Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Max Blumenthal debunks corporate media lies about Venezuela at United Na...

problem is wall street rules and manipulations the proletarian capitalist
bourgeoisie, mergers and acquisitions , investors how they invest etc, capital
have to be regulated how is used and purpose, that was ok in the 1900 1850 however
today is no longer an advantage but a hindrance these amazon Bezos and other
warren buffet billionaires today are no longer needed they are in fact
producing the opposite while in 1850 it was that that was needed to stimulate
the technology. therefore, regulations are in great need for the sake of
humanity, today the world need science spiritual guidance philosophy arts, not these
industrial capitalist bourgeois investors running wild with proletarian 1850

Max Blumenthal debunks corporate media lies about Venezuela at United Na...

Monday, March 18, 2019

The Economic Crash America Can Avoid... but Won't (w/ Richard Wolff)

special EMMANUEL MACRON GRAND DÉBAT pour bien comprendre les choses !! economie gilet jaunes sécurité sociale ..

HOW ISRAEL RULES — Barbarians Inside The Gates [Brendon O'Connel Mirror]

all about "you
are fire” democracy on the land of the insane home of the slave!!!!!!!!
MAKING it is not a sovereign continent "NATO" is a concrete fact of
how EUROPE is dominated by the 1900 CAPITALIST bourgeoisie and Washington DC
troops is a proof of European servitude to DC & ISRAEL/ hoping the European
renaissance will give Europe the chance of independence yellow vest is a
confirmation of these enslavement by DC. and the confusion of the French government
which somehow is also teleguided by DC. terrorism is another fact "made in
the usa tested in the Bataclan" facts.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Yellow Vests protest in Paris, Act 18 (Part 3)

Some after effects of the proletariat that became bourgeois capitalist, these fellows do harm society a regulation is needed from MURDOCH, Cisneros, Piñero, etc. to the rest of proletarian bourgeois capitalist, that are convinced that they became wiser by exploiting the weak, from yellow vest, to Christchurch New Zealand massacre to Israeli crimes, is also a result from these so called billionaires 1% of proletarian capitalist worldwide, a census should be taken to identify this lot. the industrial revolution ended and these billionaires do more harm than good to the human species from climate havoc to senseless killing from worship wall street to an AIPAC clan. 1776 did not meant a replacement of rulers that are mindless wizards. they've become a danger to the human mind and soul. do not blame social media blame the ego of this proletariat bourgeoisie 1% that have become capitalist savages.

Karl Marx: Bourgeois and Proletarians

all about proletarians that have become bourgeoisie/ sky news or better say murdoch australian instructions on the civilized world creates havoc BREXIT is some of his doing britain should get this fellow out . exile him back to australia. where he belongs .  hope by now you begin to understand why the proletarians that have become capitalist bourgeoisie are becoming a danger to the human species.

Top 10 Richest Jewish People In The World

all about proletarians that have become bourgeoisie/ sky news or better say murdoch australian instructions on the civilized world creates havoc BREXIT is some of his doing britain should get this fellow out . exile him back to australia. where he belongs .  hope by now you begin to understand why the proletarians that have become capitalist bourgeoisie are becoming a danger to the human species.

Maduro under threat as protests erupt in Venezuela

sky news or better say murdoch australian instructions on the civilized world creates havoc BREXIT is some of his doing britain should get this fellow out . exile him back to australia. where he belongs .  hope by now you begin to understand why the proletarians that have become capitalist bourgeoisie are becoming a danger to the human species.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Trabajadores de central hidroeléctrica atacada durante apagón en Venezue...

Venezuela 🇻🇪 - Desmontando la FAKE NEWS de la gente bebiendo agua residual - 11 Marzo 2019

Trabajadores de central hidroeléctrica atacada durante apagón en Venezue...

Venezuela 🇻🇪 - Desmontando la FAKE NEWS de la gente bebiendo agua residual - 11 Marzo 2019

Friday, March 15, 2019

Norman Finkelstein gets Ruffled by a Question "I could make you look foo...

Israel is a trick, however ask lord BALFOUR, 1917 why they gave Palestine to the Rothschilds, one thing is clear; we shall never know, he is dead. It is hard to know what he had on his mind. so far Rothschild is the front page but so is TRUMP so the truth is seal in Britain/ what we know as reality is that WW2 got displaced to the middle east since 1947 Israel has being killing Arabs and the Arabs are on the same state of affairs. perhaps the 1984 Orwellian realm begun in 1947 and Israel became the battle ground and testing ground for weapons and other items. there are more than one million Russians there, and they are not Semites, just Russians that got shipped to the middle east, why and what for we shall never know. same as other immigrants as Israel keeps killing Arabs and replacing them with Europeans which are not Semites, in many ways, strangely Jewish? as Israel is on the middle east not Russia or Scandinavia. therefore, the Israeli swindle is for the benefit of some and is not the Russian polish Ukrainians’ immigrants that got ship to the middle east. the one that destroyed Israel in 70 AD. was a Roman emperor not a Palestinian. however, Israel has the Palestinians as victims. strange but true. What would happen when the Christians decide to have their own nation as the Muslims and the protestants. they are no different than Jews. Even today this Israeli arrangement is obscure it is not logical and makes very little sense. Moreover, a psychological insane dogma exists about Israel which also makes more mysterious for what reason in reality Israel got created for and those that created it which were not Jewish but British. As well world war 2 was the reason for Israel today which rather than simplify  things complicate the facts. moreover thinking and giving an opinion so far creates a programed reaction from individuals and organisations which is also strange as if a program was embedded on the consciousness of some individuals.?

