Wednesday, February 05, 2014

U.N. panel criticizes Vatican for ‘systematically’ covering up sexual abuse - NY Daily News

U.N. panel criticizes Vatican for ‘systematically’ covering up sexual abuse - NY Daily News

human rights propaganda, and media BS: Vatican should investigate the UN and the Israeli mess, genocide, murder, crimes, money laundering, the UN is even worse that Attila the HUNT, so when they begun to act as civilize folks this UN bunch of nothing them they can have A say until them the UN is just a joke, act on Palestine, Iraq,Afghanistan viet-nam,Syria,Iran..  and be honest to yourself, not to the main media, and their  hypocritical demands................ show the example them you can be credible. until them all the UN say's is BS, and always will be. and it is not anti-Semitic to ask for the truth either, help yourself to be humans and honest folks and find who you people are in fact. as it looks you folks are something else.