Monday, June 24, 2013

WATCH: This Car Could've given Edward Snowden A Ride on Seeking Asylum in Ecuador

WATCH: This Car Could've given Edward Snowden A Ride on Seeking Asylum in Ecuador:

'via Blog this'
this interview shows how media manipulates minds, just by the way they present the issue, words such "anti-american" for example is a word directed to the citizens to the population, in order to program them to a reaction (anti-american) which indicates that the subconscious should become (anti-Equator) therefore rather than explaining that this is an internal government issue the sky news promotes it as a citizens issue.  in other words sky -news embedded patriotism, which is close related to unrest and racism. (we "Americans" will defend our rights dictated by sky-news) however the plot is to inflame citizens as between governments there is no war they are to few for any argument, wars are done by the citizens, never by generals CEO, or governments. soldiers die not presidents or bankers CEO etc. therefore the objective of Orwellian propaganda are the citizens.. this is achieve via internal contacts in Venezuela Probably Capriles, in Cuba the rhetoric of communism, human rights and all the BS.. and democracy and so on.