Saturday, September 14, 2019

U.S. Debt Could Be 2,000% Of GDP: A $400 Trillion Nightmare

U.S. Debt Could Be 2,000% Of GDP: A $400 Trillion Nightmare

dollar colapse on the making / ilegal regimes change / fake elections of a one matrix AIPAC & two parti system that are both the same / the JANUS democracy of main media elections version 20/20 for your vision only //net global protest to free assange / social media revolution / all together now πŸ™‚

Julian Assange To Remain Jailed After Serving Sentence

Julian Assange To Remain Jailed After Serving Sentence

net global protest to free assange / social media revolution / all together now πŸ™‚

Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Mother of the Gods - Manly P. Hall - Metaphysics / Esoteric / Philosophy

1967 borders for Israel coming soon as De Gaulle mentioned in 1967/ jerusalem embassy can become a TRUMP casino πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘ and the UN will at last become a respectable and honest & real UN for the people and not this corrupt trash that it is todayπŸ‘½πŸ‘½

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

DetrΓ‘s de la RazΓ³n: TrΓ‘fico de niΓ±as: desde Trump hasta Israel, la sucie...

Sorprendentes videos | Incendio de el Amazonas

turismo que bien Bolsonaro a ganado 20 millones de dΓ³lares πŸ€£πŸ€‘πŸ€‘por quemar el amazona para plantar soja y los comparte con trump/ las empresas americanas que invertirΓ‘n en el negocio le dan un 10% a trump y bolsonaro/ luego se reparten el oro de venezuela que se robaron en londres que bien y todo esto gracias a el autoproclamado/πŸ™„ sin contar los beneficios de las 20 toneladas de coca que se sacaron con el concierto de cΓΊcuta / πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜ƒπŸ€‘ el arte de los negocios con el auto programado/ no se preocupen bolsonaro ya tiene su casa en miami y les enviara saludos que coman y duerman Bolsonaro les da las gracias. / y sigann gritando libertad πŸ˜„πŸ˜ƒπŸ€£πŸ™„πŸ˜₯

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Los incendios forestales de la AmazonΓ­a y Bolivia en tiempo real

BOLSONARO DOING ALL HE CAN DO to cut the oxygen supply to the  humans worldwide / as expected ever since the auto proclaimed president and the GAME OF TRUMP this was expected now breathing can become a privilege of the few. good luck 

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Paul Craig Roberts : #Trump is destroying the environment – YouTube – ARTSLOGIC

Paul Craig Roberts : #Trump is destroying the environment – YouTube – ARTSLOGIC

1776 was created to destroy the Spanish empire/ and avoid the domination of the Spanish language on the amΓ©ricas/ once 1776 became a fact / a string of revolutions took place all over america/ on the pretext of liberty & freedom/ the fact was there was no freedom of mind/ the purpose was the domination of the english language worldwide. america was set as the global policemen & promoter of the english language/ once the so called independance took place anywhere on the world/ the established rules will remain// today is 2019 and the reason for a new 1776 review and renaissance is because in 1776 conditions were different ,technology did not existed at the level of today// with an honest reconstruction of the Americas / Americans & other nations can achieve some degree of freedom & avoid a mixture of Orwell 1984 mix with a Aldous Huxley brave new world techniques.