Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The Mysteries of Hieronymus Bosch

Art &
Truth is
when the past confirms the present, in practical terms prophets do not exist
just one individual tells the truth.   And
what he say’s is what he sees. Therefore, a truthful person is a person that
perceives reality which is.
 Truth & Beauty.
Reality confirms
itself by the present, is often said that the present is a continuity, it is
mathematical. it is not being an experience that you now perceive. Truth becomes
the present for the simple reason that perception is done in the past not in
the present. In practice a large % of individual exists sometimes day’s hours
or weeks in the past, is a memory freeze, time exist but is not perceived as it
is, present however it is perceived as a past, therefore you do not see the
present. It is quite possible that these eventual realms, drive the individual
to even mistake present facts and exist on a dream land. In the book 1984 by George
Orwell’s the one that control the past controls the future. “controls the present”
it translates in time & space, and the proper perception of time &
space, which leads to the present which is perceiving reality as it is.
 On an artwork we got Hieronymus bosh garden of
delights. The perception of the chaos is in fact the present, however ignored
by the crowds it continues to be a fact today 400 year later. The perception of
the artist displayed on the canvas is his legacy, he himself knew what he was
showing to the world of his time & space. His work is beautiful because it
tells the truth. However, you might perceive knifes and swords, they are beautiful
as they show their opposite visually. The reason could be attempting to communicate
with the subconscious, as the eye inverts the image that it perceives? An upset-down
world if you like. He painted reality and no one saw it. Making it the truth. In
consequence beauty.  


Putin tells world Why AMERICA MUST GO!

stay away from animal farm America land of the slave home of the insane history has shown you keep away from sociopath insane minds the 1776 hoax shall be revealed zombie land shall be explained with time hope russia  china India Iran Pakistan and Europe, south America Australia Asia get the message they will be consume by psychopaths which is the main breeding product of America, terrorism made in the USA tested in Paris. And the rest of the planet

Monday, November 27, 2017

PressTV-Debate: Israel-Saudi ties

PressTV-Debate: Israel-Saudi ties

israel & saudi king all together to kill muslims "strange" SAUDI led NATO has declared war to muslims worldwide any poor muslim shall die on the hands of the saudi NATO, even those in france and other nations are in danger especially if you are a real muslim of decent poor means, so beware you two billions muslims the saudi king wants your blood, after his arrangement with israel you muslims are now the target beware and take care.!!!!!!

Jeff & Preston James - The Second Hijacking Of America

land of the insane home of the slave what to expect from the usa of america "inteligence" iraq syria libya kosovo. vietnam, ISRAEl.. george bush 9/11 what do you expect . peace and loving souls. ask malcolm X he knows better than most.!!!!

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Manly Hall - Mystical Life of the American Indians

land of the insane home of the slave what to expect from the usa of america "inteligence" iraq syria libya kosovo. vietnam, ISRAEl.. george bush 9/11 what do you expect . peace and loving souls. ask malcolm X he knows better than most.!!!!

Manly Hall - Atlantis and the Gods of Antiquity

Acrylic painting & molecules.

To begin the story, we shall have a pot of artistic acrylic paint, inside a glass jar, any commercial brand will do, the paint is black. Weeks later I happen to open the pot and I noticed a white foam all around the cover of the pot of paint. Somehow, looked like a silicon fungus that grew up from the painting molecules. However, all white like a glowing sponge, glowing as the contrast appear as I removed with a pen knife.  I just plastered on another canvas, however it was somehow even human like, or better say sensually human, sensitive, alive.  As the spirit of a being, or a being index itself. We can talk to the dead but also someone from somewhere above can communicate with us. A dead spirit as well an alien spirit. Not the kind you read on the bible but rather someone from another solar system; for instance. We believe we communicate with the dead, for them is somehow similar, the difference is they are not dead, they are from another solar system. You see it is on the paintings of various artist that these realities from another solar system are displayed to communicate with humans. These entities from far away have chosen art as visual art, to communicate.  simply because is neutral and their means of communicating will not be parasite by human interference.

