Thursday, March 07, 2019

Rep. Jayapal: We Must Protect Rep. Ilhan Omar’s Right to Critique U.S. F...

the only thing that TRUMP has accomplished since 2016/ is the jerusalem embassy so think and things become clear - Ilhan Omar’s Denunciation of Israel Lobby is Not Anti-Semitism - Phyllis Bennis and the aim is a war with IRAN pushing the europeans to agreed the venezuela bit is to distract the scheme/ same as vietnam 1967 and israeli war 1967 to grab land illegally.

Ouspensky: In Search of the Miraculous

Tuesday, March 05, 2019

The Time Machine (1978)

 media democracy  controls is not good as it operates unbalance leaning one side against the other kind of destructive, media democracy should play justice. 🧐

Monday, March 04, 2019

Kenya helicopter crash: Pilot and 4 American tourists killed - CNN

Kenya helicopter crash: Pilot and 4 American tourists killed - CNN

the butterfly effect is on Juan Guaido calls for mass protests before return to Venezuela

Anticipation grows before opposition leader's return with calls on social media for people to gather en masse. regime change in washington the time is now !!!!!!!

Sunday, March 03, 2019

Chavez : "C'est le FMI qui dirige l'Europe, pas les peuples"

What is Scientific Racism?

a nation for Jews who are different from the lot/ all easy to understand
ask EUGENICS THE CORE OF ZIONISM welcome to Israel the nation of race eugenics
version 2019/ facts by Eugenics and Francis Galton: Crash Course History of
Science #23, history coming to your living room not a 1947 sitcom.
'If liberty means
anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to
hear.' It is found in Orwell's 
proposed preface to
'Animal Farm', 'The Freedom of the Press'.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Poverty In USA, 46.5 Million People In USA Are Living In Poverty

GUAIDO HELP AMERICA 45 million of poor people in america where is BRANSON concert for food for america most americans die of hunger while GUAIDO IS IN COLOMBIA BRAZIL, branson food food . shelter 46.5 million of poor people venezuela has only 26 million people GUAIDO beware act now long live GUAIDO LIVE CONCERT FOR FOOD IN NEW YORK . GOD SAVE BRANSON he will help the poor in america

Gilets Jaunes : Avant la révolution ? François Boulo [EN DIRECT]

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Venezuela : la France doit cesser son soutien au coup d’État ! | MJCF | Mouvement Jeunes Communistes de France

Venezuela : la France doit cesser son soutien au coup d’État ! | MJCF | Mouvement Jeunes Communistes de France

the soul of Che Guevara is now in palestine, the connection already exist. as fact. it existed in the past. and exist Now.Exclusive: Venezuela removed 8 tons of central bank gold last week - legislator

Corina Pons, Mayela Armas


CARACAS (Reuters) - At least 8 tons of gold were removed from the Venezuelan central bank’s vaults last week, an opposition legislator and three government sources told Reuters, in the latest sign of President Nicolas Maduro’s desperation to raise hard currency amid tightening sanctions.

L HORREUR - Macron et sa Clique SIONISTE - une Loi Contre des Juifs !!

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Friday, February 22, 2019

Gilets jaunes l'éveil de la domination Sioniste

dîner du CRIF à JÉRUSALEM // BIBI donne des ordre au CRIF retour à ISRAËL, BHL en sursis?  maintenant in many ways reality will act in such a way that finally anyone can criticize ISRAEL/ on this planet , reason and justice will be abel to criticize ISRAEL as a an apartheid regime, grabbing land and the UN at last will force ISRAEL to return to its 1967 borders, even some israeli official want the CRIF to return to israel, so the next dine du CRIF will be in JERUSALEM* and TRUMP CAN BE THERE AS WELL. Merci MACRON*