Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Sheikh Imran Hosein - L'attaque sioniste contre la Syrie - 25 mars 2013

the british empire exist long before 1600. william of Orange realm., today we are back to William the conqueror times, "1010" as is the way to correct the William of Orange, deviations, they were not a mistake, but now they are no longer needed.. this is capitalism, john locke, adam smith, darwinian logic applied to economics, etc. derivatives etc, that was not a mistake but today is no longer needed. the british left the ME because they knew it will be a mess, 1947! and only them the arab nations will understand that a UK rule is better than a israeli us rule. and they have prove it.  so pax britannica has never gone away it exist now worldwide is call the english language, which is the worlds language..