Saturday, May 23, 2020

Malcolm X - The House Negro and the Field Negro

WHY Afro-Americans are always slaves::: to understand why slaves will always be slaves 😥and dictators will always be dictators corrupt politician's will always win elections 💲💱/ however hope does exist 💡🔦Washington actions is a description of the psychological inferior complex of the administration, this complex as explained is embedded on the minds of Trump Pompey and most politicians & citizens, there are exceptions, however they have no voice on the matter, Wilhelm Reich,  Ezra Pound some brilliant minds that the inferiority complex of the American nation, due to his fear and insecure put to death by means of coercion intimidation something no different than sanctions to IRAN or China Russia. Anyone that tries to explain what democracy is all about to the American Mind will find himself on the same position as Plato allegories / if you wish to liberate the slaves they will kill you for it   😥👽 

Plato ~ The Allegory of the Cave

to understand why slaves will always be slaves 😥and dictators will always be dictators corrupt politician's will always win elections 💲💱/ however hope does exist 💡🔦Washington actions is a description of the psychological inferior complex of the administration, this complex as explained is embedded on the minds of Trump Pompey and most politicians & citizens, there are exceptions, however they have no voice on the matter, Wilhelm Reich,  Ezra Pound some brilliant minds that the inferiority complex of the American nation, due to his fear and insecure put to death by means of coercion intimidation something no different than sanctions to IRAN or China Russia. Anyone that tries to explain what democracy is all about to the American Mind will find himself on the same position as Plato allegories / if you wish to liberate the slaves they will kill you for it   😥👽 

CrossTalk, QUARANTINE EDITION: China scare? — RT CrossTalk

CrossTalk, QUARANTINE EDITION: China scare? — RT CrossTalk

the real problem with the american  presidents politics & the lot is a psychological problem that dates back to 1492, the new world is not as new as most imagine, it was an old world that some new fellows just discovered in 1492, India is a similar realm & the British Empire ruled by presence not quite by force. The Americans are unable to rule by presence they have to use force. 1776 psychologically gave the inverse result to the american pilgrims & those that indeed would have save them they considered as inferior, american natives and African slaves. since this psychological complex is embedded is not quite as easy as anyone might think to erase. Trump sanctions or a laser weapon are useless on this field, as Jeff Bezos billions $      Sigmund Freud could not resolve the issue either. And as you can understand is a complicated realm that the new world inhabitants does not understand. By inverting the current realm and giving back its honor to the american natives, that they treat as inferior america has a chance to evolve and reduce the current inferiority complex that they have since 1492.👽

Thursday, May 21, 2020

US coronavirus 'bailout' scam is $6 trillion giveaway to Wall St - Econo...

what trump hoped for is that millions will die that way the proletarians the poor and Afro-Americans will be wipe out of the planet, however knowing IDIOT MC🍔🍟🌭 TRUMP the plan came out upside-down 🙃, and technology changed the tune 🤗now you got 40. millions of unemployed that will never have any work to do again a technology that is improving AI will replace the few that TRUMP hope to kill like 1492 with the coronavirus 👑👑 scheme and blames CHINA for the failure sitcom🎥📡📽📺 hollywood white house entertainment💤 is doing the best to make ignorant citizens 🙄😨😳believe something that will never happen. and he hopes CNN📲😳🤪🔨 main media democracy & distraction🎇🎈🎃 will save him, he is a good actor🥼🥽 but an IDIOT 😥 that cannot be improve👽

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

How the US makes countries pay for its wars: Economics of American imper...

all about the the ECONOMICAL HITLER "THE WORLD BANK " the eugenics of walls Street & racism for the poor 😥 talk to the world bank & get cancer for your nation 😥

The Radical Imagination | Imagining How Financial Parasites and Debt Bon...

Occupy wall street 1999/ coronavirus banks wall street wizards jobs unemployment ARTS 🎨🖼🎭🩰🎲🎥📸🤗

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Exposed: CIA used Sheldon Adelson's firm to spy on Julian Assange

American politics exist as entertainment is hollywood washington DC / this fact allows washington to keep citizens just entertained  & they can do what ever they like no laws no government no economy everything runs as if you exist on a farm the animals are feed follow the rules and keep in line by the guard dogs/ no need of brainwashing citizens are totally ignorant/ surveillance to keep them walking the line. and more entertainment to keep them behaving as the screen play demands.😥🛒📲📸💻🎥😌

Paul Kennedy, “Great Powers, Global Trends and International Instruments"

Money is strength force/ power is inteligence/ wisdom / american sanctions is strength however it is not power / a billionaire has strength over others however he does not have power/ power is defeating the enemy without fighting 👽

��National Debt Can Never Be Paid -- Global Monetary Reset to Digital Wei...

