Thursday, February 27, 2014

Tim Rifat : Ukraine Crisis Lurching Toward WW3 | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG

Tim Rifat : Ukraine Crisis Lurching Toward WW3 | THE FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON BLOG:

impeach Obama now and problem solve and kick out all members of congress, that is the road to peace, is all you got to do. Ask Lyndon la ruche,and the IMF, this is an IMF war not a war of principles there are no principles on the american  self dictatorial regime, just money... ask the bankers that commit suicide; they know it well.. however mr Putin proxy wars demand proxy response, so my advice is nuke the Saudi kingdom, collapse all those oilfields them the war is over petrols goes sky high at least 500 euros a barrel, china will benefit russia will benefit, iran will benefit. in fact nuking israel is useless, is nothing there besides sand.

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