Tuesday, December 18, 2018

BDS Movement |

BDS Movement |

from YELLOW VEST TO BREXIT THERESA MAY to TRUDEAU the swinger of trees. all are failing, beware anyone that does not bend to the facts of truth/ they will fail as jerusalem will until the rightful returns..  all will fail as theresa MAY is doing today. and TRUDEAU tomorrow, old boy TRUMP well he is just the jester that plays to the tune of time.

This Truth May Scare You! (2018-2019)

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Rabbi: "Biological Jews behind Open Borders for White Countries"

week for the trolls looks is your destiny, Trump uses Israel as example to
promote Mexico wall in Oval Office clash with Democrats//call it the HERD
are officially on a 1984 realm the problem is BIG BROTHER and how he controls
the lot. ?? what methods he uses to keep minds inverted, automatic double
talk.? is it the media a combine media and LGTB psychology?