Monday, June 24, 2024

US Imperialism in Crisis: Century of Bullying Boomerangs Into Resistance...

British EMPIRE collapsed in the 1900. Europe ceased to exist in 1917 and it has been under Washington NATO reign of terror up to 2001. Space Odyssey. from 2001 to 2024 the disintegration of Washington Israel the client state of Washington 🕎 Reason why is called the only democracy of the west 🏦🌎🌋🤔 NATO the Washington Roman legions for the GALLO ROMANS employers and servants. This is where you are now point in time ⌚ the 1913 🏦 FED ⛓️ DEBT 👼☠️💦 civilization is dead / Monkey with nuclear weapons on the horizon & a possible doctor strange love hiding under the desk / IBM with his ZALESNKI 1812/1939 / Nazionalistic morals not working and only EURASIA can save Europe from predicament of a confusing gallo romans & a destruction of the JERUSALEM Athens & ROME remains of the southern EUROPE / EZRA Pound cannot do much to revive the past and make the actual understand history as one of the lessons of history Aldous Huxley We Learn From History That We Do Not Learn From History.. 'Men do not learn much from the lessons of history and that is the most important of all the lessons of history.'🤔🏦⏳🕎🌎🌋

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Géopolitique d'un conflit : Israël / Palestine - 4B - L'évolution du rap...

6B /1913/1900/1812/1776* Géopolitique d'un conflit : Israël / Palestine - 4B - L'évolution du rapport de force : 1914 -1940🛎️🌎🕎🚌☯️2001 🗽📲🪃

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Ilya Prigogine (Илья Пригожин) - The End of Certainty (Interview 1997)

Ukraine🏦 Kiev 🕎 Jerusalem becoming complicated 🤔 more that you know less that is understood. 🤔 the very small 😥 ☯ out of chaos⏳⌚🕰 often reason prevails 🤗 when the process of chaos to order is mis understood 2024 is chaos reality shows a light 💡 to follow however it is ignored the Yin ☯️ Yang is 1+1 = 3 The past European elections are a triangle two sides oppose each other's and the light 💡 is above President XI CHINA ⚖️🥠🫖 find the modern Confucius (孔子; pinyin: Kǒngzǐ; lit. 'Master Kong'; c. 551 – c. 479 BCE), born Kong Qiu (孔丘), send him to the UN EU WASHINGTON he will understand the triangle 🔽 of reality and fix the confusion 🔯 events give one side that is follow and the other side that is programed to give the conditioned response however the answer is above the two belligerents and it is show as the order comes out of chaos. Why is not perceive is another matter you can say Israel made a mistake 2024 years ago and 70 AD gave you and example to follow / ARTIST 🎶🩰🎨🖼️ world order to understand the vibrations of nature and the 🌊 wave 🪐 particle 🧭language in order to stablish a productive dialogue ❄️

Sunday, May 05, 2024

Richard D. Wolff Warns: 𝐈𝐒𝐑𝐀𝐄𝐋 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐌𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐃 Into Historic 𝗗𝗲𝗳𝗲𝗮𝘁

President Xi China /”🎨🖼️🎭 [Alfred Nobel 10 décembre 1896 ]1913/ 1917/1927/1947*Louis MOUNTBATTEN. WARNING. ☢️⚠️ INDIA PAKISTAN ISRAEL PALESTINE ⛽ “PETROL VENEZUELA” The Maracaibo oil field was discovered in 1914,[ The 1913 Plot was a petrol ⛽ scheme, once petrol was discovered to be usefully for industry & finances in the middle East America and the Venezuelan lake of Maracaibo. The first steep was the creation of Israel reason Petrol. By 1945 those that understood the realm and could act lasted until 1953 / Suez canal war /Korean war/ Venezuelan presidents ⛽⚠️ Perez Jimenez war/1963 Kennedy/ Romulo Bettencourt 1964 no different than 1967 6 DAY WAR ⛽🕎🤑 Viet Nam war all Petrol wars, from antisemitism to Al Queda all creations of the Petrol ⛽🤐🕎🤑 seven sisters if you like. 1989/ the return of the 1917 🕰️1927 believe ⛽☢️ the second war against Arab nations by the Washington cartel Today the Holocaust industry is bankrupt no longer works and you got Eye phone & YOU TUBE Facebook, the 1917 client states of Saudi kingdom Jordan Israel and the others are becoming irrelevant the 1974 Petrol dollar is useless and the dollar is dead FED DEBT civilization no longer exist welcome to the 21 centuries. Europe might get his Independence Day 🎶🩰“one of these days’ 🤔De Gaulle tried however difficult everyone that could help begun disappearing since 1953 1968. 😥 Now the chance is happening at last welcome to the future free EUROPE 🤔🏦🍷🍮is never too late 🥂⌛

Thursday, April 04, 2024

Alain Badiou: Du moderne au contemporain - L'art, ou la possibilité de l...

