Friday, March 15, 2019

Norman Finkelstein gets Ruffled by a Question "I could make you look foo...

Israel is a trick, however ask lord BALFOUR, 1917 why they gave Palestine to the Rothschilds, one thing is clear; we shall never know, he is dead. It is hard to know what he had on his mind. so far Rothschild is the front page but so is TRUMP so the truth is seal in Britain/ what we know as reality is that WW2 got displaced to the middle east since 1947 Israel has being killing Arabs and the Arabs are on the same state of affairs. perhaps the 1984 Orwellian realm begun in 1947 and Israel became the battle ground and testing ground for weapons and other items. there are more than one million Russians there, and they are not Semites, just Russians that got shipped to the middle east, why and what for we shall never know. same as other immigrants as Israel keeps killing Arabs and replacing them with Europeans which are not Semites, in many ways, strangely Jewish? as Israel is on the middle east not Russia or Scandinavia. therefore, the Israeli swindle is for the benefit of some and is not the Russian polish Ukrainians’ immigrants that got ship to the middle east. the one that destroyed Israel in 70 AD. was a Roman emperor not a Palestinian. however, Israel has the Palestinians as victims. strange but true. What would happen when the Christians decide to have their own nation as the Muslims and the protestants. they are no different than Jews. Even today this Israeli arrangement is obscure it is not logical and makes very little sense. Moreover, a psychological insane dogma exists about Israel which also makes more mysterious for what reason in reality Israel got created for and those that created it which were not Jewish but British. As well world war 2 was the reason for Israel today which rather than simplify  things complicate the facts. moreover thinking and giving an opinion so far creates a programed reaction from individuals and organisations which is also strange as if a program was embedded on the consciousness of some individuals.?

Norman Finkelstein gets Ruffled by a Question "I could make you look foo...

Israel is a trick, however ask lord BALFOUR, 1917 why they gave Palestine to the Rothschilds, one thing is clear; we shall never know, he is dead. It is hard to know what he had on his mind. so far Rothschild is the front page but so is TRUMP so the truth is seal in Britain/ what we know as reality is that WW2 got displaced to the middle east since 1947 Israel has being killing Arabs and the Arabs are on the same state of affairs. perhaps the 1984 Orwellian realm begun in 1947 and Israel became the battle ground and testing ground for weapons and other items. there are more than one million Russians there, and they are not Semites, just Russians that got shipped to the middle east, why and what for we shall never know. same as other immigrants as Israel keeps killing Arabs and replacing them with Europeans which are not Semites, in many ways, strangely Jewish? as Israel is on the middle east not Russia or Scandinavia. therefore, the Israeli swindle is for the benefit of some and is not the Russian polish Ukrainians’ immigrants that got ship to the middle east. the one that destroyed Israel in 70 AD. was a Roman emperor not a Palestinian. however, Israel has the Palestinians as victims. strange but true. What would happen when the Christians decide to have their own nation as the Muslims and the protestants. they are no different than Jews. Even today this Israeli arrangement is obscure it is not logical and makes very little sense. Moreover, a psychological insane dogma exists about Israel which also makes more mysterious for what reason in reality Israel got created for and those that created it which were not Jewish but British. As well world war 2 was the reason for Israel today which rather than simplify  things complicate the facts. moreover thinking and giving an opinion so far creates a programed reaction from individuals and organisations which is also strange as if a program was embedded on the consciousness of some individuals.?

Are You Racist? | George Galloway | Oxford Union

Israel is a trick, however ask lord BALFOUR, 1917 why they gave Palestine to the Rothschilds, one thing is clear; we shall never know, he is dead. It is hard to know what he had on his mind. so far Rothschild is the front page but so is TRUMP so the truth is seal in Britain/ what we know as reality is that WW2 got displaced to the middle east since 1947 Israel has being killing Arabs and the Arabs are on the same state of affairs. perhaps the 1984 Orwellian realm begun in 1947 and Israel became the battle ground and testing ground for weapons and other items. there are more than one million Russians there, and they are not Semites, just Russians that got shipped to the middle east, why and what for we shall never know. same as other immigrants as Israel keeps killing Arabs and replacing them with Europeans which are not Semites, in many ways, strangely Jewish? as Israel is on the middle east not Russia or Scandinavia. therefore, the Israeli swindle is for the benefit of some and is not the Russian polish Ukrainians’ immigrants that got ship to the middle east. the one that destroyed Israel in 70 AD. was a Roman emperor not a Palestinian. however, Israel has the Palestinians as victims. strange but true. What would happen when the Christians decide to have their own nation as the Muslims and the protestants. they are no different than Jews. Even today this Israeli arrangement is obscure it is not logical and makes very little sense. Moreover, a psychological insane dogma exists about Israel which also makes more mysterious for what reason in reality Israel got created for and those that created it which were not Jewish but British. As well world war 2 was the reason for Israel today which rather than simplify  things complicate the facts. moreover thinking and giving an opinion so far creates a programed reaction from individuals and organisations which is also strange as if a program was embedded on the consciousness of some individuals.?

