Thursday, May 03, 2012

The Project Gutenberg eBook of Psychologie des foules, by Gustave Le Bon.

The Project Gutenberg eBook of Psychologie des foules, by Gustave Le Bon.

Notre précédent ouvrage a été consacré à décrire l'âme des races. Nous allons étudier maintenant l'âme des foules.
L'ensemble de caractères communs que l'hérédité impose à tous les individus d'une race constitue l'âme de cette race. Mais lorsqu'un certain nombre de ces individus se trouvent réunis en foule pour agir, l'observation démontre que, du fait même de leur rapprochement, résultent certains caractères psychologiques nouveaux qui se superposent aux caractères de race, et qui parfois en diffèrent profondément.
Les foules organisées ont toujours joué un rôle considérable dans la vie des peuples; mais ce rôle n'a jamais été aussi important qu'aujourd'hui. L'action inconsciente des foules se substituant à l'activité consciente des individus est une des principales caractéristiques de l'âge actuel.

Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Gerald Celente Trends Blog:

'via Blog this'

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Trans-Formation 1 - A Max Igan Film. (2012) | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Trans-Formation 1 - A Max Igan Film. (2012) | Gerald Celente Trends Blog


lites have a determined lifespan, this is due to the thermodynamic realm of us humans and what we do create. today we got a very nasty economical problem, it cannot be solve under the current thinking, a new logic must emerge. therefore a new perception is the requirement to able a new reasoning. once that reasoning is applied to our current concepts, old concepts die and are replaced by new ones. these event will leave the old industrial elites out of power, and empower new elites. Israel being the creation of the industrial elites unfortunately will go under, the Israeli people are not responsible for these scheme, they have being use the same way Mexican, Arabs and Europeans were being use. the purpose is domination, power, and power in the industrial realm is”is money” and it is money the element that creates wars as well as enslavement. most folks believe we are entering a brave new world or a 1984 Orwellian realm, unfortunately we are not what we are experiencing is the total collapse of western civilization as we know it. however these event do not signal the end of our world but rather the end of a concept. once that concept dies new concepts will replace it. hopefully more wiser saner and spiritual. concepts are image patterns on our brains they are not fix, therefore they are flexible, and it seems the change is as well due to survival, as it looks as if it is the survival mechanism that is changing the scene, and not ideology or political ideas. in this context the changes are unavoidable. however changes are not done suddenly they demand a process, and it is here were artist and thinkers are on demand, to help humanity its painful passage from one concept of society ” current realm” to a new concept of society.

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