Tuesday, April 15, 2014

PressTV - Ukraine junta may spark civil war: Analyst

PressTV - Ukraine junta may spark civil war: Analyst

Globalization means that all citizens of the planet are middle class including president Obama, CNN newscasters amanpour, as congress intellectuals or foreign leaders UN no longer will have think thanks, this privilege ceases to be. participants,  elites such as Rothschild or others will  no longer exist as globalization means all are equal, mentally, intellectually and the capacity of each individual intellect, reason reaches just a point and cannot go any further. And their capacity to understand reality remains in balance no different between Obama the president and Obama the janitor,  this is what a globalization on a  world is, all equal, However each one of you is an individual but unable to be above anyone else and anyone else cannot be above anyone.

Wealth material wealth, does make a different, but no longer the intellect, regardless of legion des neuron, French philosophers or literary wizards, or actresses, only what you got as material possessions distinguish you from the other. so only materials objects will differs one from the other. any mind all mind cannot reach a higher level of understanding, knowledge or improvement. in fact there is none more intelligent than any other on a globalization realm. invention and progress only exist for a materiel result, meaning minds continue to create devices, I-phones, pc, cars and planes, is their knowledge their insight that stop growing. their wisdom if you like. Luis the XVI the king beheaded on the French revolution was beheaded for the simple purpose of eternity; "that was the plan" however historians do have all sorts of theories Rothschild etc.., the Rothschild's as well were part of the plan... today queens or kings have no power, as the global middle class includes them and makes them as equal, like the queen of England or Finland, or Spain he just plays a role like an actor the same way Obama plays a role like an actor. all are now equal. the elite is just 1. above all.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Nabilla clash Olivier Bourg

Dominique de Villepin devant l'ONU ( Heroic speech )

Les initiateurs des raides aériens sur la Libye. Sarkozy, Cameron et B.H.L. se claquemurent depuis, dans un silence monacal. Savaient ils que, par leur saillie précipitée ils allaient plonger l’Afrique dans des sanglants conflits ? Ils étaient parfaitement au courant des arsenaux sophistiqués que la France et les pays occidentaux ont vendu à la Libye. A l’époque ou Kadhafi le Magnifique plantait sa tente de bédouin dans les jardins de Marigny. Tout près de l’Elysées. Ils ont ouvert la boite à pandore. Ils n’ont pas prévu le service après raide. Aujourd’hui, c’est un jeu d’enfants de trouver sur les marchés de Bangui et d’ailleurs des armes de toutes sortes. Kalachnikovs, grenades. Même les machettes sont fabriquées en Occident

Russia Threatens U S with a Nuclear Strike - U S says Will Respond

RACIAL WARS TO DESTROY THE WHITE RACE:    that means speaking russians will not kill each others, however ukrainians will kill russians is not a language war is just infiltration from washington, ukraine is not the usa, is ukraine or what ever but they do not have the same rules neither the same conditioning. now you got languages and it is normal uk and the us both have the same language! easy to understand forcing russians to speak ukrainian or behave like it, is an abuse as well that part of ukraine has always being part of russia they did not immigrate they were there more than 200 years ago even more. is not an ethnic war, but washington, is doing the best to turn it into an ethnic war!! all this democracy and humans rights bit is just BS...washington is making it a racial war, whites kill whites, there are not many dark folks on the caucasian region besides the tartars. in fact when they ask what color of skin you have origin, legally.. caucasian is mentioned. is a wording manipulation to make believe in democracy while what you have is a language racial war amongst folks of the same race, or a programed destruction of that race in question, and fact. Perhaps washington does no longer like the realm of a caucasian.

États-Unis. Trois personnes abattues sur des sites juifs au Kansas

États-Unis. Trois personnes abattues sur des sites juifs au Kansas

RACIAL WARS TO DESTROY THE WHITE RACE:    that means speaking russians will not kill each others, however ukrainians will kill russians is not a language war is just infiltration from washington, ukraine is not the usa, is ukraine or what ever but they do not have the same rules neither the same conditioning. now you got languages and it is normal uk and the us both have the same language! easy to understand forcing russians to speak ukrainian or behave like it, is an abuse as well that part of ukraine has always being part of russia they did not immigrate they were there more than 200 years ago even more. is not an ethnic war, but washington, is doing the best to turn it into an ethnic war!! all this democracy and humans rights bit is just BS...washington is making it a racial war, whites kill whites, there are not many dark folks on the caucasian region besides the tartars. in fact when they ask what color of skin you have origin, legally.. caucasian is mentioned. is a wording manipulation to make believe in democracy while what you have is a language racial war amongst folks of the same race, or a programed destruction of that race in question, and fact. Perhaps washington does no longer like the realm of a caucasian.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Radio 3Fourteen - Robert Guffey - Cryptoscatology: Conspiracy Theory as Art Form

Radio 3Fourteen - Robert Guffey - Cryptoscatology: Conspiracy Theory as Art Form

ART and politics is on our way, and the best way to evolve into the new realm as the old reality is all but gone.

Ukraine : le chantage au gaz se fait plus risqué pour Moscou, Actualités

Ukraine : le chantage au gaz se fait plus risqué pour Moscou, Actualités:

et le chantage du $ comme papier pourrie, monnai de reserve excavatrice esclavagiste. et créatrice de guerres de sans abris, sans emplois puis des meurtres corruption, dictatures pétrodollars Arabie saoudite, qatar bahrain, etc.

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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Braveheart Freedom Speech (HD) - YouTube

Braveheart Freedom Speech (HD) - YouTube:

Scotland:: forget FITCH they are useless in fact FITCH is a CIA,NSA like the world bank and IMF,FMI, creation, so dump those dollars and hang on to your OIL and all shall be fine, moody s, Goldman sachs, the lot are CIA operatives all they want is serfdom, so be free brave-harts. keep your freedom, exit the UK monster of lies enslavement and hate, and hope that the British citizens will do the same..

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Wednesday, April 09, 2014



No Ukraine on Map Until 1918

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Poll: Even If Russia Invades Deeper Into Ukraine, 76 Percent of Americans Oppose Sending US Troops - Hit & Run : Reason.com

Poll: Even If Russia Invades Deeper Into Ukraine, 76 Percent of Americans Oppose Sending US Troops - Hit & Run : Reason.com: "Only eight percent of respondents considered sending military troops and assets to be the right course of action for America., seems particularly significant given recent developments. Th"

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Le lobby sioniste tente de censurer le film de Béatrice Pignède : L'olig...

SIONISME: L'Effondrement, Préparez-vous au génocide ! - YouTube

SIONISME: L'Effondrement, Préparez-vous au génocide ! - YouTube:

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Sheikh Imran Hosein - Russie, Syrie et Fin des temps - mai 2013 - YouTube

Sheikh Imran Hosein - Russie, Syrie et Fin des temps - mai 2013 - YouTube:

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World War 3 United States of America , Russia and Syra :: Sheikh Imran H...