Our good friend Hieronymus Bosch is a good example of this communications from far away, his work shows more a vision from another solar system than our own. Even today they claim he was in contact with other beings. In fact, makes perfect sense. As the artwork of heteronymous Bosh is timeless. In other words, it looks earthlings are not listening to the voices of our visitors from another solar system. As if human devices do not capture these entities from another solar system. Their logic, they the visitors is not quite an F35 way of traveling if you like. To achieve light speed on human terms demands a very fast vehicle, that we do not have, but they do. Therefore, that is the logic of these entities from another solar system, they reason using paintings as ways of saying hi to humans. As any other means they will not comprehend. Bosch task was just to transmit the message. And the message remains as a good forecast.

To follow‼!

The upside-down world revealed// cancer the common illness, many die from it however in relation to time & space, many musicians are mysteriously dying, and lots of honest nice people as well, as if the thinking is being eliminated.  a declared war to reason & intelligence the innocent is now the victim the guilty one has become the innocent one. the upside-down world revealed.

there are ways «ESP" "art is the medium" indeed there is a relation, between minds, we have become acquaintance. however, individuals remain individuals, for a reason so far there is a hierarchy, probably because of gravity, since we (humans) are glued to the ground. Truth becomes fact as truth is just a wave a dimension of time & space. The physical body indeed decays however it does not have to. On the other hand, births are a process, that leads to adulthood of learning, a child learns as he grows, therefore eternal existence is the end of growth for a human form that originates on knowledge from birth. Bare in mind understanding is quite different than knowing, understanding demands the experience which is related to time and the development of the individuals body and mind. However, the body stops growing at some point and it decays or remain healthy. The   Birth of Christ is different from the holly father; the holly father was on the sky while the birth of Jesus took place in Jerusalem as his crucifixion. Reincarnations them becomes the birth of the same person on a new body, however since you identify yourself with a body it can lead to confusion, leading the fact of the mind on one end and the body on another, something technology claims has now understood.

The riddle of the body perhaps is the garden of Eden, love, and passion between the two opposite sexes, men & women meet and enjoy each other’s pleasures. The exit from the garden of pleasure which is the garden of Eden is death to the body, however to the mind it can return as soon it places him/her into a new body. The sperm on the ovules indeed is quite small, therefore death and birth are all between the male sperm and the women’s ovules.

