Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Venezuela\’s oil future a \’shambles\’ after Chavez – Business 360 – Blogs « artslogic

Venezuela\’s oil future a \’shambles\’ after Chavez – Business 360 – Blogs « artslogic
best reason to drop the US $ And the cripple £, form a bank with the BRIC nations, stop using dollars worldwide it is toilet paperer bogus currency! forget wall-street, it is a useless market it is not even a market but a printing machine of bogus money, leave the OPEC form anew petrodollars ditch the current petrodollars, by bankrupting america Venezuela can save the american citizens from the current fascist regime of Washington, act now. think, calculate, US BONDS are zero, in fact useless, the $ is useless, electronic scam. reason why qatar, Saudi Arabia are buying Europe like crazy to get those useless dollars in solid assets, the ill advice economist in should wake up  (IN FRANCE)  which do not have any knowledge of the actual realm of the economy. the BREN 25 % silver is the last chance, as after Cyprus is Greece, Belgian, Luxembourger, them Spain and ITALY. and the unavoidable end of the euro. there is no way out, FMI, IMF,  world bank, depend on the FED printing machine. remember Breton woods, and the end of GOLD as equilibrium of world currencies.. analyse it inquire be wise . a south american union with a new petrol BREN 25% silver is the only solution until them suffer and austerity will be your daily existence. reflect North Korea is in fact a false flag to veil the toilet paper dollar $ currency.