used as a suit for an energy
form. For instance, a rat can have a device implanted that can make her behave
as you wish. It can also have an energy form exactly as the shape of the rat,
same as a second you, it inhabits your mind on your own body, she is just
energy form its body as a suit, directs and manipulates the body of the rat to
his own wishes. if the rat dies, he does not perish, he remains as an energy
form. And it can even enter any of the animal kingdoms residents as he likes.  It also means he does not have flesh.
Invisible as a picture
as the pope said. Not quite just not perceptible. However real as the facts

Saturday, January 19, 2019