Manly P. Hall - Atlantean Records in Greece

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Hieronymus Bosch

painting & molecules.
To begin
the story, we shall have a pot of artistic acrylic paint, inside a glass jar,
any commercial brand will do, the paint is black. Weeks later I happen to open
the pot and I noticed a white foam all around the cover of the pot of paint.
Somehow, looked like a silicon fungus that grew up from the painting molecules.
However, all white like a glowing sponge, glowing as the contrast appear as I
removed with a pen knife.  I just
plastered on another canvas, however it was somehow even human like, or better
say sensually human, sensitive, alive. 
As the spirit of a being, or a being index itself. We can talk to the
dead but also someone from somewhere above can communicate with us. A dead
spirit as well an alien spirit. Not the kind you read on the bible but rather
someone from another solar system; for instance. We believe we communicate with
the dead, for them is somehow similar, the difference is they are not dead,
they are from another solar system. You see it is on the paintings of various
artist that these realities from another solar system are displayed to
communicate with humans. These entities from far away have chosen art as visual
art, to communicate.  simply because is
neutral and their means of communicating will not be parasite by human interference.
Our good
friend Hieronymus Bosch is a good example of this communications from far away,
his work shows more a vision from another solar system than our own. Even today
they claim he was in contact with other beings. In fact, makes perfect sense. As
the artwork of heteronymous Bosh is timeless. In other words, it looks
earthlings are not listening to the voices of our visitors from another solar
system. As if human devices do not capture these entities from another solar
system. Their logic, they the visitors is not quite an F35 way of traveling if
you like. To achieve light speed on human terms demands a very fast vehicle,
that we do not have, but they do. Therefore, that is the logic of these
entities from another solar system, they reason using paintings as ways of
saying hi to humans. As any other means they will not comprehend. Bosch task
was just to transmit the message. And the message remains as a good forecast.
To follow‼!
upside-down world revealed// cancer the common illness, many die from it
however in relation to time & space, many musicians are mysteriously dying,
and lots of honest nice people as well, as if the thinking is being
eliminated.  a declared war to reason
& intelligence the innocent is now the victim the guilty one has become the
innocent one. the upside-down world revealed.
there are ways
«ESP" "art is the medium" indeed there is a relation, between
minds, we have become acquaintance. however, individuals remain individuals,
for a reason so far there is a hierarchy, probably because of gravity, since we
(humans) are glued to the ground. Truth becomes fact as truth is just a wave a
dimension of time & space. The physical body indeed decays however it does
not have to. On the other hand, births are a process, that leads to adulthood
of learning, a child learns as he grows, therefore eternal existence is the end
of growth for a human form that originates on knowledge from birth. Bare in
mind understanding is quite different than knowing, understanding demands the
experience which is related to time and the development of the individuals body
and mind. However, the body stops growing at some point and it decays or remain
healthy. The   Birth of Christ is different from the holly father;
the holly father was on the sky while the birth of Jesus took place in Jerusalem
as his crucifixion. Reincarnations them becomes the birth of the same person on
a new body, however since you identify yourself with a body it can lead to confusion,
leading the fact of the mind on one end and the body on another, something technology
claims has now understood.

The riddle
of the body perhaps is the garden of Eden, love, and passion between the two
opposite sexes, men & women meet and enjoy each other’s pleasures. The exit
from the garden of pleasure which is the garden of Eden is death to the body,
however to the mind it can return as soon it places him/her into a new body. The
sperm on the ovules indeed is quite small, therefore death and birth are all between
the male sperm and the women’s ovules. 

Aldous Huxley - The Mind

Aldous Huxley - The Ultimate Revolution (1962)

Gerald Celente :  OBAMA is a Hugo chavez clone, as Trump and MACRON /: He  is the following of the same realm,  a men from nowhere and his own party. no longer the traditional democrats & republicans and in france socialist and rpr LR. democracy does indeed exist for the majority. however that precise majority is not evolving is in fact going backwards and that is why democracy no longer works.  the hand from the sky will not intervene, neither for democracy neither for a domestic crime. huxley wrote the ultimate revolution have a pick you might grasp the real meaning of the message. as mcluhan says the medium is the message. ...!!!

Aldous Huxley - The Ultimate Revolution (1962)

Gerald Celente :  OBAMA is a Hugo chavez clone, as Trump and MACRON /: He  is the following of the same realm,  a men from nowhere and his own party. no longer the traditional democrats & republicans and in france socialist and rpr LR. democracy does indeed exist for the majority. however that precise majority is not evolving is in fact going backwards and that is why democracy no longer works.  the hand from the sky will not intervene, neither for democracy neither for a domestic crime. huxley wrote the ultimate revolution have a pick you might grasp the real meaning of the message. as mcluhan says the medium is the message. ...!!!

Making Sense of the Middle East - James Corbett on Declare Your Independ...

if you have a look at agatha christie plots you will understand the saudi plot, it is no different than when a family kills his own siblings, a daughter can very easily kill her own mother  to survive her psychopathic realm, her father can agreed and even her sister and friends. it all looks natural however it was a determined and well planned murder. and that is a family affair, which is no different than the petrodollars affair. ...!!

Friday, November 24, 2017

The Day John Lennon Died (full documentary)

   The upsidedown world revealed//  cancer the common illness, many die from it however in relation to time & space, many musicians are mysteriously dying, and lot's of honest nice people as well, as if the thinking is been eliminated.  a declared war to reason & intelligence the innocent is now the victim the guilty one has become the innocent one. the upsidedown world revealed.