Are You Racist? | George Galloway | Oxford Union

Israel is a trick, however ask lord BALFOUR, 1917 why they gave Palestine to the Rothschilds, one thing is clear; we shall never know, he is dead. It is hard to know what he had on his mind. so far Rothschild is the front page but so is TRUMP so the truth is seal in Britain/ what we know as reality is that WW2 got displaced to the middle east since 1947 Israel has being killing Arabs and the Arabs are on the same state of affairs. perhaps the 1984 Orwellian realm begun in 1947 and Israel became the battle ground and testing ground for weapons and other items. there are more than one million Russians there, and they are not Semites, just Russians that got shipped to the middle east, why and what for we shall never know. same as other immigrants as Israel keeps killing Arabs and replacing them with Europeans which are not Semites, in many ways, strangely Jewish? as Israel is on the middle east not Russia or Scandinavia. therefore, the Israeli swindle is for the benefit of some and is not the Russian polish Ukrainians’ immigrants that got ship to the middle east. the one that destroyed Israel in 70 AD. was a Roman emperor not a Palestinian. however, Israel has the Palestinians as victims. strange but true. What would happen when the Christians decide to have their own nation as the Muslims and the protestants. they are no different than Jews. Even today this Israeli arrangement is obscure it is not logical and makes very little sense. Moreover, a psychological insane dogma exists about Israel which also makes more mysterious for what reason in reality Israel got created for and those that created it which were not Jewish but British. As well world war 2 was the reason for Israel today which rather than simplify  things complicate the facts. moreover thinking and giving an opinion so far creates a programed reaction from individuals and organisations which is also strange as if a program was embedded on the consciousness of some individuals.?

Global Capitalism: US and China - 1 Global Economy, 2 Giants [March 2019]

all about the crash world democracy meratrocacy and fill full world of chaos

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Helen Thomas on Her Resignation and Middle East

même l'amerique dit la verite mais une fois la verite dite le mensonge est la corrupcion change tout comme en europe est dans le monde uncivilized, gg palestine palestine est fin a la nation apartheid en israel l'exemple de la torture global depuis 1947. des faits reel demander a lord BALFOUR 1947 guerres hitler et 1947 simple , israel 1967 pour vous refaire une santé..!!!

Global Capitalism: US and China - 1 Global Economy, 2 Giants [March 2019]

David Harvey's Anti-Capitalist Chronicles: The Value of Everything


Anti-Capitalist Chronicles: The Significance of China in the Global Economy

Anti-Capitalist Chronicles: The Significance of China in the Global Economy

Anti-Capitalist Chronicles: The Significance of China in the Global Economy

Salvador Allende's grandson thanks Roger Waters for supporting Venezuela

Salvador Allende's grandson thanks Roger Waters for supporting Venezuela

Salvador Allende's grandson thanks Roger Waters for supporting Venezuela

Thursday, March 07, 2019

Rep. Jayapal: We Must Protect Rep. Ilhan Omar’s Right to Critique U.S. F...

the only thing that TRUMP has accomplished since 2016/ is the jerusalem embassy so think and things become clear - Ilhan Omar’s Denunciation of Israel Lobby is Not Anti-Semitism - Phyllis Bennis and the aim is a war with IRAN pushing the europeans to agreed the venezuela bit is to distract the scheme/ same as vietnam 1967 and israeli war 1967 to grab land illegally.

Ouspensky: In Search of the Miraculous

Tuesday, March 05, 2019

The Time Machine (1978)

 media democracy  controls is not good as it operates unbalance leaning one side against the other kind of destructive, media democracy should play justice. 🧐

Monday, March 04, 2019

Kenya helicopter crash: Pilot and 4 American tourists killed - CNN

Kenya helicopter crash: Pilot and 4 American tourists killed - CNN

the butterfly effect is on Juan Guaido calls for mass protests before return to Venezuela

Anticipation grows before opposition leader's return with calls on social media for people to gather en masse. regime change in washington the time is now !!!!!!!

Sunday, March 03, 2019

Chavez : "C'est le FMI qui dirige l'Europe, pas les peuples"

What is Scientific Racism?

a nation for Jews who are different from the lot/ all easy to understand
ask EUGENICS THE CORE OF ZIONISM welcome to Israel the nation of race eugenics
version 2019/ facts by Eugenics and Francis Galton: Crash Course History of
Science #23, history coming to your living room not a 1947 sitcom.
'If liberty means
anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to
hear.' It is found in Orwell's 
proposed preface to
'Animal Farm', 'The Freedom of the Press'.