Thursday, January 25, 2024

Sci-Fi Short Film "AI-POCALYPSE" | DUST

Israeli Genocide Verdict? US-Israel Will Lose War Against Palestine and ...

UN IS ONE MIND:   "round table of peace." 🎨SIMPLE President XI CHINA  🫖🍀  Putin Russia Ignore Washington and everyone else talk to the people 👲👨‍🦳👼🧑‍🦰👧 “ask DO YOU WANT PEACE People of the WORLD” and you will get even a free independent voice on all media 📲💕🛰️🌱💐🍁🍂
perhaps there is a solution "example I chose the men you chose the place " it means Russia "PUTIN" CHINA XI / can decide who to talk to however France is the place / once he chooses the chosen men the chosen minds the people can decide & you got a deal. Sort of democracy at work for the people. if you like.  🍾🍷🥂

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

The Gaza Zeitgeist w/ Peter Joseph & Abby Martin

From the river to the sea/ from Berlin to Bremen to Bremerhaven on a SAXON 🛡️ NORMAN realm. Good and evil * 🙃 * when Jesus is on Palestine, * ✝️ * Israel government by committing suicide has shown to the world how Washington EU UN is a total corrupt organization from presidents to ministers to managers & acolytes. Jewish billionaires to Christian Jewish alliance. We can remember the days of the innocent's version 2024, however now that the criminals are on the stage is for you the people to ask for global justice "if you can." understand that in fact the guilty criminal as the saint both are on the crossroad  waiting for Solomon 😉🎨🖼️🎭🎪🩰🎶  to sermon the sentence to the hiding actors of the crime. 🪐🤔

Monday, January 22, 2024

Ep. 110 - Crash Test Dummies for WW3 with Immortal Technique

If Liberty Means Anything At All It Means the Right To Tell People What They Do Not Want To Hear George Orwell? Eric Arthur Blair?

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Scott Ritter Reveals Russia Are Entering The Red Sea In Support Of Houth...

it is 1776 America west and 1913 FED DEBT learning civilization, not western culture western culture gave à pause in 1776 for technological reasons now is back. And the AIPAC Hollywood Roman empire takes a back seat 💺Now is order out of chaos, The Industrial revolution is over no one to blame no guilty party in short is a 1492 rewind & repairs, 🙃🌎 The upside-down world is having his poles return to the proper position the invisible reality that is changing all everyone wants a Jesus to crucified and blame him however there is no Jesus no blame no way to change what has already changed since 2001. 👽😇🛡️🎶🩰🌺🖼️

Wednesday, January 03, 2024

Jesus Christ at the market

WASHINGTON since you wanted Jesus to return, what are you going to do now 🤔👽😇   Washington/ Jesus back into service the 3 religions nation Israel has no banks no presidents & no congress. Congressional Hearing Backlash, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. 14 In the temple, give nations what belongs to nations give Israel the 3 RELIGIONS✝️☪️🕎 no banks  💲🕎⛪🕋🏡   for the HOLLY LAND ☘️🌺🌻💐🌳 at tables exchanging money. 15 So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. 16 To those who sold doves he said, “Get these out of here!

Sunday, November 05, 2023

Un Jour dans le Monde Caroline Galacteros Revue de Presse N°97

Perhaps it is a time off, meaning the same feeling when you are on the space station, & floating gravity is no loger pulling you down to the ground.  However, it is a momentary reality that do you understand it or you do not understand it. During this time lapse you can achieve everything that was never achieved as love, democracy, freedom understanding enjoy a real human existence, a sort of the doors of paradise are open. they will not remain forever open 🔓 it is humanity as a whole that grasp the opportunity or continues on his disparate existence of master & slave agony & joy illusion & reality, moreover it is not exclusively of one ruling class or one chosen people is more a rearrangement of your human reality into a better world or a regression of reality into a continuity of chaos until a global suicide takes place for the many & the few, the choices are is a coherent common & together human choice survival while the doors remain open take the opportunity or perish as the door closes 🔐itself again. 😉👽😇

Wednesday, November 01, 2023

Christian Zionism part 1: Tracing the Lines of a Warmongering Heresy

Guggenheim 🎵  Museum:  🩰  MADURO VENEZUELA Helicoide from prison   concentration camp to art 🎨🏔️museum 🤔☸️✡️🔯✝️☯️⌚

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

6 Steps To Success as a Self-Taught Artist in 2023 (Full Webinar—Complet...

arts and minds however have critical thinking to understand 

Jeffrey Sachs - Geopolitical Ambitions - A Global Struggle for Influence

plutocracy by banker's industrialist. reason why the end of dollar as global reserve currency benefits the people it does not benefits the bankers. ans main media top gun brainwashing and wars is to keep the people on a Washington Hollywood dream that benefits the banker's industrialist and not the people America is rule by propaganda not democracy. however, Oligarchy rules the media

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

(12) What is Alchemy? Explained Documentary - YouTube

What is Alchemy? Explained Documentary - YouTube

art is 🔮 science is alchemy is a visionary 🎨🧙‍♂️ art. However, when ignorance is strength and war is peace art is put aside and commerce   👜 and economy ✍️ become the merchants of Venice art the naufrage ship and the artiste a future victim on the crucifix✝️🕎 leading to an enslaved population rather than freedom that the artist hoped for the population. 🐕‍🦺 Art of war art of mind art of life.  💗

