Saturday, October 08, 2011

Collectivism and Individualism Explained by G. Edward Griffin - YouTube

Collectivism and Individualism Explained by G. Edward Griffin - YouTube

The hidden workings of the sun revealed by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory - Telegraph

The hidden workings of the sun revealed by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory - Telegraph

The hidden workings of the sun revealed by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory - Telegraph

The hidden workings of the sun revealed by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory - Telegraph

The hidden workings of the sun revealed by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory - Telegraph

The hidden workings of the sun revealed by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory - Telegraph

Les Inrocks : La Hague : secrets et mensonges d'une usine nucléaire française

Les Inrocks : La Hague : secrets et mensonges d'une usine nucléaire française

Libya: NATO Provides the Bombs; The French "Left" Provides the Ideology

Libya: NATO Provides the Bombs; The French "Left" Provides the Ideology

Monday, September 19, 2011

Pt. 2: Noam Chomsky on Libya, Israel & GOP Presidential Candidates' 'Utterly Outlandish' Positions

Pt. 2: Noam Chomsky on Libya, Israel & GOP Presidential Candidates' 'Utterly Outlandish' Positions

The Power behind the New World Order *Full Documentary*

The New World Order by Henry Makow

The New World Order by Henry Makow

the international (2009 movie) explains the banking system+debt

Red Ice Radio - Carl Johan Calleman - The End of the Mayan Calendar & Transparent Consciousness

Red Ice Radio - Carl Johan Calleman - The End of the Mayan Calendar & Transparent Consciousness

Contre-offensive de DSK : ce que dit le rapport du procureur -

Contre-offensive de DSK : ce que dit le rapport du procureur -

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Tripoli : le Réseau Voltaire s'inquiète des menaces de mort qui pèsent sur Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya et Thierry Meyssan [Réseau Voltaire]

Tripoli : le Réseau Voltaire s'inquiète des menaces de mort qui pèsent sur Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya et Thierry Meyssan [Réseau Voltaire]

Is NATO Intervention Illegitimate?

Is NATO Intervention Illegitimate?

Libya and Beyond: How Did We Get There and What Happens Next?

Libya and Beyond: How Did We Get There and What Happens Next?

Libya and Beyond: How Did We Get There and What Happens Next?

Libya and Beyond: How Did We Get There and What Happens Next?

From Rage To Outrage To World War 3

As Joy Dies Down After Arab Revolts, Uncertainty Settles In -

As Joy Dies Down After Arab Revolts, Uncertainty Settles In -