Friday, March 08, 2013

» Hugo Chavez may be dead, but the great cancer of socialism continues to spread Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind! « artslogic

» Hugo Chavez may be dead, but the great cancer of socialism continues to spread Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind! « artslogic

mike Adams mind reflects were minds are today, he describe Chavez as a dictator while Obama acts on a similar fashion therefore describing Chavez he describes the american congress and Washington  however on his mind is talking about Chavez. you might say he loves THE FED, THE IMF and Goldman Sacks, but on the other hand he claims the opposite. as Alex Jones claim 1776, big brother is here "prison planet" true the planet is a prison, and Americans, will be killed by their own government, socialism is coming to america the end of private property.   banks rule the planet all that is real. however, the rhetoric does not mention solutions neither describes the root of the problem, but rather creates a paradox, we love OBAMA, we hate OBAMA simultaneously, we are with the 99% and we are against it, we worship the 01% and we hate it; simultaneously. paradoxical desires and solutions;  the military does the same, the financial system acts likewise, the government behaves on similar fashion, and private lives of humans look as if they are following the same trend. the question is, where these  schizophrenic paradoxical impulses originates from. as this makes planet earth a laboratory, and humans as rats on an  a labyrinth. rats are instinctive however they are unable to reason why they are caught on a cage and moreover communicate with the scientist that is using them for an experiment. a monkey with some electrodes on his brain is unable to express his discontent and abuse to the scientist that had planted the electrodes on his brain. likewise in this case humans are unable to complain, because they ignore what they got on their own brains that makes them behave as they do.
this kind of technology is not from the Illuminati  neither Rothschild bankers, or Plato's cave.. it looks a lot more sophisticated than that. world leaders got it all wrong, however what looks like it is not them but the lack of understanding, what is preventing them to perceive properly, what is blinding them, as what is directing mike Adams mind to behave the way he does. that is the question to ask.