Strait of Hormuz, Gulf of Tonkin? Trump warns Iran it will 'suffer greatly' if it does 'anything' — RT World News
it all dependents attacking the american fleet from both sides IRAN SIDE inside side : and from IRAQ KUWAIT can inflict very big damage, they are on a foreign land../IRAN is not can indeed devastee the fleet when you do act coordinated eventually a 1967 flash strike on israel could also do some irreparable damage as the object of any war is to win/ and you can put israel & washington on its knees, nukes you got pakistan to send you some in name of the muslim religion, and create a regime change in riyadh saudi kingdom simultaneously. think about it . a 1967 surprise attack can bring the end of the conflict to end in less than a week.!!!!!!!
how we can evolve into a fourth dimensional realm. history plasticity realism, as a memory fact. a realm that continues to be hiding to most folks, will open the door to a unified mind, body and self of the individual entities of our world..
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Friday, May 10, 2019
Thursday, May 09, 2019
Tim Berners-Lee: A Magna Carta for the web
BREXIT MAGNA CARTA FOR THE WEB **MAGNA CARTA FOR THE WEB//, not well yes BREXIT +++++++! Facebook responds to breakup call, demands government regulation of Internet
Published time: 9 May, 2019 21:18
Magna Carta and the emergence of Parliament
MAGANA CARTA FOR THE WEB//, not well yes BREXIT +++++++! Facebook responds to breakup call, demands government regulation of Internet
Published time: 9 May, 2019 21:18
Noam Chomsky on Google and Facebook
one of the problems in venezuela also related to the public's mind* propaganda carpet bombings of main media manipulations of facts & trolls - propaganda against venezuela maduro/ russia/ Russian Gate episode and the forcefully imposition on the public. this media propaganda bombardements in extreme can cause mental habits and ideologies which could be negative to the consciousness of the individual. the russian gate assad iran diabolization & MADURO and israel palestine ukraine/ bombarded by most media simultaneously can have secondary effects. habits pattern that are not related to reality can form themselves on the individual reason why, a magna carta for the Web becomes imperative.
Wednesday, May 08, 2019
Declaration of Florence: For an International Front NATO Exit – ARTSLOGIC
Declaration of Florence: For an International Front NATO Exit – ARTSLOGIC
We propose the creation of a NATO EXIT International Front in all the European member countries of NATO, by building an organisational network at a basic level strong enough to support the very difficult struggle we must face in order to attain this objective, which is vital for our future.
Tuesday, May 07, 2019
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
���� Can Iran close Hormuz Strait? | Inside Story
the 2 war IRAN VENEZUELA / GOLAN HEIGHTS/ AID-PACT AIPAC, and the economical collapse🙃Trap on the machines and not having the tools👽BRAVE NEW WORLD "war"on the making, 😰not the art of the real👽
Monday, April 29, 2019
Queen makes Nazi salute in video
learning from history/ ANY NATION THAT FOLLOWS THE IV REICH WASHINGTON* will suffer and hope the Queen gets the message as 007 prince Charles* Do Not make the same mistake again is called learning from history. Stay away from washing AIPAC and send English teachers to america is the best option.🙃🤫👽
Extraterritorialité américaine : le silence des ONG (ENTRETIEN) — RT en français
Extraterritorialité américaine : le silence des ONG (ENTRETIEN) — RT en français
MACRON C'est à vous avant le grand malheur / devenez un Vrais president fort reel, humain/ (Le danger de la planète est actuellement / washington/israel, CHANGEMENT CLIMATIQUE, NATO OTAN/ le $ Dollar le pire ennemi de l'espèce humaine) courage le monde est avec vous autrement sera le pire avenir / SORTEZ DE L'OTAN FRANCE LA NATURE VOUS AIDE AVEC HUAWEI / Débarrassez-vous du génocide Washington CD Jerusalem / 1967 frontières pour Israël fin de l'OTAN & retour à l'étalon-or / jusqu'à ce moment réel le monde fonctionnera inverse. De "gilet jaune" "GJ / à juan Guaido / de l'apprenti américain Donald Trump à l'apprenti ukrainien * crimes d'antisémitisme, IRAN/PALESTINE/GAZA/ BOLSONARO, la haine l'hypocrisie trompeuse ; les esprits pires qu’hier. Suivre DE GAULLE France : arrangement du nouveau MONDE, rationnellement/ honnêtement/ autrement de MAUVAIS au pire, au suicide collective💀👽
MACRON C'est à vous avant le grand malheur / devenez un Vrais president fort reel, humain/ (Le danger de la planète est actuellement / washington/israel, CHANGEMENT CLIMATIQUE, NATO OTAN/ le $ Dollar le pire ennemi de l'espèce humaine) courage le monde est avec vous autrement sera le pire avenir / SORTEZ DE L'OTAN FRANCE LA NATURE VOUS AIDE AVEC HUAWEI / Débarrassez-vous du génocide Washington CD Jerusalem / 1967 frontières pour Israël fin de l'OTAN & retour à l'étalon-or / jusqu'à ce moment réel le monde fonctionnera inverse. De "gilet jaune" "GJ / à juan Guaido / de l'apprenti américain Donald Trump à l'apprenti ukrainien * crimes d'antisémitisme, IRAN/PALESTINE/GAZA/ BOLSONARO, la haine l'hypocrisie trompeuse ; les esprits pires qu’hier. Suivre DE GAULLE France : arrangement du nouveau MONDE, rationnellement/ honnêtement/ autrement de MAUVAIS au pire, au suicide collective💀👽
Sunday, April 28, 2019
The Merchant Of Venice by William Shakespeare | Classic English Story | ...
the new world order "shakespeare"
François Asselineau de l'Union Populaire Républicaine - On n'est pas cou...
François Asselineau: "L'OTAN nous entraîne vers des guerres illégales"
Friday, April 26, 2019
Greta Thunberg full speech to UK Parliament | Climate strikes
wake up GJ// GRETHA target wall street investor the big busyness that destroy the planet . ASSANGE/ VENEZUELA/ PALESTINE, NATO-OTAN é "all together now "
CRASH THAT DOLLAR SAVE THE PLANET FROM THE CRYPT** as you lot are accomplished on the killing wall street investor "WAR CRIMES FROM WALL STREET INVESTORS" IV REICH and its main media democracy Killing the dollar softly: China lobbies ASEAN on yuan use to expand economic influence
Published time: 26 Apr, 2019 10:35 // saving the planet from the IV REICH / And its people citizens / free minds from WASHINGTON CD/ THANKS CHINA RUSSIA ..👍⏰😋🌹
Thursday, April 25, 2019
pour bien comprendre le IV Reich washington, le sionisme ,israel, golan heights, et la fin du monde par washington CD.
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