Sunday, April 26, 2020

Cientos de peces son arrojados por el océano en México y la gente los sa...

perhaps one of the messages of coronavirus👑 who begun his voyage in 2019 means that 2020/ is a moment of change 🎨"the good way or the bad way" ,the good way is that pollution is a lot less nature is connecting with the humans once again , the birds animals and other beings are happy there is communication  excitement novelty & love. time to reflect🤔a chance to rethink.💲💱♻  all wars have stop as all aggression / the main media democracy has recicle presidents and managers of managers to hopefully understand the worth of existance. so far the planet is clean/ however economist 😏🤑and world banks😣🤑 wall street trades and BANK BARONS/ fashion Barons et/ hope to a return of November 2019. the "BAD" is that a November 2020/ can be a lot worse than a February 2020/ 😥🥶/ the message looks is to start  an educative conditioning by having priority in Quality💜that quantity, 🐑🐑and from petrol to unsold vehicles🚗 / quantity is the problem, to much petrol too many unsold cars. 😏 by choosing Quality / people will eat better 🥗live longer love 💌longer & keep the birds & environment in the shape that it is today, work can be done by machines, and quality work by men, the industrial mentality of cheap low cost quantity, leads to November 2019   👽 to avoid a repeat of history is the time to reflect and direct the minds desire to a Quality world in beauty 🩰👙art and consumption 🍾👨‍🦱🍾🍯💕👼💌👸😋

Sunday, April 19, 2020

What Did Bakunin Think About Religion?

Max Igan – Australian Fire Series (1): Wake Up Or Die! | MAKE THIS VIRAL! Caroline Stephens seeking the truth – Max Igan: Saving Australia | Rob Scholte Museum

Max Igan – Australian Fire Series (1): Wake Up Or Die! | MAKE THIS VIRAL! Caroline Stephens seeking the truth – Max Igan: Saving Australia | Rob Scholte Museum

the suspicious behaviour of Australian governments & forest fires & more all in 2019 December coronavirus 👑 January 2020/ what would be the diference between a conspiracy theory from CNN FOX NEW DAILY MAIL & A common blogger or activist ?🤔? is the rule that CNN has more money than the blogger or the truth is written by the dominant media 🤔 hillary goes to JAIL by Donald Trump is a conspiracy theory as the Russian gate written by the main media / however CNN is labelled by TRUMP as fake news but it still exist, while the blogger is ban from all social media outlets / ASSANGE is an example send to jail / in conclusion the truth is not on main media outlets but more likely on the banned blogger. as any logic and reason will go/ since history is written by the winner main media🤔 have the collusion media & government is easy to understand😥👽

Corona Virus, Economic