Tuesday, February 05, 2013

The End of Europe ~ Stefan Molyneux « artslogic

The End of Europe ~ Stefan Molyneux « artslogic

the FMI, the world bank and the fed are institutions that function like the Marshall plan after WW II. today technology has change the tune, for Google, for the FMI and for the FED. the old logic is obsolete and will never work, neither in Europe america or anywhere else.  money is nonexistent what does exist is the products you purchase with that money. however it is the FMI, world bank and the FED, that impose a Marshall plan to citizens worldwide, this plan works via investors which as the logic of 1945 goes, they invest to get a profit, which is money. sense we know money is an illusion it is what money obtain that is real. therefore a worker for Renault makes cars while the investor gets money. the real value is the car but it is the investor that profits from it not the worker. technology is directed now in benefit of the investor not the worker, however it can be turn around and benefit the worker and a - % to the investor. giving value to a healthy life is the way to change the investors greed and the workers enslavement. as Europe today is more an slave-land than a sophisticated advance realm. all this enslavement is because of the logic use by the FMI, world-bank, and the FED. wall-street is just the changing floor, traders are the MAD dogs of the trading floor, as they as well believe on the money that they get but remain slaves unfortunately. this enslavement exist because of unhappiness  as the only happiness you get is the one provided by money. the result is a mad society, were there is none that saves itself from this crazy mayhem. money becomes the key to elites that escape the masses of insane citizens and refuge themselves among themselves on desert islands like moustique or other places. however the minds are not any better than those of the slave, these elites as well as those workers all suffer from haplessness real pleasure and well being, as the FMI, world bank  FED scheme has destroy well being, and replaced with greed, insanity, crimes and stupidity. therefore existence has become a battle for survival not of intelligent beings but of primitive beast. reason why today you are discovering huge animals under the sea, they are a remainder of what humans have become and how they will be in the coming future.
alfredo bremont N