Saturday, August 17, 2019

Paul Craig Roberts : #Trump is destroying the environment – YouTube – ARTSLOGIC

Paul Craig Roberts : #Trump is destroying the environment – YouTube – ARTSLOGIC

1776 was created to destroy the Spanish empire/ and avoid the domination of the Spanish language on the américas/ once 1776 became a fact / a string of revolutions took place all over america/ on the pretext of liberty & freedom/ the fact was there was no freedom of mind/ the purpose was the domination of the english language worldwide. america was set as the global policemen & promoter of the english language/ once the so called independance took place anywhere on the world/ the established rules will remain// today is 2019 and the reason for a new 1776 review and renaissance is because in 1776 conditions were different ,technology did not existed at the level of today// with an honest reconstruction of the Americas / Americans & other nations can achieve some degree of freedom & avoid a mixture of Orwell 1984 mix with a Aldous Huxley brave new world techniques.

Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Trump Imposes Full Economic Embargo on Venezuela

TRUMP imposes sanctions to those that have deals with Venezuela sanctions is a multiple way affair, sanctions against IRAN are sanctions against Europe Russia and china/ sanctions against Venezuela are sanctions against Europe or any nation that deals with Venezuela, grabbing property is elites grabbing Venezuelan gold money property banks is elites grabbing/ trump is just a puppeteer moron  & yes you are rigth it is  moron trump the front page / remembers president get killed not elites

Trump Imposes Full Economic Embargo on Venezuela

TRUMP imposes sanctions to those that have deals with Venezuela sanctions is a multiple way affair, sanctions against IRAN are sanctions against Europe Russia and china/ sanctions against Venezuela are sanctions against Europe or any nation that deals with Venezuela, grabbing property is elites grabbing Venezuelan gold money property banks is elites grabbing/ trump is just a puppeteer moron  & yes you are rigth it is  moron trump the front page / remembers president get killed not elites

Detrás de la Razón: Nuevo; ¿Trump tuvo algo que ver en la masacre de mex...

Detrás de la Razón: Nuevo; ¿Trump tuvo algo que ver en la masacre de mexicanos en El Paso, Texas? when a nation elects a somewhat not too wise fellow / the negative results are expected it is the fault of the voters they chose their killer.👽

Thursday, August 01, 2019

Six-Day War (1967) - Third Arab–Israeli War DOCUMENTARY - YouTube

Six-Day War (1967) - Third Arab–Israeli War DOCUMENTARY - YouTube

president PUTIN**  DE Gaul & george Orwell are disusing in room 101 what to do with washington /  the 1967 5 day war version 2019 Jerusalem👽

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

America could Default in just 8 weeks

start selling bonds us collapsing as expected dump those dollars and trash wall street let the looser buy you junk " SALE SALE SALE" get looser to buy stock sale everything buy gold.🙄👽

Todo patronaje Raglan Sleeve Blouse