Thursday, March 31, 2011


Interesting moments as what reality brings comes as a surprise as the time leaps from hopes of freedom to a newer repression. A democratic illusion that seems will not achieve its end.
On the other hand, the actions of Khadafy are very murky he acts stupid, but he is not a stupid man.
He is in bed with the coalition or he has just created another 9/11 on the African front.
By this I mean he planned and hoped that the USA and NATO will invade, them public opinion will somehow become what it is becoming. By this action, he has disrupted the greedy nations that are behind his oil, but he has as well created a sense of mistrust. NATO leaders will become confuse EUROPE even more and the US president on a ditch he will not understand. To me it looks as the logical feat; as the Libyan action can in fact kicks Europe out of its reasonable boundaries, incite an internal civil war between Muslims and Christians in Europe. Israel will go mad as uncertainty increases and the USA of America will collapse eventually, due to his economic problems insane wars and economic injustice, the end will be total domination of Islam over Europe and North America.

in reference to: Obama and the Libyan Rebellion (view on Google Sidewiki)

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