The Day John Lennon Died (full documentary)

   The upsidedown world revealed//  cancer the common illness, many die from it however in relation to time & space, many musicians are mysteriously dying, and lot's of honest nice people as well, as if the thinking is been eliminated.  a declared war to reason & intelligence the innocent is now the victim the guilty one has become the innocent one. the upsidedown world revealed.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Avoid this COMMON MISTAKE | Acrylic Painting

Acrylic painting molecules.

To begin the story, we shall have a pot of artistic acrylic paint, inside a glass jar, any commercial brand will do, the paint is black. Weeks later I happen to open the pot and I noticed a white foam all around the cover of the pot of paint. Somehow, looked like a silicon fungus that grew up from the painting molecules. However, all white like a glowing sponge, glowing as the contrast appear as I removed with a pen knife.  I just plastered on another canvas, however it was somehow even human like, or better say sensually human, sensitive, alive.  As the spirit of a being, or a being manifestation itself. As we can talk to the dead but also someone from somewhere above can also communicate with us. A dead spirit can as well be an alien spirit. Not the kind you read on the bible but rather someone from another solar system for instance. We believe we communicate with the dead, for them is somehow similar, the difference is they are not dead, they are from another solar system. You see it is on the paintings of various artist that these realities from another solar system communicate with humans. These entities from far away have chosen art as visual art, to communicate.  simply because is neutral and their means of communicating will not be parasite by human interference.

Our good friend Hieronymus Bosch is a good example of this communications from far away, his work shows more a vision from another solar system than our own. Even today they claim he was in contact with other beings. In fact, makes perfect sense. As the artwork of heteronymous Bosh is timeless. In other words, it looks earthlings are not listening, as if human devices do not capture these entities from another solar system. Their logic, they the visitors is not quite an F35 way of traveling if you like. To achieve light speed on human terms demands a very fast vehicle, that we do not have, but they do. Therefore, that is the logic of these entities from another solar system, they reason using paintings as ways of saying hi to humans. As any other means they will not comprehend. Bosch task was just to transmit the message. And the message remains as a good forecast.

To follow‼!

Worst Mistake Acrylic Painters Make

Acrylic painting molecules.

To begin the story, we shall have a pot of artistic acrylic paint, inside a glass jar, any commercial brand will do, the paint is black. Weeks later I happen to open the pot and I noticed a white foam all around the cover of the pot of paint. Somehow, looked like a silicon fungus that grew up from the painting molecules. However, all white like a glowing sponge, glowing as the contrast appear as I removed with a pen knife.  I just plastered on another canvas, however it was somehow even human like, or better say sensually human, sensitive, alive.  As the spirit of a being, or a being manifestation itself. As we can talk to the dead but also someone from somewhere above can also communicate with us. A dead spirit can as well be an alien spirit. Not the kind you read on the bible but rather someone from another solar system for instance. We believe we communicate with the dead, for them is somehow similar, the difference is they are not dead, they are from another solar system. You see it is on the paintings of various artist that these realities from another solar system communicate with humans. These entities from far away have chosen art as visual art, to communicate.  simply because is neutral and their means of communicating will not be parasite by human interference.

Our good friend Hieronymus Bosch is a good example of this communications from far away, his work shows more a vision from another solar system than our own. Even today they claim he was in contact with other beings. In fact, makes perfect sense. As the artwork of heteronymous Bosh is timeless. In other words, it looks earthlings are not listening, as if human devices do not capture these entities from another solar system. Their logic, they the visitors is not quite an F35 way of traveling if you like. To achieve light speed on human terms demands a very fast vehicle, that we do not have, but they do. Therefore, that is the logic of these entities from another solar system, they reason using paintings as ways of saying hi to humans. As any other means they will not comprehend. Bosch task was just to transmit the message. And the message remains as a good forecast.

To follow‼!