ART: 🎨🎭Art to have value in reality it has to touch reality to make itself real tangible, what the viewer perceives sees on the canvas is automatically synchronized to what the external world makes him experience feel sense and digest the colors images symbols on the canvas are what the objective world is on his actual tangible reality. ⚖️The trinity of reality are the viewer the canvas & tangible facts of reality that can be verified compare and synchronized with what is real felt & experience on the real world. The artist itself is a sort of magician 🪄and the canvas are portraits of 🔮Dorian gray on the trinity of facts 🎬“the viewer the canvas and the objective world. 🌍🌎🌏

Opening (documentaire français sur l'art contemporain)

Capitalisme 🙃🤔

ART: 🎨🎭Art to have value in reality it has to touch reality to make itself real tangible, what the viewer perceives sees on the canvas is automatically synchronized to what the external world makes him experience feel sense and digest the colors images symbols on the canvas are what the objective world is on his actual tangible reality. ⚖️The trinity of reality are the viewer the canvas & tangible facts of reality that can be verified compare and synchronized with what is real felt & experience on the real world. The artist itself is a sort of magician 🪄and the canvas are portraits of 🔮Dorian gray on the trinity of facts 🎬“the viewer the canvas and the objective world. 🌍🌎🌏

L'imposture de l'art contemporain - Passé-Présent n°307 - TVL

ART: 🎨🎭Art to have value in reality it has to touch reality to make itself real tangible, what the viewer perceives sees on the canvas is automatically synchronized to what the external world makes him experience feel sense and digest the colors images symbols on the canvas are what the objective world is on his actual tangible reality. ⚖️The trinity of reality are the viewer the canvas & tangible facts of reality that can be verified compare and synchronized with what is real felt & experience on the real world. The artist itself is a sort of magician 🪄and the canvas are portraits of 🔮Dorian gray on the trinity of facts 🎬“the viewer the canvas and the objective world. 🌍🌎🌏

L'art moderne est-il une arnaque ? | IDRISS ABERKANE

ART: 🎨🎭Art to have value in reality it has to touch reality to make itself real tangible, what the viewer perceives sees on the canvas is automatically synchronized to what the external world makes him experience feel sense and digest the colors images symbols on the canvas are what the objective world is on his actual tangible reality. ⚖️The trinity of reality are the viewer the canvas & tangible facts of reality that can be verified compare and synchronized with what is real felt & experience on the real world. The artist itself is a sort of magician 🪄and the canvas are portraits of 🔮Dorian gray on the trinity of facts 🎬“the viewer the canvas and the objective world. 🌍🌎🌏

L'art contemporain c'est de la propagande avant tout

ART: 🎨🎭Art to have value in reality it has to touch reality to make itself real tangible, what the viewer perceives sees on the canvas is automatically synchronized to what the external world makes him experience feel sense and digest the colors images symbols on the canvas are what the objective world is on his actual tangible reality. ⚖️The trinity of reality are the viewer the canvas & tangible facts of reality that can be verified compare and synchronized with what is real felt & experience on the real world. The artist itself is a sort of magician 🪄and the canvas are portraits of 🔮Dorian gray on the trinity of facts 🎬“the viewer the canvas and the objective world. 🌍🌎🌏

Friday, March 29, 2024

Col. Lawrence Wilkerson on Gaza, Ukraine, China and Taiwan, and Iran and...

 GAZA UKRAINE CHINA EUROPE Israel & the people, is a question of conditioning 📀🕎✝️🎶 / how are you going to reverse the conditioning since 1913 /1917/1939/1947. When you find the way, which is not difficult however what is complicated is the meeting of the minds and the problem is solved, however you need global media & governments cooperation one world reorganization united for one purpose, & collect all the world leaders & financiers wizards into one precise goal. if you like to rinse the mental intoxication of a very large population that was conditioning to believe & die for their believes. 1919/1917/1939/1947+1967+

Thursday, March 28, 2024


Ayn Rand : 👠💋💄💪Vous pouvez ignorer la réalité, mais vous ne pouvez pas ignorer les conséquences d'ignorer la réalité🤳pouvoir des femmes 👙📸

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Scott Ritter & Andrei Martyanov: Russia has Demilitarized NATO and Ukrai...

The real problem of the planet is 1776/1789/ FOUNDING🥸🏦 bankers revolution / good ☯️ bad / however the 1913 FED DEBT wars civilization is dead☠️, by recreating a Marshall plan version 1947 Israel, they have destroyed themselves as history does repeat itself not always the same way / and now ISRAEL is on its way to a 70 AD version 2024/2025. Europe on 1812 realm Napoleon ZALENSKI & the honorable guard 💂 hoping Goldman Sachs will byte the cash 🥸

Monday, March 04, 2024

Jordan Maxwell Interview Religion and The Truth About Trump

what might be possible is that the Gods did not create the ape men they just entered the body & mind of the primitive men ape as an energy particle wave form inside his mind as he evolved, he himself crafted his own image as a God, the ape men became an artist sculpted himself and slowly transformed the ape body into an ape God. however what might also be that these energy beings from up there did not remain permanently inside the body of those ape men that they chose to enter blend with mind & body as particle waves energy but rather came and went, probably Jesus was just a translator rather than a God figure he could have tried to understand their language and did what he could to have the ape men understand & perfection himself on his own without the help and intervention of the Elohim from up there, as the ape men perfection himself he believed he was a God himself no longer a decedent from his animal ape reality feeling he was a superior to the other animals and consequently to those that he considered inferior of himself, as some might say the chosen people believing he was 🤔🪡🧵