Norman Finkelstein gets Ruffled by a Question "I could make you look foo...

Israel is a trick, however ask lord BALFOUR, 1917 why they gave Palestine to the Rothschilds, one thing is clear; we shall never know, he is dead. It is hard to know what he had on his mind. so far Rothschild is the front page but so is TRUMP so the truth is seal in Britain/ what we know as reality is that WW2 got displaced to the middle east since 1947 Israel has being killing Arabs and the Arabs are on the same state of affairs. perhaps the 1984 Orwellian realm begun in 1947 and Israel became the battle ground and testing ground for weapons and other items. there are more than one million Russians there, and they are not Semites, just Russians that got shipped to the middle east, why and what for we shall never know. same as other immigrants as Israel keeps killing Arabs and replacing them with Europeans which are not Semites, in many ways, strangely Jewish? as Israel is on the middle east not Russia or Scandinavia. therefore, the Israeli swindle is for the benefit of some and is not the Russian polish Ukrainians’ immigrants that got ship to the middle east. the one that destroyed Israel in 70 AD. was a Roman emperor not a Palestinian. however, Israel has the Palestinians as victims. strange but true. What would happen when the Christians decide to have their own nation as the Muslims and the protestants. they are no different than Jews. Even today this Israeli arrangement is obscure it is not logical and makes very little sense. Moreover, a psychological insane dogma exists about Israel which also makes more mysterious for what reason in reality Israel got created for and those that created it which were not Jewish but British. As well world war 2 was the reason for Israel today which rather than simplify  things complicate the facts. moreover thinking and giving an opinion so far creates a programed reaction from individuals and organisations which is also strange as if a program was embedded on the consciousness of some individuals.?

Are You Racist? | George Galloway | Oxford Union

Israel is a trick, however ask lord BALFOUR, 1917 why they gave Palestine to the Rothschilds, one thing is clear; we shall never know, he is dead. It is hard to know what he had on his mind. so far Rothschild is the front page but so is TRUMP so the truth is seal in Britain/ what we know as reality is that WW2 got displaced to the middle east since 1947 Israel has being killing Arabs and the Arabs are on the same state of affairs. perhaps the 1984 Orwellian realm begun in 1947 and Israel became the battle ground and testing ground for weapons and other items. there are more than one million Russians there, and they are not Semites, just Russians that got shipped to the middle east, why and what for we shall never know. same as other immigrants as Israel keeps killing Arabs and replacing them with Europeans which are not Semites, in many ways, strangely Jewish? as Israel is on the middle east not Russia or Scandinavia. therefore, the Israeli swindle is for the benefit of some and is not the Russian polish Ukrainians’ immigrants that got ship to the middle east. the one that destroyed Israel in 70 AD. was a Roman emperor not a Palestinian. however, Israel has the Palestinians as victims. strange but true. What would happen when the Christians decide to have their own nation as the Muslims and the protestants. they are no different than Jews. Even today this Israeli arrangement is obscure it is not logical and makes very little sense. Moreover, a psychological insane dogma exists about Israel which also makes more mysterious for what reason in reality Israel got created for and those that created it which were not Jewish but British. As well world war 2 was the reason for Israel today which rather than simplify  things complicate the facts. moreover thinking and giving an opinion so far creates a programed reaction from individuals and organisations which is also strange as if a program was embedded on the consciousness of some individuals.?

Are You Racist? | George Galloway | Oxford Union

Israel is a trick, however ask lord BALFOUR, 1917 why they gave Palestine to the Rothschilds, one thing is clear; we shall never know, he is dead. It is hard to know what he had on his mind. so far Rothschild is the front page but so is TRUMP so the truth is seal in Britain/ what we know as reality is that WW2 got displaced to the middle east since 1947 Israel has being killing Arabs and the Arabs are on the same state of affairs. perhaps the 1984 Orwellian realm begun in 1947 and Israel became the battle ground and testing ground for weapons and other items. there are more than one million Russians there, and they are not Semites, just Russians that got shipped to the middle east, why and what for we shall never know. same as other immigrants as Israel keeps killing Arabs and replacing them with Europeans which are not Semites, in many ways, strangely Jewish? as Israel is on the middle east not Russia or Scandinavia. therefore, the Israeli swindle is for the benefit of some and is not the Russian polish Ukrainians’ immigrants that got ship to the middle east. the one that destroyed Israel in 70 AD. was a Roman emperor not a Palestinian. however, Israel has the Palestinians as victims. strange but true. What would happen when the Christians decide to have their own nation as the Muslims and the protestants. they are no different than Jews. Even today this Israeli arrangement is obscure it is not logical and makes very little sense. Moreover, a psychological insane dogma exists about Israel which also makes more mysterious for what reason in reality Israel got created for and those that created it which were not Jewish but British. As well world war 2 was the reason for Israel today which rather than simplify  things complicate the facts. moreover thinking and giving an opinion so far creates a programed reaction from individuals and organisations which is also strange as if a program was embedded on the consciousness of some individuals.?

Global Capitalism: US and China - 1 Global Economy, 2 Giants [March 2019]

all about the crash world democracy meratrocacy and fill full world of chaos