how we can evolve into a fourth dimensional realm. history plasticity realism, as a memory fact. a realm that continues to be hiding to most folks, will open the door to a unified mind, body and self of the individual entities of our world..
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
"Ahora la opinión del sabio y la del ignorante valen lo mismo; es una ép...
y buenas navidades especial agárrate 🍾🍾🍾 EL verdadero Tema🙈🙉🙊 Ahora la opinión del sabio y la del ignorante valen lo mismo; es una época DEMAGOGICA🧐
Monday, December 23, 2019
Jean William Prevost at flatland bmx Pro World Circuit round 1 FINAL
BIKES are back "velo" 🚲🚲🚲 Good for your legs 👙👠& body 👩🦱👩👩🦰👱♀️👷♀️🤶👮♀️👩⚖️👩🌾🥂🍾🍾🍷😉 NEW AMSTERDAM "larger & brighter/ climate change /tale of two cities/ BREXIT swing* 🎨👕💜💖👩🦰👱♀👩⚖🍾🍾🍦climate change the New Amsterdam/ BIKES "velo" 🚲🚲🚲& the coming realm. " Atlantis😉 On a renaissance Mood. 🎨🎨🖼🎭 Ne laissez jamais le passé gâcher le futur - Manly P. Hall
En Angleterre, un phénomène urbain a pris d'assaut les rues de Londres. Ce phénomène s'appelle "BikeStormz", littéralement "Tempête de vélos". Des milliers d'adolescents venus des banlieues dites sensibles déferlent sur la capitale Anglaise équipés de vélos tous plus stylés les uns que les autres. Leur credo ? "Bikes up, Knives out". "Vélos en l'air et couteaux à terre". Pour essayer d'endiguer le crime, qui fait toujours plus de victimes en Angleterre, les kids des faubourgs de Londres se retrouvent entre eux pour rider et kiffer. Riding Zone s'est frayé un passage au cœur de la dernière Bikestormz pour tenter d'analyser ce nouveau phénomène. English version:
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Detrás de la Razón: ¿Trump y su clon británico contra el mundo? ¿Qué dic...
TRUMP 🤡🤡 BDS "INQUISITION" BORIS JOHNSON "BDS" INQUISITION IS NOW "ON" 🙈🙉🙊BEWARE / keep yourself healthy and discret/ knowing TRUMP🙄🤡🤡 a burning can be orchestrated by BORIS JOHNSON to start the BDS inquisition on time square. 🤔🤔🤔
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Tu cerebro programa tus emociones
to understand TRUMP🤪 auto 🚘🚘🚘Proclaimed PRESIDENTS / & NASTY RESULTS****🤔 Los Barones de los medios confunden y distorsionan la realidad / las 74 ONG 🤡🤡/ impulsadas por la propaganda de 🔨📲📳💻📺NTN24 es dirigida exclusivamente a el cerebro 🤑🤑"emocional" resultado/ el cerebro racional el cual debería analizar el discurso de NTN24 no funciona como previsto🙈🙉🙊 y es el cerebro emocional el que dirige la mente del individuo "el resultado" es chaos verdades que NTN24 y los ONG convierten en mentiras y mentiras que convierten en verdades 🤔🙃🙃/ luego la retórica es apoyada por los medios y dirigida a el cerebro emocional🙄😣/ el individuo no es mas un ser racional sino puramente emocional/ 🙄🐩🐩🐑🐑🐑🐑😥😨🤪
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Marsili, un vulcano ancora attivo ~ Marsili, a still active volcano WWW....