Thursday, August 24, 2023

The Big Knife | English Full Movie | Crime Drama Film-Noir

Hollywood Washington DC when the money comes from wall street 💲🔚😉

Jeffrey Sachs Interview - Aggression, and the Path to War

The reality is that 1776/1789/ was never understood even in 2023 most people do not understand what 1776/1789/1812/ was. However, it was not expected to be understood until the purpose was achieved, it has been achieved now in fact since 2001. and that is why 1776 Washington is no longer valid, wall street is a string of fake news dollar economy is Eternal DEBT. now we are on a new century, the problem is Washington does not understand that neither the Dollar financiers of wall street and the economical realm since the industrial revolution, in fact if it was explained in details probably the path would have not been the same. The minds of humans are not as easy as explained consciousness is a dark room on a dark matter realm. reason why things have an end 1776 and its end was already programed before 1776. WASHINGTON DC calls that CIA NSA /NASA and a satellite to the moon proxy wars; you can call it proxy minds working since 1066 to create a 1492 that has a particular peculiar resemblance no different than H G Wells & Israel 1947/ De gaulle 1967/ 1917/1989/ current world reality.

Friday, August 04, 2023

Tim Berners-Lee: How This Guy Invented the World Wide Web 30 Years Ago

Ebene Media TV.   what do you think of✍️ Magna 📡Carta 🛰️for the🕸️ web: 🤔📱📺🍁🫖🥂🍻 Bill of rights 🤔 2014. Simon de Montfort Agrees 🛡️⚖️⚔️🍷🔯

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

The Case Against Reality | Prof. Donald Hoffman on Conscious Agent Theory

Emptiness & light: consciousness alive as a mathematical game of women 🚺 men 😉💓💞
1 +1 = 2 the theory of everything the theory of paradise 💐🍎 comes alive  when  men + women multiply 👙 remain 2/1 the emptiness of consciousness 🌹 the speed of light 🎶exist simultaneously as light expands space grow space boom💥 light materialize space shrinks. 😉 Just as 1 + 1 = 2 A conscious contact is made between emptiness and the filling light.   🥂🍷😉

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Occult Forces (Nova Films, 1943)

les forces ocultes pour les artistes averti le 🤞 doigt 😶💞💝👙💄ARTS against🎨 the machines artist 🎨the meaning of the mind on the artistic realm ❤️‍🩹 Zalesnki war/ BIDEN WAR MACHINE💀🤐🤑😂 the PARY owns your mind not the political party the main media war📡📺 party 📱🧬🩻 the one that tells you what to think not how to think❤️‍🩹🎨

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Interview with Vassily Nebenzia, Russian Ambassador to the United Nations

The UN is a concept to measure your pain since 1947 * 60% of the population are brainles20% in between and 20% are the thinking body . the 60% are considered experimental minds for brainwashing consumerism & conditioning behavior's political experiments and pharmaceutical wizardry and other PAVLOV experiments today they salive at the ring of a brainwashed news obey & complain as rabbits robots thanks to new technologies / that the Oligarchy has put in place on the name of freedom & confort not much there however nature could fix the issue and eliminate the 60 % of brainwashed lot, something that we as humans are unable to predict. #robots #pharmaceutical #

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Roger Waters speech at the United Nations and the reactions of the count...

the main problem is Washington & it is mental, mind concepts and false believes of reality based on manipulations & doublespeak, however these kinds of disorder cannot be fix by diplomacy but needs Psychological help as Washington🙈🙉🙊💲 is the mental patience that believes 1492 never existed and 1776 was 8000 years ago / we all know america is the new world and got his false birthdate in 1776 not long ago however Wall street believes they have been ruling decency and nobility since  27 BC it is understood that the Caesar Republic 😶‍🌫️ complex is indeed psychological. The UN might work as a square table for diplomacy however as long incapacitated individuals are allow to express themselves as sane💲🙊  peace prosperity and a human worlds order is as far away as the planet mars. Washington incapacity to look at itself   and admit that is just a young nation eager to appear as an adult will bring the world to chaos the same way a child can burn a house believing he is doing it for the worlds good.😥

Thursday, February 09, 2023

Chinese Balloon: U.S. Uses F-22 to Down 'Spy' Balloon Over South Carolin...

A nation to be number 1 needs number one leaders 😥🎨🧙‍♀️
Inflation💲 functions on the individual subconscious mind as greed once it starts it is a global greed fight, disguised as ideologies freedom nations and pride morals on a civilization independence and freedom however it is greed 💲🥖Weimar "GERMANY"  republic got inflation that had Exxon mobil financed Hitler & Ford motor company IBM.  insane Hitler & ww2 are next, no different than 1776 bankers revolution in america and Napoleonic wars in 1789 🥖reign of terror & Greed 😥🕎✝️🔮 all related to inflation 🤑🤐😂🤣 greed  everyone becomes a robber Baron from the Shoop keeper to CNN, LCI BFM SFR industry banks corporations is just greed going wild / get ready and avoid brainwashing . Prices go up minds get greedy war is next.😥 However do not blame the EU blame does that work for the EU/ corruption is on the individuals mind not on the wall of a church. 😥A nation to be number 1 needs number one leaders difference between CLOVIS & a dictator the men in charge has brains the nation goes forward the men in charge is an idiot the nation gets destroyed citizens decay greed takes over and is a world of crime corruption and robber Barons.🍷🍾🫖🧙‍♀️🎨