Thursday, January 09, 2020

Frank Zappa - I Ain't Got No Heart

2020 a women's decade /💜💞💖👩👩‍🦰👩‍🦱👱‍♀️👩‍⚖️👩‍⚖️🥠🍾🍾😉

Tuesday, January 07, 2020

The Coach That Made History (Extended Cut)

why humilliation does not pay

looks Europe is under a psychological cyber invasion, in 1940
there were tanks & soldiers today is all done by information/ Psychological
cyber attacks that create a distorted relation between reality & fiction,
this fact dislodges the citizens & he acts totally against his own interest
& the nation & continent. the result is a continent that no longer
exist as a continent but rather a confusing lot, paralyzed, it can go forward &
it can go rearward.

French Surrender To Hitler (1940)

looks Europe is under a psychological cyber invasion, in 1940
there were tanks & soldiers today is all done by information/ Psychological
cyber attacks that create a distorted relation between reality & fiction,
this fact dislodges the citizens & he acts totally against his own interest
& the nation & continent. the result is a continent that no longer
exist as a continent but rather a confusing lot, paralyzed, it can go forward &
it can go rearward.

re:publica 2015 - Zygmunt Bauman: From Privacy to Publicity

to understand the net & more act wisely & hoping MACRON will wise up* "I SEE ON THE SCREEN THEREFORE I AM

Monday, January 06, 2020

The Assassination of Soleimani: What You Need to Know

the problem exist because europeans encourage trump & what they should do is stop it like they did to HITLER it indicates is a bankers war mix with Zionist blood rituals/ since soldiers are the poor that kill other poor soldiers rich people do not figth for democracy or any nation the 99% DO/  why europeans encourage TRUMP to have his blood rituals / is also economically profitable & they reduce the population since soldiers are not worth much & the weapons need to be replaced . therefore is just a slaughter of the 99%🤔 

Why do we need Facebook? Prof. Z. Bauman

Mr Zukerman time to put your mind in tune** today anyone can make a film the moment of information news and facts is now on the hands of the people twitter FACEBOOK the future is somewhat on your hands & social media / the colapse of main media leaves you as the new information for the people/by the people/ all this experts from france 24 to france 28 & 8 to CNN to fox news to abc BBC/ are trash / how you manage to arrange the issue will save or sink society🤔

Friday, January 03, 2020

Citations de Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

La position de la France vis-à-vis de l'OTAN en 1966 - .mov

TIME TO ACT PRESIDENT MACRON EXIT NATO NOW----------!France : « ce dont nous avions peur s'est produit !»

Fri Jan 3, 2020 12:20PM

 best time to quit the idiots of 1776 & make Europe great again / forget the 1492 retards “government”  YOU CANNOT HELP THEM 🤔👽👽👽 TIME TO ACT PRESIDENT MACRON / 🤔

La position de la France vis-à-vis de l'OTAN en 1966 - .mov

France : « ce dont nous avions peur s'est produit !»

Fri Jan 3, 2020 12:20PM

 best time to quit the idiots of 1776 & make Europe great again / forget the 1492 retards YOU CANNOT HELP THEM 🤔👽👽👽 TIME TO ACT PRESIDENT MACRON / let BREXIT TAKE HIS COURSE.🤔

Libya, War, Bernard-Henri Lévy, Sarkozy and Rebels


Friday, December 27, 2019

Climate change took center stage in 2019 with Greta Thunberg

the art of the deal /climate change politics.Mind is connected to the climate as the meteorological conditions is connected to the mind, wars perturb the thinking, the mind & the climate. everything is related.
climate change is PEACE .

Money, happiness and eternal life - Greed (director's cut) | DW Documentary

Ego is not quite the subject what looks like is a conditioning / a program/ however this program is embedded since birth/ conclusion, those that brought you to existence & somehow educate you, have a % of who you are today. the ego system is link to buying & selling, is basically trade. and the programmed desire to have more is nothing more than an industrial programmed behavior where all are co conspirator of the deed. true life can be a lot better among humans if they really become humans.

today seems they are below the animals they enslave 🤔 and continue going downwards. 😥