Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Jewish Conspiracy Movie (Full Documentary)

The Jewish Conspiracy Movie (Full Documentary)

The Zionist Matrix of Power - Full Movie

The Zionist Matrix of Power - Full Movie

The Whole Story Of Zionist Conspiracy [The Filthy History Of Pedophilia,...

Israeli Spies Caught Celebrating 9-11

Why The Military Knows Israel Did 9/11

911 Motive and Betrayal (playlist)

9/11 Motives for Terrorist Attack (playlist)

9/11 Motives for Terrorist Attack (playlist)

If Americans Knew What Israel Is Doing! VIDEO WAS CENSORED!

If Americans Knew What Israel Is Doing! VIDEO WAS CENSORED!

Remember what Israel did to the USS Liberty and what our government did ...

Remember what Israel did to the USS Liberty and what our government did ...

McCain and Israel's Bombing of the U.S.S. Liberty

Friday, August 24, 2012

Antichrist will rule the Zionist New World Order - 1 of 11

Tim Rifat : The Rothschild to Nuke Iran on Christmas Day | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Tim Rifat : The Rothschild to Nuke Iran on Christmas Day | Gerald Celente Trends Blog:

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Paul Craig Roberts : America has the Biggest Propaganda Machine | Gerald Celente Trends Blog

Paul Craig Roberts : America has the Biggest Propaganda Machine | Gerald Celente Trends Blog:

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France backs no-fly zone over Syria, Russia continues cooperation with Damascus - Xinhua | English.news.cn

France backs no-fly zone over Syria, Russia continues cooperation with Damascus - Xinhua | English.news.cn:

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the war in Syria + IRAN+IRAQ+ LIBYA +YEMEN is a way to have Muslims kill each others, for the beneficent for Washington, as the  aim is the control of the ME they do it already via FMI in EGYPT, so forget the Arab spring is more the ethnic cleansing Arab years.  bad news for FRANCE as tensions will create riots in France Muslim community, and the rest of Europe "Israel is in the middle of the hurricane so we shall see what will happen.. EGYPT IS BACK ON THE HANDS OF the west.

Photos: Students protest for education reform in Chile – - Mercury News Media Center

Photos: Students protest for education reform in Chile – - Mercury News Media Center:

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