Saturday, March 02, 2024

Hezbollah Fire Rockets at Israeli Forces Illegally Occupying Syria's Gol...

finally, you understand the JANUS democracy two FACES ONE HEAD America is not a democracy republicans democrat is the same just a different face for the public all actors & bankers run the show with the media is just a freak show of insanity now is population reduction going wild in OCENANIA also in Europe from vaccines to medicines to food to water everything is polluted a sort of Soylent green realm 2024/ if you like / Americans have been brainwashed since 1913 Edward barneys'' tricks difficult to rinse out the brainwashing however is fading now since the 1776 bankers & industrialist democratic fake revolution is no loger working republics are outdated all over in Europe America north south all over . only a talking drum of propaganda take the opportunities as they arrive and act with precision more precisely the Washington mistakes are you starting point to invert the grip, they have on the global western mind is not arms that is needed but minds intelligence & perception a win with-out fighting. realm.

Monday, February 12, 2024

Putin Man of Peace or War? How Logic are His Objectives? Analyzing Tucke...

The Visigoths, led by Alaric, sacked Rome in 410 CE// ⚖️⚔️🛡️ AIPAC Hollywood Roman Empire & the cause of 70 AD ISRAEL Washington EU/ version 2024/2025*🤔♑♏ Washington current elites are obsolete, outdated mindless from Jewish billionaires to world bank to wall street dollar Queen. Julious Ceasar chosen for a job them dispose of and back where he came from. However, remember Before any ELITES are replaced you must have those that are going to replace the OBSOLITE current Elites.  Marcus Aurelio's chosen for the golden age .. Out of the many there must be at least some valuable minds "I hope so" with intelligence, however you have to discern & find them. Before any change forget Trump Democracy Black Rock & corporate wizards. Intelligence, honesty, integrity & lots of wisdom. The corporate of retards are no longer useful they are a danger to the human species & NATURE 🏞 🍁🍀🌱💐🪐🌎🌍🥐🥨🤔

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Biden REJETTE l'offre de négociation de Poutine. Les néocons FURIEUX apr...

Ukraine problem is 1492 Washington believing that it never existed therefore Washington believes exist since 2941 😶‍🌫️reason why space time is all on a satellite 🛰 social media time ⌚ space/ how will Russia & China make understand Washington that 1492 did exist and Columbus discovered America not china neither Russia that English is a Saxon >Norman language it was not created in west virginia  🍁 that canada loves maple syrup      🍁🐦‍⬛. The fault of all these misconceptions of reality are the fault of Britain and the European Union current Elites misleading that credit Washington views that they are in 2941 and as a consequence the white European house🏡 in, Washington DC supports the economical riddle of industry quantity profits and insane laws that they believe is progress 😶‍🌫️ as quantity destroys quality  🦅  the world population is invaded by  psychological mental organic viruses creating life treatening problems a climate that is destroying the EU as well the rest of the world an upside-down economy destroying accredited  📸📺  media social media manufacturing fiction & forcing the public to believe that fantast is reality  corrupting the minds of new born, 👼 adults and elderly that is a fantasy is better than reality when you exist on world where the master is insane and the slave a victim of his own chains⛓️🐕‍🦺🐑

Monday, January 29, 2024

Israel's Far Right Ministers Dance & Warn Palestinians To Leave Gaza, Te...

Washington ** CHINA Russia triangle of peace / Why do you think there were only 4 Inteligent Roman Emperors / only one Moses only one Jesus ✝️  only one 1066 Montfort was already playing around until Simon de Montford 1290 parliament🛡️⚔️. Do you people think was just by accident? 🤔 Julious Ceasar came and went as 70 AD. 🤔 same as the eagle 🦅 the snake 🐍/ The Amazone Oxygen 🌎   the merchants of Venice ⛪🏛️🕎💐☯️☸️🏝️

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Macron’s dangerous escalation with Russia

Dominique de Villepin - Internationales - 27 janvier 2024

Idefix: The current European realm “Borgia” Pope Callixtus III in 1455 as a compromise candidate and reigned as Pope for just three years, until his death in 1458.  on a merchant of Venice realm Jewish Christian economical alliance, corruption goes from the Vatican to Washington via London & Berlin a fix idea of merchant usury bankers & charity sitting on the 4 legs of the chair of power, politicizes laws, industry, Religion, media communication sciences & education. The occidental west is a Swamp full of corrupted worms. To dismantle it no action is required perception arts & philosophy are the way to free the mind of the enslaved west and blend it with the revolutionary east for the evolution of men with Eve on paradise. 💐🍀🍁🎨🖼️🩰🎶