Monday, May 18, 2020

Eton Wall Game (1956)

Money is force inteligence is power * ONE BALL ONE WALL😥 BORIS JHONSON hope you are aware of the situation 😥 try to understand it / send the message to TRUMP & WALL STREET*🤗 One of the problems of coronations affected by CORONAVIRUS 👑👑 is that functions on a random mode / mathematics cannot tell what the future will be since they are unable to describe the present / the only hypothesis is the speed of the virus🙄👑 and how fast it spreed, its effects on who will survive how many will come out OK if any, and how the situation will evolve is unknown since is all a random 🕹game where figures cannot be predictable. this puts the failing economy on a worse position than the patience on a hospital 💲💱🙃/ therefore health overcomes the economy & the collapsing system is now on his second dead-bed. the RENAISSANCE demands a different thinking a new mathematics and a total change of the economist & the economy, all you have learn in the past today has become useless/ better accept reality than hitting your head against the wall  👽

Charles Bukowski Women A Novel

everything you need 👙💄🧦to be ok while 💞you are on the adventure of life & memories 💌💓🍸🍾🍾🍯🍦👩‍🦱👩‍🦰👱‍♀️😋

Israeli Sovereignty, Not Appeasement, Is the Key to Lasting Peace | Opinion

Israeli Sovereignty, Not Appeasement, Is the Key to Lasting Peace | Opinion

Often machines are more efficient than humans / and they indicate 1967 borders for ISRAEL  before is too late. 👽

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Rebels: A Journey Underground #1 - Society's Shadow

rebels & the underground now difficult to find confusing to understand easy to forget hard to keep and lovely to have fun with😉🍾🍾🍾🍦👙👩👩‍🦰👱‍♀️💞🩰💓😋😘🤗

Rebels: A Journey Underground: #2 - A New Kind of Bohemian

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Australian Senator Caused Outrage When She Wore Burqa In Bid To Ban Them...

Fritjof Capra: The Tao of Physics

is over for the 19/20 century  Barons😥/ Fashion/Bankers/Industry/ & corrupt politicians & coronavirus is helping the cause & hope you get in line to avoid a forceful

readjustment/welcome to the 21 century by- by to the Barons of the 20th century   👽également pour le JG*GJ*🤔 tout faux 😥les économiste comme l’économie  à evolucioné donc tous sont dans l'erreur/la réalité c'est la technologie l’automatisation.. la révolution industrielle de 1900 le prolétaire, main d'œuvre c'est la machine qui travaille  / la révolution industrielle du 21 siècle le prolétaire c'est la machine l'ordinateur/ AI/  qui travaille  .le problème c'est le Baron du 20 siècle refuse de changer ils sont déterminé a rester dans le 20 sicle / donc mission impossible, la nouvelle classe sociale c'est le prolétaire qui ont devenue la classe moyenne, version 21 siècle. le technologie a tout changé donc 'travail chez vous/ le future c'est l'age  dore de l'l'art la philosophie la science , tout les tàches que un ordinateur ne arrive pas a faire car il ne pas humain donc retour a le moyen age Renaissance, les puisant  ce ne sont plus ni les industrielles ni le banquiers, ni la presse/  mais les sages les intelligentes les artiste d'exception dans le concret pas les artistes du marche . ni les artistes crée raisonne  par la presse comme par les banquiers, industriales. nonobstant l'art ce né plus une représentation esthétique elle révolutionne a une réalité objective palpable elle devient magique , gnostique occulte.🎨🎭🤗

Art Meets Science

is over for the 19/20 century  Barons😥/ Fashion/Bankers/Industry/ & corrupt politicians & coronavirus is helping the cause & hope you get in line to avoid a forceful

readjustment/welcome to the 21 century by- by to the Barons of the 20th century   👽également pour le JG*GJ*🤔 tout faux 😥les économiste comme l’économie  à evolucioné donc tous sont dans l'erreur/la réalité c'est la technologie l’automatisation.. la révolution industrielle de 1900 le prolétaire, main d'œuvre c'est la machine qui travaille  / la révolution industrielle du 21 siècle le prolétaire c'est la machine l'ordinateur/ AI/  qui travaille  .le problème c'est le Baron du 20 siècle refuse de changer ils sont déterminé a rester dans le 20 sicle / donc mission impossible, la nouvelle classe sociale c'est le prolétaire qui ont devenue la classe moyenne, version 21 siècle. le technologie a tout changé donc 'travail chez vous/ le future c'est l'age  dore de l'l'art la philosophie la science , tout les tàches que un ordinateur ne arrive pas a faire car il ne pas humain donc retour a le moyen age Renaissance, les puisant  ce ne sont plus ni les industrielles ni le banquiers, ni la presse/  mais les sages les intelligentes les artiste d'exception dans le concret pas les artistes du marche . ni les artistes crée raisonne  par la presse comme par les banquiers, industriales. nonobstant l'art ce né plus une représentation esthétique elle révolutionne a une réalité objective palpable elle devient magique , gnostique occulte.🎨🎭🤗

Mardis de Politique Magazine A de Lacoste Lareymondie Syrie Iran : tous ...