Acrylic painting molecules.
To begin the story, we shall have a pot of artistic acrylic paint, inside a glass jar, any commercial brand will do, the paint is black. Weeks later I happen to open the pot and I noticed a white foam all around the cover of the pot of paint. Somehow, looked like a silicon fungus that grew up from the painting molecules. However, all white like a glowing sponge, glowing as the contrast appear as I removed with a pen knife.  I just plastered on another canvas, however it was somehow even human like, or better say sensually human, sensitive, alive.  As the spirit of a being, or a being manifestation itself. As we can talk to the dead but also someone from somewhere above can also communicate with us. A dead spirit can as well be an alien spirit. Not the kind you read on the bible but rather someone from another solar system for instance. We believe we communicate with the dead, for them is somehow similar, the difference is they are not dead, they are from another solar system. You see it is on the paintings of various artist that these realities from another solar system communicate with humans. These entities from far away have chosen art as visual art, to communicate.  simply because is neutral and their means of communicating will not be parasite by human interference. 
Our good friend Hieronymus Bosch is a good example of this communications from far away, his work shows more a vision from another solar system than our own. Even today they claim he was in contact with other beings. In fact, makes perfect sense. As the artwork of heteronymous Bosh is timeless. In other words, it looks earthlings are not listening, as if human devices do not capture these entities from another solar system. Their logic, they the visitors is not quite an F35 way of traveling if you like. To achieve light speed on human terms demands a very fast vehicle, that we do not have, but they do. Therefore, that is the logic of these entities from another solar system, they reason using paintings as ways of saying hi to humans. As any other means they will not comprehend. Bosch task was just to transmit the message. And the message remains as a good forecast. 
To follow‼!

Prince Charles becomes World Jewish Relief patron - The Jewish Chronicle

Prince Charles becomes World Jewish Relief patron - The Jewish Chronicle

Les premières mentions d'une communauté juive constituée sur les Îles Britanniques apparaissent en Angleterre en 1070 quand Guillaume le Conquérant considère que les compétences commerciales et les capitaux juifs pourraient rendre l'Angleterre plus prospère. est le progrès prendra son chemin harmonieusement est proprement !!!! L'espoir est tout jour Là............!!!!!!!!!

Biggest Sting in History, Indictments Growing - with Liz Crokin

on the other hand raping childrens does not really make sense, unless is  for some kind of abraham killing the lamb. however childrens should be with other children's of their same size, otherwise is confusing for them, size determines who you talk to.  childrens recognize themselves as same size.

an adult can talk to them when he enters their world, however they remain on their own world.

Deep State Take Down, WW3, Indictments, Zionist Info War with Robert Dav...

Correct about
the commentaries enterprise it is a fact that the cleaning process of a computer
is mechanical, the algorithm does not know one picture from another, it follows
instructions.  The question is that commentaries
reaches only those that comment and read the comments. There are other methods
of comments like DISCUS. What impact does the quantity of comments become facts?
How many read those comments, and how do the comments on that site multiply. The
reality makes central computers unreliable as any centralized crypto currency,
even documents can be invalid as electronic signatures. Therefore, the propaganda
reality has little validity as a fact the reality is practically on the distributed
velocity of the comments, and their meaning. In some ways a parallel world
emerges between the two sides. Sites do practice incoherence on what contend is
related to. And is quite possible it is the computers that manages the comments
that decides what is upright or corrupt. However, these events create a new
reality closer to Jesus than to computers which is the value of the word, in
other words the words of Jesus became facts. The same event takes place now on
what the commentators text and reality. In simple terms is no longer the
quantity of comments but who writes it. As that person will determine the reality
the facts and all the others will turn out to be wrong. A prophet is credited
with that gift. The text becomes the fact, on a computerized world. Same as
after Jesus Rome collapsed and Israel got wrecked. therefore, an
electromagnetic time & space Jesus rebirth, after 2000 years of absence. And
that opens the doors of the cosmos.