Salomon's House (or Solomon's House) is a fictional
institution in Sir Francis Bacon's utopian work New Atlantis, published in
English in 1627, La Turquie se serait intéressée au gaz israélien🤔🤔🤔🤔
institution in Sir Francis Bacon's utopian work New Atlantis, published in
English in 1627, La Turquie se serait intéressée au gaz israélien🤔🤔🤔🤔
William the Conqueror ("Sexyback" by Justin Timberlake)
Boris the time has come* Salomon's House (or Solomon's House) is a fictional institution in Sir Francis Bacon's utopian work New Atlantis, published in English in 1627,
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Jehovah's Witnesses Part 1/4 - Dr. Walter Martin
special BOLIVIA to understand the nuts 🤔🤪🤪of BOLIVIA and fake bible🤡🤡professors and mind controllers/ christian Zionist brainwashing & presidential elections 🤔🤔🤔 auto 🚘🚘🚘 Proclamados y distorsiones en BOLIVIA 🛴🤔🤔
Friday, December 13, 2019
Life Is Worth Losing - Dumb Americans - George Carlin
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Jeff Koons bat un record avec un lapin vendu 91,1 millions de dollars | ...
all is related from terrorism to banker suicides to art dealers & wall street market shows to investors of junk art/ art market a junk house & dangerous for current civilization CEO/ of proletarian origin "remain" proletarians🙈🙉🙊 result chaos "100 million $ art money laundering/ upheavals & fake art/ from mind control to minds out of contro🤪🤪 manipulation of art market & creators of mental terrorism/ "End of jeep KOONS art hoax , speculative money laundering by CEO & others 🤔😏 19 century mind manipulators creators of JUNK ART & terrorism. Bad for their CV & history.👸🤴👳♀🤔
Monday, December 09, 2019
MÉXICO ESTÁ FELIZ FELIZ!!! Encuentran gigantesco yacimiento petrolero | ...
Alfredo Jalife Conferencia:"El Caos en Latinoamerica: Agonía del Neoliberalismo" en Congreso Toluca
Sunday, December 08, 2019
Art Press Agency | En direct de la Demeure du Chaos / Abode of Chaos
Art Press Agency | En direct de la Demeure du Chaos / Abode of Chaos
the complexity of the pyramid is the complexity
of a human / from top to bottom. from time & space ✨the top "a bit
rusty" 🤔
of a human / from top to bottom. from time & space ✨the top "a bit
rusty" 🤔
The media Barons
probably wanted 🍰& mind control
& now we face minds out of control! 🤔
probably wanted 🍰& mind control
& now we face minds out of control! 🤔
WEB. 🍾🍾
WEB. 🍾🍾
Thursday, December 05, 2019
Looking Forward to Retirement is a Thing of the Past | Retro Report
retraite le monde Amérique; france spécial retraites pour les syndics black blocs puis ++ le reste // artiste ++😊😊 gilet jeunes et autres 😥
�� The Coming Retirement Crisis Explained and Explored (w/ Raoul Pal)
special retraites por les sindicas black blocks puis ++ le reste // artiste ++😊😊 gilet jeunes et autres 😥
Wednesday, December 04, 2019
De Gaulle et l'Or
The EXFOLIATION economy 🙃is the current main problem of the 21 century, it creates a chain of corruption & transform citizens into a leech / this bedbugs multiply & developed what most called capitalism, but it is a sponge economy by which one sucks the blood of his brother as he grows larger a new Leech comes along and continues the ritual, most obey the rules of the market which they call civilization but rather it is a hive of bedbugs hoping to have more blood that will guarantee them a longer & happier existence. Unfortunately believing is quite different than faith.🤔🤔 1967 borders for ISRAEL president "President MACRON" 🍾🍾 DIPLOMACY😊😊
De Gaulle et l'Or
The EXFOLIATION economy 🙃is the current main problem of the 21 century, it creates a chain of corruption & transform citizens into a leech / this bedbugs multiply & developed what most called capitalism, but it is a sponge economy by which one sucks the blood of his brother as he grows larger a new Leech comes along and continues the ritual, most obey the rules of the market which they call civilization but rather it is a hive of bedbugs hoping to have more blood that will guarantee them a longer & happier existence. Unfortunately believing is quite different than faith.🤔🤔 1967 borders for ISRAEL president "President MACRON" 🍾🍾 DIPLOMACY😊😊
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